Updates for managed iOS devices with the release of Chrome 121
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
What’s changing
In the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing several improvements to Chrome-on-iOS that will help admins more seamlessly apply policies and preferences across their users’ managed devices. This launch will align with the planned release of Chrome 121. Specifically, these improvements are:
- Cross-device policy application: Whether it’s a company-owned or personal device, Chrome User Policies can be applied when a user signs into the Chrome browser with their managed account. This ensures a consistent and secure browsing experience across all devices.
- Management notice for end-users: Managed end-users will begin seeing a management notice, informing them that their organization manages the account they are signing into. This transparency not only fosters trust but also keeps users informed about the security measures in place to protect their data.
- Admin console integration: Admins can easily activate this functionality through the Admin console under the "Chrome on iOS" Browser setting. This centralized control allows admins to tailor policies to meet the specific needs of their organization, ensuring a customized and secure browsing environment for all users.
Getting started
- Admins: In the Admin console, navigate to Chrome browser > Settings > Chrome on iOS to start applying policies and preferences. Visit the Help Center to learn more about setting Chrome policies for users or browsers.
- End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about how your iOS device is managed.
We’ll remind you that your account is managed upon login and when you’re logged in.
Rollout pace
End user notifications
- Rapid and Scheduled release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) beginning on February 6, 2024
Admin console integration
- Rapid and Scheduled release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) beginning February 12, 2024
- Available to all Chrome Browser Cloud Management and Google Workspace customers