Google for Education transformation reports window open, available worldwide
Monday, May 3, 2021
What’s changing
Google for Education transformation reports are available for K-12 Google Workspace for Education customers worldwide, at no additional cost. Note: transformation reports are only available in English only at this time.
The next reporting window is open as of May 3, 2021. See below for more information on generating your transformation report.
Who’s impacted
Why you’d use it
The transformation report is a free tool designed to help quantify your organization’s Google for Education implementation across our products and programs. Semester-based reports track usage trends over time and make it easy to understand how your organization is using Google Workspace for Education, Chromebooks, and progressing through Certification programs.
Based on usage information and survey responses, you’ll receive tailored recommendations and resources from Google for Education to help you drive more impact across your organization.
See here for more information about Google for Education transformation reports, as well as a list of frequently asked questions.
Getting started
- Admins: Google Workspace for Education super admins must log in to the transformation report tool between May 3rd and May 21st to ensure a report will be available on June 2, 2021. Within the tool, we strongly recommend Admins:
- Update their settings, specifically their student enrollment and faculty count.
- Customize the product reporting windows — we recommend selecting two 12-week periods of time, current and previous, to display product data.
- Take and share Transformation Survey:
- If you log in within that time frame, but don’t take or share the survey, you’ll still receive a report—it will simply lack a valuable section of survey data, recommended next steps, and resources.
- See our FAQs for recommendations on who to share the survey with and this email template when sharing with your leadership team.
- On June 2, 2021, log in to to access your custom transformation report
- End users: No action required.
Rollout pace
- Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Transformation reports are available now for all users.
- Available to K-12 Google Workspace Education Fundamentals and Education Plus customers
- Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Frontline, and Nonprofits, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers