Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Switch to a blank screen and set advanced time options for presentations in Google Slides

Update (September 12, 2019): The looping and auto advance time features have resumed rollout for Rapid domains. For Scheduled domains, a full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) will begin on September 30, 2019.


Update (August 28, 2019): We have encountered an unexpected issue with the looping and auto advance time features. We’ve paused rollout for those specific features and will advise on updated rollout details for Rapid and Scheduled domains as soon as they’re available.

Quick launch summary 

We’re adding two new features in Slides Present mode to help you better control and customize your presentations:

Keyboard shortcuts to switch to a blank screen 
Using new keyboard shortcuts, you’ll now be able to change to an all white or black screen while presenting. This can be helpful when you want to pause a presentation to answer a question or further a discussion without any material on screen.

While presenting, press “B” to turn your screen black or “W” to turn your screen white. You can resume presenting by using any other keyboard or mouse action. To see more keyboard shortcuts for Google Slides, see this article in our Help Center.

Looping and auto advance time options for presentations 
New options allow you to set auto advance time in present mode and presentation looping. You can access these options by clicking Settings (gear icon) in the presentation navigation bar. Your settings will be applied once you hit play and begin your presentation.

With these settings, you can easily set your presentation to loop, which is useful when presenting at a conference or for displaying information on a kiosk. To learn more about presenting in Slides, see our Help Center.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 
  • These features will be ON by default. 

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