Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Google Groups for Business added to Google Takeout

Google Takeout allows people with Google accounts to backup and download their data. Takeout creates an archive of data from one’s Google products that can be used to migrate to another solution. Takeout is already integrated with several Google services―such as Gmail, Drive, and Calendar―and we’re now integrating Google Groups for Business.

The addition of Groups for Business to Takeout will allow group owners to download a JSON file containing a list of member email addresses for each group that they own when using the Takeout service. This includes any groups created in the Admin console as well as those created in Google Groups for Business.

For Google Apps admins, the Takeout service can be enabled or disabled in the Admin console at: Apps > Additional Google Services (Note: if Google Takeout is not listed, click on the filter icon and uncheck ‘Show top featured services’). 

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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