Google Meet now supports high definition video for meeting recording and devices
Friday, June 14, 2024
What’s changing
Full HD video content is now available for recorded meetings
For recorded meetings in Google Meet, we’re increasing the maximum resolution for the speaker’s video feed from 720p to 1080p. Meet already supports 1080p recordings for presented content — together, these enhancements increase viewing quality of meeting recordings.
Sending full HD video is now available on all computers with 1080p cameras
We’re also pleased to announce that 1080p video resolution is now available on all computers with a 1080p capable camera. 1080p resolution is off by default and requires the user to opt-in via the settings menu.
Note that 1080p is only sent when recording is enabled or when one or more users have pinned the 1080p-enabled user on a screen large enough to render the 1080p video feed. In those specific scenarios, additional bandwidth will be required to send 1080p video, and Meet will automatically adjust the resolution if the device is bandwidth constrained.
Getting started
- Admins:
- Video content and screen shared content in meeting recordings will be in 1080p by default. Visit the Help Center to learn more about turning Meet recording on or off for your organization.
- Note that there is no admin control for sending 1080p video. It is off by default and requires the user to opt-in.
- End users:
- If enabled by your admin, use this Help Center article to learn more about meeting recordings and who can record meetings.
- To enable sending 1080p video, visit the Help Center to learn more about how to change your camera resolution.
Rollout pace
- Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 14, 2024
Full HD video for meeting recordings:
- Available for Google Workspace:
- Business Standard and Plus
- Enterprise Essentials and Essentials Plus
- Enterprise Starter, Standard, and Plus
- Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade
Sending Full HD video on computers with 1080p cameras:
Available for Google Workspace
- Business Standard and Plus
- Enterprise Starter, Standard, and Plus
- Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade
- Enterprise Essentials and Essentials Plus
- Google One subscribers with 2TB or more storage space