Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap - January 31, 2025
Friday, January 31, 2025
New updates
There are no new updates to share this week. Please see below for a recap of published announcements.
Previous announcements
The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.
Generate charts and valuable insights using Gemini in Google Sheets
We’re making it easier for Sheets users, ranging from small business owners to marketing analysts, to visualize and analyze data using Gemini in Sheets. | Learn more about charts and insights in Sheets.
Layout selection now available between Google Meet hardware and Zoom Rooms calls
We’re expanding interoperability support between Google Meet devices and Zoom Rooms to include support for changing the meeting layout. | Learn more about layout selection.
Curate and customize the Chrome Web Store for your organization
Admins can now customize the Chrome Web Store experience for their users with several new options. | Learn more about the Chrome Web Store.
Use Gemini in the side panel of Workspace apps to generate images in seven additional languages
Following the recent announcement of being able to use Gemini in the side panel of Workspace apps in seven additional languages, we’re excited to announce that image generation is now supported in the those languages as well. | Learn more about generating images in seven additional languages.
Better understand app access with the new Access Evaluation log event
We’re introducing a new log event, Access Evaluation, which will help admins better understand how security policies affect their users' access to OAuth apps. | Learn more about the new Access Evaluation log event.
Logitech Android devices for Google Meet can now join Webex and Zoom calls
We’re expanding this interoperability to include support for Cisco Webex and Zoom on Logitech Android-based hardware devices for Google Meet. | Learn more about Logitech Android devices.
More options now available to customize digital signage on your Google Meet hardware
In the coming weeks, admins will be able to use their Comeen or StratosMedia digital signage content on their Google Meet hardware devices. | Learn more about digital signage on your Google Meet hardware.
Completed rollouts
The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.
Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains:
- Available in beta: migrate sensitive files to Google Drive with client-side encryption (beta sign up is now closed)
- Google Meet provides additional privacy for livestreaming with new eCDN On-Premises API
- Use tokens as placeholders for user specific information when configuring managed iOS applications
- Improving event summary cards in the Gmail mobile app
- Curate and customize the Chrome Web Store for your organization