Bulk convert Classic Sites to new Sites using the Classic Sites Manager
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Quick summary
In 2017, we announced that we would replace classic Sites with new Sites, and in 2019 we announced that domains will have until the end of 2021 to complete the transition.
To help manage the transition, Admins and end users can use the Classic Sites Manager to:
Beginning today, you can now bulk convert Classic Sites to new Sites using the Classic Sites Manager. We hope this highly-requested feature will make it easier to prepare your organization for the migration completion.
Additional details
The user who initiates the bulk conversion will become the owner of all converted sites—they can reassign site ownership using the Classic Sites Manager once the conversion is complete.
If sites cannot be converted, they will be skipped and the converter will be notified via email.
Getting started
- Super Admins: Visit the Help Center to learn more about designating a different OU or Group as Admins for the Classic Sites Manager.
- Admins and end users: Use our Help Center to learn more about the Classic Sites Manager and our migration guide to plan for the transition from classic Sites to new Sites.
Rollout pace
- Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 22, 2021
- Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Plus, and Nonprofits, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers
- Not available to Google Workspace Frontline customers
- Google Workspace Admin Help: Transition from classic Sites to new Sites
- Google Sites Migration Guide
- Google Workspace Updates Blog: Timelines and tools for transition from classic to new Google Sites
- Google Workspace Updates Blog: Additional tools for managing the transition from classic to new
- Google SitesGoogle Workspace Updates Blog: Use the Classic Sites Manager to download archived backups and control editing of sites in bulk