What’s changing

In order to provide users with an easy way to gather feedback directly in their Google Chat conversations, we’re introducing a new Poll app. 

Through a simple creation process, teams and groups can share questions for feedback. This feature can be useful in scenarios in which you need to poll colleagues about an upcoming event, meeting time or team outing. The Poll app provides the ability to see results instantly, along with options to make polls multi-choice or anonymous. Using the Poll app, teams can arrive at faster, more inclusive decisions while keeping the conversation flowing. 

creating a poll
Creating a poll

seeing the results of a poll
Seeing the results of a poll

Additional details 

Some poll questions that ask where to eat, grab coffee, meet may have special icons. 
Some poll questions that ask where to eat, grab coffee, meet may have special icons.

Getting started 

Rollout pace


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers that have enabled Chat apps in their domain, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts 
