Your work depends on the best solutions to some tough problems. Whether you're working to optimize distribution networks or delivery routes, or simply getting the best staff schedules and optimizing your finances, the Google Sheets add-on for linear optimization can now help you do the math.

This add-on is one of many available. Remember to check out the complete store for Docs and Sheets often--more useful tools are being added each week.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Get the linear optimization add-on

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Today we announced that we’ll bring Drive for Education, with unlimited storage and enhanced administrative controls, to the Google Apps for Education platform. In the coming months, the features below will be added to all Google Apps for Education accounts at no charge:  

  • Unlimited storage: Store as many Google Drive files, Gmail messages, and Google+ photos as you need. Individual file sizes up to 5TB will be supported.
  • Vault: Use Google Apps Vault to archive emails and chats, to search Drive files, and to preserve important information for your organization.
  • Enhanced auditing and controls: Gain insights from new activity and audit reports for Google Drive.

Release track:
Specific launch timeline information will be added to the Google Apps Release calendar once available

For more information:
Google for Work Blog Post

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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As announced on Sept 17, the Google Apps Marketplace (GAM) will open to non-admins in Scheduled release domains by default early next week.

Admins can now choose to allow people from their organization to install any GAM apps via the GAM interface (vs having to visit a GAM app vendor website directly), or they can choose to customize which apps are made available to them in GAM for installation. They can also turn the feature off altogether if they so choose.

Please take the appropriate action for your organization in advance of this launch (see Help Center instructions linked below), planned for Tues, Oct 7th.

Note: This feature is automatically defaulted off for K-12 EDU domains.

Release track:
Scheduled release coming on Oct 7, 2104

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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A new version of the Google Admin app for iOS is now available in the App Store. The app lets admins manage their Google for Work products on the go with their iPads and iPhones. This latest release (v1.1.0) contains the following features:

  • Instant search for finding users
  • Unifying the search fields for first name and last name for ease of use
  • Ability to switch between multiple accounts quickly
  • Conforming the UX to iOS 7 guidelines
  • Adding a settings page with settings like remember password, etc
  • Accessibility fixes

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Get the Google Apps Admin app on the App Store

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Several new features have launched today in Google Forms, making them easier to build and share:
Find what you’re looking for
  • Search the menus: Quickly access nearly all features in Forms without having to dig through menus. To use this feature, press Alt + / or look under the Help menu.

New ways to manage your questions
  • Shuffle questions: Randomize the order of questions on quizzes or surveys
  • Allow one response per person: Ensure that a person only responds to your form once
  • Validate information for grid questions: Limit people to one response per column for grid-style questions using the new option under “advanced settings”  

Get the word out with shorter URLs
  • Shorten URLs to your forms: Make it easier for people to get to your form

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks for all features except the “search the menus” feature, which will launch to both release tracks today

For more information:
One response per column

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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With this launch, Google Calendar will automatically add video call links to new Calendar events for all Google Apps for Government domains. This is a follow up to the August launch where this feature was launched for all other Apps customers.

As announced earlier this year, administrators can disable this functionality for specific organizational units.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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We’ve simplified the UI for the mobile web version of Google Drive, making it easier for people to access their files more quickly.

People accessing the new mobile web version of Drive will be able to view, download and print their files. However, to optimize the feature experience, they will be directed to download the new Drive and Docs editor apps for document creation and editing.

The new version is rolling out over the next several days. Visit from your mobile browser to give it a try.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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We have launched a Chrome Legacy Browser Support Test Channel so that you can test the next versions of the LBS Chrome Extension and MSI before they are promoted to stable. More information on how to setup and use this test channel can be found at the link below.

The next stable release of Legacy Browser Support is slated for early November. Starting with this upcoming version, and all subsequent stable/test versions, the MSI will be required in order for apps and websites to open in the appropriate browser. Therefore, it’s critical to make sure that you have deployed the stable MSI to your users before November so that Legacy Browser Support continues to function when it updates. You can find the download links for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the stable MSI at the link below.

For more information:
Download the stable MSI

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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To more easily make visible or hide calendars from the ‘Other calendars’ section in Google Calendar, we’ve made a change to its list order behavior. Calendars selected for viewing will now move up to the top of the list in alpha order, leaving the remaining unchecked calendars below in alpha order.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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By: Chris Han, Google Apps Marketplace Product Manager

We've been working with developers to migrate their Google Apps Marketplace apps from OAuth1.0 to OAuth2.0. This change improves integration, discovery, distribution, security, and management of third-party apps. Google officially deprecated OAuth1.0 in April 2012 (see here), and we’re moving toward the end of this deprecation timeline for the Google Apps Marketplace.

In most cases, app developers have already worked with their customers to migrate to OAuth2.0. However, for those apps that have not been migrated the following announcements apply:

  • On September 30, 2014, Google will no longer enable any new installs of OAuth1.0 apps and these apps will be removed from the Google Apps Marketplace. However, previously installed OAuth1.0 apps will continue to work.
  • On April 20, 2015, if your application provider has not completed your migration to their OAuth 2.0 app then the single single-on functionality will stop working and the app icon will no longer appear in the app launcher.

To check whether the apps you use from Google Apps Marketplace have migrated to OAuth2.0, go to and click on "Google Apps Marketplace". Apps that are listed here are using OAuth2.0 and are either fully migrated or in the process of migrating.

If you have any questions about your application provider's plans for migration prior to April 20, 2015, we encourage you to reach out to them directly.

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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[ed: This post originally appeared on the Google Developers Blog]

By Muzammil Esmail, Product Manager, Google for Work

The Admin SDK provides a comprehensive directory experience for Google for Work customers to help them meet specific business needs around data storage for customers. Here are some important updates to this SDK.

Custom attributes in the user’s profile
Now available is a new feature in the Directory API which allows you to add custom attributes for your users. For instance, you could store the projects your users work on, their desk number, job level, hiring date — whatever makes sense for your business.

Once the custom attributes for your domain have been defined, they behave just like regular fields in the user profile. You can get and set them for your users and also perform searches on custom fields (e.g. “all employees that work on the shinyNewApp in Hyderabad”).

Custom attributes can be of different data types; they can be single- or multi-valued. You can configure whether they are “public” i.e. visible to everyone on the domain, or “private” i.e. visible only to admins and the users themselves.

Read access to all domain users
Historically, only admins have been able to access the data in the Admin SDK. Beginning today, any user (not just admins) will now be able to call the Directory API to read the profile of any user on the domain (of course, we will respect ACLing settings and profile sharing settings).

We hope that you will be able to use this new feature to build business applications (e.g. corporate yellow pages, expense approval, vacation management, workflow applications, etc.) that can be used by all your users.

Please feel free to go through our documentation to go learn more about the Admin SDK, and specifically the Directory API. Happy hacking!

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Since April 2013, admins have had the capability to set 100+ Chrome policies for users on Chrome Devices, Windows, Mac, and Linux when they sign-in to Chrome with their Google Apps account.

Today we are providing an early preview of applying some of these same policies to Chrome on Android and iOS as well. For example, you set bookmarks through the Managed Bookmarks setting on Google Admin console and it gets pushed to Chrome on all 6 platforms, including mobile. Similarly, you can set the Proxy policy or the Password Manager policy once and it will apply on Chrome on all 6 platforms. For more information on how to turn on this early preview feature, please see the link below.

For more information:
Apply policies to Chrome on Android and iOS

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Today we are launching Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) v4.0.1 with a number of new features and bug fixes. See the Help Center for more info and release notes.

Note: GADS now uses the Directory API instead of the deprecated Provisioning and Profiles Data APIs. We strongly recommend switching to the latest version of GADS. Old GADS versions will stop working once the Provisioning and Profiles Data APIs are discontinued on April 20, 2015.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
GADS v.4.0.1 Release Notes

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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In May 2013 we introduced the Admin SDK, which enables developers to build customized administrative tools for organizations that use Google Apps. Later in July 2013, we followed with the release of the new improved Email Migration API v2. 

With each of these introductions, we also announced the deprecation of a set of corresponding APIs, such as the Provisioning API and Email Migration API v1, that would be replaced by the new APIs (see full list below).

As of April 20, 2015, we will discontinue these deprecated APIs. This means that service calls to these APIs are no longer supported, and Google Apps features implemented using these APIs will not function. 

Developers can find comparable functionality in the Admin SDK and the Email Migration API v2.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be contacting domain administrators whose applications currently use these deprecated APIs with an email reminder and guidance on the appropriate migration path.

* Edited on Oct 9, 2014: The Admin SDK Reports API is not the replacement for the deprecated Reporting Visualization API, as originally communicated. There is no replacement API available in the Admin SDK for the deprecated Reporting Visualization API.

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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As announced recently for Gmail, we are launching support for internationalized email addresses in Google Calendar. This will allow people to use email addresses that contain accented or non-Latin characters to invite guests and share calendars, and perform any other action where email addresses are used by Calendar.

This includes both the domain name (to the right of the @ symbol) and/or the local-part (to the left of the @ symbol), as in 武@メール.グーグル.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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