We are rolling out a new version of the Google bar for Google Apps users. This is designed to be simpler and more consistent with Android and Chrome OS. It includes notifications, a Google+ share box (if Google+ is enabled), and a new App Launcher with links to other Google products.

Google Apps users will have easy access to all the Google Enterprise products they care about. Google services that are not enabled will not be shown in the App Launcher. Marketplace apps will be listed under the More section in the App Launcher.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Customers using Google Apps Vault can now activate the new Hangouts in the Admin console. An amendment has been added in the Admin console that allows you to activate the new Hangouts on acceptance of the terms. This amendment outlines the change in Vault functionality that will exist until we complete the roll out of full compatibility. You will still have eDiscovery and legal-hold capabilities for your on-the-record/history-on chats, but the retention-purge function will not be available. To agree to the amendment, please log into the Admin console, go to Apps, click on Talk/Hangouts, go to Advanced Settings, and click “Enable Hangouts”.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business and Education

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We are making it easier to share Docs, Slides and Drawings with people who don’t have a Google Account. As a result of this change, files shared outside your domain to an email address not linked to an existing Google Account can be viewed without having to sign in or create a new Google Account. If a file is shared with edit or comment permissions, the recieving user must still sign in with a Google Account in order to edit or comment on that file.

When a user directly shares with individuals who do not have Google Accounts, those recipients will be able to view the file without signing in. Because no sign in is required, anyone may view the file with this sharing link until the person who the file was explicitly shared with creates a Google Account and expends the invitation. Once the person creates a Google Account two things happen: (1) the sharing link will no longer work for new users to access the file and the sharing dialog will indicate that the invitation has been used; (2) any user who accessed the file using the sharing link while it was open and signed in using their Google Account will be added to the sharing access list for that file and will continue to have access. Users with permissions to change sharing settings can revoke this access if desired.

Google Apps admins can prevent this behavior by disabling sharing outside the domain to people who are not using a Google Account via a setting in the Admin console.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release
This change is rolling out slowly to Rapid Release users starting today, once this rollout is complete, we will begin a slow rollout to Scheduled Release domains

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We have added a few new features to the Admin SDK Reports API to let you more easily visualize Google Apps' usage and security in your domain. These new features include:

Security Reports
Login audit: View all web browser based logins with IP information for all users in your domain. You can use this data to monitor all successful, failed, and suspicious logins in your domain.
Authorized applications: View a list of third-party applications that users in your domain have shared data with. Gain visibility into how many users are accessing each application. Revoke access to specific apps using the security tab on Admin console.

Usage Reports
Storage quota: View user-level quota usage. This is available both as total usage and split by Gmail, Drive and Google+ photos for every user in the domain. Monitor which users are nearing their quota limits and acquire more storage if necessary.
Google+ usage: View 1-day, 7-day and 30-day active Google+ usage in your domain. See the number of Hangouts attended by users in your domain.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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