What’s changing

In order to help you find more accurate and customized search suggestions and results, we’re introducing three features that improve the Google Chat and Gmail search experience on web and mobile:
  • Search suggestions: Search-query suggestions based on your past search history in Chat will now appear as you type in the Chat search bar. This will help you quickly recall important messages, files, and more on mobile. 
  • Gmail labels: You can now search messages under a specific Gmail label in the app to return results only within that label. You can also use search chips in the Gmail search bar to refine label searches. 
  • Related results: For Gmail search-queries that return no results, related results will be shown to improve the overall search experience. 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 

Search suggestions: 
  • This feature is now available on Android and iOS devices
Gmail labels: 
  • This feature is now available on Android and iOS devices 
Related results: 
  • This feature is now available on web 


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as legacy G Suite Basic and Business customers 
  • Available to users with personal Google Accounts 

