What’s changing

Starting May 30, 2024, the Calendar API will distinguish events created from Gmail. New and existing events from Gmail that are scheduled for a future date will:

  • Appear with a new event Type “fromGmail” instead of “default”.
  • Include the email recipient as the organizer instead of “unknownorganizer@calendar.google.com”.
  • New “fromGmail” filters for both Events.list and Events.watch will be available.
In Google Calendar clients events from email may be rendered slightly differently to regular events and show a link back to the original email:

Google Calendar limits edits for events from email:

Additional details

If you’re using the Calendar API, we recommend the following to help avoid any disruptions in your applications:
  • Ensure that your code does not apply restricted updates to events with the type “fromGmail”.
    • Temporarily, updates on events with the type “fromGmail” are restricted to the properties reminders, colorId, visibility, status, and extendedProperties. Stay tuned to the Workspace updates blog for more information.
    • Review your code if it filters by eventType for Events.list or Events.watch. Filtering by eventType “default” will no longer return events extracted from emails.

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