Export search results to .CSV files from the security investigation tool
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Quick summary
In addition to a Google Sheets file, admins can now download log event data from the security investigation tool to as a .CSV file. This will allow admins to further analyze data outside of the tool. The export limit for .CSV files is 100,000 rows.
Note: Sharing permissions for exported Sheets files will default to your domain configuration (meaning, if newly created files are shared with everyone, the exported data will be available to everyone).
Getting started
- Admins: Visit the Help Center to learn more about exporting search results from the security investigation tool.
- End users: There is no end user impact.
Rollout pace
- Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 15, 2022
- Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as legacy G Suite Basic and Business customers