Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap - April 21, 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
New updates
There are no new updates to share this week. Please see below for a recap of published announcements.
Previous announcements
The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.
More ways to work with and analyze BigQuery data using Connected Sheets
We’re adding several new features that will give you more ways to work with, display, and organize your BigQuery data when using Connected Sheets. | Learn more.
Use Google Maps in the quick access side panel
You can now use Google Maps in the quick access side panel. With Maps in the side panel, you’ll be able to see more information without switching contexts or using multiple tabs. | Learn more.
Reminder: Website creation in classic Google Sites will no longer be available starting May 15, 2021
Starting May 15, 2021, users will no longer be able to create new websites in classic Google Sites. We recommend that you turn off site creation in classic Sites for your domain before May 15, 2021. | Learn more. | See more details on the classic Sites to new Sites migration timeline.
Google Meet now gives you more space for content and control over layouts for a more flexible experience.
Inspired by your feedback, we’re rolling out a refreshed Google Meet desktop/laptop experience with updates to video feeds, the viewing and presenting experience, and the bottom bar. | Learn more.
Use Virtual Private Cloud Service Controls to create security perimeters around Google Cloud Search data
We’re introducing support for Virtual Private Cloud Service Controls (VPC-SC) for Google Cloud Search. You can use these controls to define a service perimeter around Google Cloud Search resources and create policies to grant access based on contextual attributes. | Learn more.
Control your data usage and improve device performance with new data saver setting for Google Meet on mobile
You can now limit Google Meet data usage on Android and iOS mobile devices. When enabled, this will help to limit data use, conserve data on your mobile plan, conserve battery power, and lower the demand on your phone’s CPU. | Learn more.
For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).