New updates 

There are no new updates to share this week. Please see below for a recap of published announcements. 

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Generate vocabulary lists using Gemini in Google Classroom
In continuing our efforts to ensure AI helps educators save time, create captivating learning experiences, and inspire creativity, we’re introducing a new way to generate vocabulary lists with the help of Gemini. | Learn more about Gemini vocab lists in Classoom. 

Introducing the ability to ‘grade all’ in Google Classroom
To further improve upon grading options for teachers and give them the ability to perform bulk grading, we’re introducing ‘grade all’. With this new feature, teachers can quickly and efficiently grade all students' work on the Gradebook page by selecting ‘grade all’. | Learn more about grade all in Classroom. 

New Chrome Browser Profile Reporting for Workspace users available in the Admin console
For Google Workspace customers with Chrome Enterprise Core, we’re pleased to introduce a new Chrome browser profile list and reporting features for signed-in Google Workspace users. | Learn more about Chrome Browser Profile Reporting. 

The best of Google AI, now included in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans
This week, we announced that we’re including the best of Google AI in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans without the need to purchase an add-on. | Learn more about Google AI in Workspace. 

Configure Google Meet hardware devices to trust private certificates 
You can now use private CAs to securely connect your Google Meet hardware with a third-party room control system's UCI. | Learn more about configuring Google Meet hardware devices. 

See phonics-based performance insights for decodable books in Google Classroom 
To improve upon the current analytics dashboard experience and provide teachers with phonics-based performance insights for decodable books, we’re adding a new analysis section. | Learn more about phonics-based performance insights in Classroom.

Use tokens as placeholders for user specific information when configuring managed iOS applications
Admins can now use tokens in the app configurations for managed iOS apps. Tokens act as placeholders for information specific to a user or device that uses the app, such as a user's email address or their device serial number. | Learn more about tokens when configuring managed iOS applications.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Rapid Release Domains: 
Scheduled Release Domains: 
Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).