To help Google Forms users create more personalized surveys, feedback forms, quizzes, and more, we’re introducing new theme customization options. Specifically, you can now choose colors and fonts to theme your form. This has been a top feature request from our users, who have asked for more options to create forms that match their organization or team branding. We hope these options help you build forms that look and feel just right.
Pick a theme and background color You can choose a color for your theme. When you choose a theme color, it will apply to your header background, titles, action buttons, and more. You can pick a predefined color, or a custom one. After you pick a theme color, you can select a complementary color for the background.
Use an image for the form header By default, the form header matches the theme color you select. If you want, you can change this and use an image to display in the header instead.
Customize the font styleYou can pick from several font styles to apply to your form. When you pick a style, it will apply to your form title and question text.
New theme options for Google Forms |
See our Help Center for more details on how to
change the theme of your Google Form.
Launch Details Release track: Launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming in two weeks
Editions: Available to all G Suite editions
Rollout pace: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)
Impact: All end users
Action: Change management suggested/FYI
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