Coming soon: Google Meet in Gmail on mobile
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
What’s changing
As announced, we’re bringing Meet in Gmail to mobile. In early July 2020, we’ll launch this change to G Suite users by introducing a dedicated Meet tab in the Gmail iOS and Android mobile apps. This means users can join secure video meetings directly in Gmail without needing to open another app on their phone.We’ll let you know on the G Suite Updates blog when this change starts rolling out.
Who’s impacted
End usersWhy you’d use it
Meet in Gmail will allow users to start a new meeting, join a meeting by entering the meeting code, or join upcoming meetings scheduled in Google Calendar without leaving the Gmail app.Additional details
Meet in Gmail is already available on the web. This launch introduces the same functionality, and more new features, in the Gmail mobile apps. Note that as we get closer to the launch, your users may notice the following when they try to join meetings from their phones:- When they click on a Meet link from their Android or iOS device, they’ll be directed to the Gmail app to join the meeting.
- The look and feel of the Meet app will be updated but the functionality will still be intuitive.
Note that if you click on a link in the Meet app, you will still stay in Meet and not be redirected to the Gmail app.These changes will roll out over the next few weeks.
Please note, during this rollout the experience for iOS users may differ. iOS users may see the Gmail app launch briefly and then close when they click on a Meet link. They’ll then be redirected to join the meeting in the Meet app. Joining meetings in the Meet app will only happen during the rollout phase and IOS users will eventually be able to join the meeting directly in Gmail.
Users with the Meet service turned off and EDU users who have video call creation turned off will not be able to see the Meet tab in Gmail or join meetings in Gmail app.
Getting started
- Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
- End users: Meet in Gmail on mobile will be ON by default when users update their Gmail app. Users can hide the Meet tab inside of the Gmail app in their Gmail settings by deselecting “Show the Meet tab for video calling” under “Meet.”
Rollout pace
- Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 16, 2020
- Available to all G Suite customers with the Meet service turned on
- Users with a G Suite for Education account that is enabled to create Meet video meetings will have the Meet tab enabled in Gmail. EDU accounts that are not able to create Meet video meetings will not see the Meet tab in Gmail and should use the Meet mobile app on Android or iOS instead.
- Google Help: Start or join a video call from Gmail
- Keyword: Stay connected more easily with Meet in Gmail on mobile