We’re giving G Suite admins more visibility into which computers are being used to access their corporate data and apps through a new feature called “Endpoint Verification.”
Endpoint Verification collects information via Chrome extensions and native apps on users’ devices, and displays that information to admins in a new report in the Admin console. It’s a lightweight and easy solution for desktop and laptop device reporting, and we hope this visibility empowers admins to maintain a strong security posture for their organization.
Endpoint Verification report provides desktop device information Endpoint Verification adds a new view in the Admin console. Once it is set up on user devices (see below), admins will be able to see:
- An inventory of desktop and laptop devices within the enterprise that access corporate data.
- Device information including screen lock, disk encryption, and OS version.
To see the report, open the Admin console and visit
Device management > Endpoint Verification.
| Information available in the Admin console when Endpoint Verification is enabled |
How to deploy Endpoint Verification in your organization Endpoint Verification is available for ChromeOS, macOS, and Windows devices. It requires a Chrome extension to be installed. On Windows and MacOS devices, it also needs a native app which works with the extension. Extensions and apps can be installed by users individually or deployed centrally. See our Help Center article for admins to see details on
how to deploy Endpoint Verification.
End user experience of Endpoint Verification When the Endpoint Verification extension is installed on a user’s device, there will be a notification shown to users (see image below). The user will have to click “Agree” before data from their device is shown in the admin’s Endpoint Verification report. If the user does not click “Agree,” information about that device will not be shown. The user Help Center has information about
Endpoint Verification and user devices.
Endpoint Verification notification shown to users when the extension first runs |
Launch Details Release track: Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release
Editions: Available to all G Suite Editions
Rollout pace: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)
Impact: Admins and end users
Action: Admin action suggested
More Information Admin Help Center: Monitor your Chrome users' computers End User Help Center: Allow an admin to monitor your computerLaunch release calendarLaunch detail categoriesGet these product update alerts by emailSubscribe to the RSS feed of these updates