Monday, December 11, 2017

Shutting down classic Google Calendar Interop tool on February 28, 2018

In July 2017, we announced the release of the new version of the Calendar Interop tool, which allows for better coexistence between G Suite and Microsoft Exchange, including Office 365, environments. 

This new version of Calendar Interop provides the following benefits:

  • Real-time availability lookups between G Suite and Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 within the same organization on both mobile and web.
  • A new interoperability troubleshooting tool that allows administrators to understand the status of the setup with one click.
  • Use Google Calendar Find A Time on the web, Android, and iOS to find the best meeting time for all attendees.
  • Interoperability-related logs in the reporting section in Admin console so that admins can track interoperability-related successes and failures for each user.
As we continue to provide more features for the new Calendar Interop tool, we will be shutting down the classic version of Calendar Interop on February 28, 2018. Organizations that have previously configured the classic version of the Calendar Interop tool must switch to the new version of Calendar Interop by this date. If not, their existing Calendar Interop functionality will stop working and their users will not be able to look up availability information for any users within their Exchange deployment.

To make this switch easier, we have prepared the following detailed instructions in the Help Center: Move from the classic tool to new Calendar Interop.

With the transition to the new Calendar Interop tool, you and your users will experience a better coexistence across G Suite and Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 environments.

Launch Details
All end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Move from the classic tool to new Calendar Interop
G Suite Updates: Improvements to Google Calendar Interop for Microsoft Exchange, with real time data, logging, and simpler setup

Launch release calendar
Launch detail categories
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