[Update - October 12, 2023]: Please refer to this post for an updated timeline and more information regarding this change.

What’s changing 

We’re updating the functionality for delegated users to manage contact labels on behalf of their delegator via contacts.google.com. While this functionality was previously available in Gmail, they can now be managed directly at the source: Contacts. This will happen in two phases: 

Beginning this month, delegators will be prompted to review and re-approve access for their existing delegates. If existing delegates are not re-approved before July 2023, they will lose access to manage contacts. See below for guidance.

Additionally, Admins can make these adjustments for users in their domain using the Admin SDK API to remove and re-add the contacts delegate privilege.

Beginning July 2023,  all users who have been approved or assigned as Contacts delegates will be able to update labels and manage Other contacts.  

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why it’s important

For many of our customers, administrative support for managing inboxes is business critical — this includes making sure that contacts are properly sorted and labeled. 

Getting started

Rollout pace


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers
