Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New 2-Step Verification options for G Suite accounts

What’s changing 

We’re updating how 2-Step Verification works for G Suite. This will make new 2-Step Verification methods available for some devices, and update the 2-Step Verification user interface on mobile and desktop devices. There are three key impacts:

  • New 2-Step Verification interfaces 
  • Different screens on different browsers (Safari, Edge, etc.) 
  • Expanded Bluetooth security key support 

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

We hope that these updates make 2-Step Verification easier to use. 2-Step Verification puts an extra barrier between your business and cybercriminals who want to access business data. Turning on 2-Step Verification is the single most important thing you can do to make your accounts more secure and protect your business.

How to get started 

Additional details 

New 2-Step Verification interfaces: You may see new illustrations, text, and instructions in the images, dialogs in the 2-Step Verification flows when using a bluetooth or usb security key. See images below for examples of the types of changes.

Different screens on different browsers: You may see different flows on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and other browsers. Previously the service provider (Google) was responsible for showing these dialogs. Now the web browser is responsible. As a result, the flow may be different on each browser.

Expanded Bluetooth security key support: Bluetooth key support can now be enabled through a flag on each device. To enable this flag, users can go to chrome://flags/#enable-web-authentication-ble-support and select Enabled. Note that this is an experimental feature so performance is not guaranteed.

The new 2-Step Verification screen on Google Chrome browser 

The old 2-Step Verification screen 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Protect your business with 2-Step Verification


Rollout details 

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
The updated user interface will be ON by default.

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