Google Spreadsheets now lets users create functions that continuously query for information, like pulling real-time stock quotes from a company's stock symbol. Users can also complete lists using Google Sets. For example, if you know the first ten states in the US, Google Spreadsheets will help you fill in the other 40 states. Google Spreadsheets also now supports new text formats, like strikethrough.
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Google Spreadsheets now lets users create functions that continuously query for information, like pulling real-time stock quotes from a company's stock symbol. Users can also complete lists using Google Sets. For example, if you know the first ten states in the US, Google Spreadsheets will help you fill in the other 40 states. Google Spreadsheets also now supports new text formats, like strikethrough.
Editions impacted:Standard, Premier, Education and Partner Editions
Languages impacted:US English
How to access what's new:Sign in to Google Docs, open a spreadsheet, and click the 'Formulas' tab, click 'more»' and then select the 'Google' category of formulas to use one of the new formulas. To complete a list with Google Sets, select the first few elements of your list, click and hold the blue selection box handle, and drag to the size of your full list, holding Ctrl (Windows and Linux) or Option (Mac) while you click and drag.
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