What’s changing 

In Google Meet, meeting participants will now have the option to ask questions or participate in polls anonymously.
  • Anonymous questions will be allowed by default and can be disallowed by meeting hosts and co-hosts by going to Meeting Activities > Allow Questions in Q&A > Allow Anonymous questions
  • Anonymous polls will be OFF by default and can be turned on by hosts and co-hosts when sharing a poll. 

Note: These settings do not carry over from meeting to meeting. 

Who’s impacted

End users 

Why it matters 

The ability to ask questions and answer polls anonymously, particularly on large calls, has been a top request from our users. These features can encourage greater participation from meeting attendees who would prefer to not be identified by name. Additionally, this can help protect privacy when a meeting is public or shared across multiple company owned domains. 

Additional details 

When a user responds to a Poll anonymously or posts a question anonymously, the details are kept anonymous to other participants, the meeting hosts, and your Google Workspace Admin. Note that Google retains your poll response and anonymous questions. This data is later anonymized or deleted 

Getting started 

Rollout pace 


  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Education Plus and Nonprofits, as well as legacy G Suite Business customers 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Frontline customers, or legacy G Suite Basic customers

  • Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Education Plus and Nonprofits, as well as legacy G Suite Business customers 
  • Also available to Google Workspace Individual users 
  • Not available to Google Workspace Business Starter, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Frontline customers, or legacy G Suite Basic customers 
