Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Add comments and save filter views in the alert center

What’s changing 

We’re making some updates to the alert center for G Suite. Admins with alert center privileges can now:

  • Leave comments on alerts. This can make it easier to collaborate during investigations and keep a record of investigation and resolution actions for an alert. 
  • Use saved filters. This can help you quickly return to specific views without applying several individual filters each session. 

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

These new features and other recent alert center updates make it easier to find important alerts and work with colleagues to mitigate risk. By leaving comments you and your colleagues can more easily collaborate on investigations. The comments can also serve as a record of actions taken on alerts, making it easy to remember what happened.Additionally, saved filters will help personalize your experience so you can more quickly focus on alerts specific to your job function. For example, if you’re focused specifically on phishing and malware, you can save a filter to only see Gmail-related alerts.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Leave comments to collaborate better 
You can now leave comments on alerts. When you leave a comment, it will appear in the ‘Alert history’ section when you look at an alert, and can be viewed by any other admin with access to the alert. This can help you keep track of any actions taken on the alert, and can make it easier for team members to collaborate to investigate and remediate alerts. Note that comments can be deleted, but only by the user that left the comment.

You can leave comments in the Alert history section of an alert 

Use saved filters to personalize the alert center 
If you have filters that you use regularly (for example, you may regularly filter for “High severity” alerts which have an “In Progress” status), you can now save these filters so you can get back to them quickly. Filters saved will be individual to each user, but you can share the URL once the filter is applied so colleagues can see the same view.

Saved filters help you quickly access common filter views in the alert center 

Helpful links 

Help Center: About the alert center 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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