This announcement was made at Google Cloud Next ‘19 in San Francisco. Check out Next OnAir to tune into the livestream or watch session recordings following the event.

What’s changing 

We’re launching a beta program to make it easier to assess your organization’s exposure to security issues and collaborate with colleagues to remediate them. The beta will add features to the G Suite security center which help you:

  • Save and share investigations in the security investigation tool 
  • Create rules within the security center to perform automated actions 

Find out more and sign up for the new security center beta here.

This beta will also allow you to send notifications to the alert center, where teams of admins and analysts can work together to take ownership of alerts and update status as they work through security investigations. For more information on the latest updates to the alert center, see this announcement.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

The G Suite security center already helps you protect your organization with security analytics and best practice recommendations from Google. It provides a unified security dashboard, a tool to investigate and remediate threats, and more. These features in the beta will make it easier to assess and manage threats by adding automated actions, improved tracking, and more to help your whole team understand and improve your security posture.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Save and share investigations 
We want to make sure admins are able to work together and collaborate to assess their organization’s exposure to security issues. With this beta launch, admins can now save their investigations in the security investigation tool and share them with other admins to improve collaboration.

Create rules and set up automated actions and alerts 
Admins can also create automated rules to perform remediative actions or send notifications to the alert center, where teams of admins and analysts can work together to take ownership of alerts and update status as they work through security investigations.

Helpful links 


G Suite editions 
Available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Cloud Identity Premium.
Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits.

On/off by default? 
This will be OFF by default and only available to domains that sign up for the beta.

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