What’s changing 

We've improved the "Automatically add invitations" setting to help prevent unwanted invitations from being added to your calendar. You can now choose to either: 

  • Always have invitations automatically added 
  • Only have them automatically added if you have RSVP’d in the email event invitation.
These settings allow you to prevent invitations from automatically being added to your calendar or to be visible for others who you've shared your calendar with
These settings allow you to prevent invitations from automatically being added to your calendar or to be visible for others who you've shared your calendar with

Who’s impacted 

End users and developers 

Why it matters 

These additional controls can help you manage your calendar with less manual work by ensuring unwanted events don't appear, and you see only the events that are important to you. 

Additional details 

  • If you choose to only have events added if you RSVP, you’ll see an additional option to allow those who have permission to view or edit your events to see all invitations. 
  • When you change the setting, it only determines whether future events are added to your calendar. Any events that are already on the calendar will remain visible unless you delete them. 
  • If you choose to only add events when you RSVP, you’ll receive an email invitation to all events, even if the organizer chooses not to send one. This will help prevent you from missing events. Note that this doesn’t apply to updates, only to invitations. 
  • We've moved the notification option ("Yes, but only notify me if I've responded Yes or Maybe") into the notifications section to help you better manage when you get notifications. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: This feature will be OFF by default and can be turned on by the user by going to Open Google Calendar > Go to settings > Scroll to event settings > "Add invitations to my calendar". Visit the Help Center to learn more about Responding to event invitations .

Rollout pace 


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers 
  • Available to users with personal Google Accounts 
