What’s changing

Through new settings in the Admin console, admins can now control access to the following Google Meet features:

  • Chat
  • Present
  • Q&A
  • Polls

These new settings are available for Google Workspace editions that include admin capabilities. See below for more information.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why it’s important

Previously, only the meeting hosts and co-hosts could control access to these features on a per meeting basis. Now admins will be able to specify which interactive Meet features users in their domain can access. 

These features give administrators more control over how Google Meet is used in their organization. For example, in a school, these settings allow you to control whether or not students can present or send chat messages during video meetings. In business settings, specifically at large company meetings, giving the event host control over whether or not to conduct polls or Q&As during video meetings is a useful feature.

Additional details

Once an admin turns access to a particular feature off, the setting will be applied to all new and existing meetings for users in the selected organizational unit.

Features that are turned off won’t be accessible to end users — see the Help Center for more information.

Getting started

  • Admins: These features are enabled by default. Access to these features can be controlled at the OU level  in the Admin console under Apps > Google Workspace > Google Meet > Meet safety settings.  Visit the Help Center to learn more about Google Meet admin settings.

  • End users: Your admin will determine access to present, chat, Q&A, and polling features in Google Meet.

Rollout pace


  • Available to all Google Workspace editions with Admin console access.
  • You’ll see admin toggles for the Google Meet features available to your specific Google Workspace edition.
