What’s changing 

We’re introducing an automated workflow to help reduce the manual effort needed to turn unmanaged accounts into managed accounts. Unmanaged accounts are users who independently created a Google account using one of your organization's domains. 

Admins can access the feature within the Admin console under Account settings > Conflicting accounts management. Here, they can specify their preferences for how to resolve unmanaged accounts when provisioning users for their domains. This preference will apply only when users are provisioned using the public Directory API with URL parameter resolveConflictAccount set to true. 

  • Automatically invite users to transfer unmanaged accounts 
    • Admins can specify how many daily follow-up messages should be sent.
    • If a user declines or does not accept the transfer invitation, admins can specify which next steps should be taken. 
    • Further, admins will have the option to take over the email address of users who decline or ignore the invite. 

  • Replace unmanaged accounts with managed ones 
    • Note that data owned by the account will not be imported.
    • The user will receive a temporary account address, which they’ll need to manually replace with a @gmail.com address of their choice. 
    • They’ll receive an email notification of this, and are informed they cannot use the original email any longer. 
    • Refer to this documentation for more information

  • Don’t create new accounts if unmanaged accounts exist.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

Conflict accounts refer to personal Google accounts that get registered with a corporate email address. These accounts cannot be managed by admins, which is outside of the scope of protection admins can apply to keep work data secure. Further, reconciling conflicting accounts creates churn for admins and adds to the workload of onboarding users to Google Workspace & Google Cloud.

While admins can mitigate these accounts using the transfer tool or the “UserInvitation” API functionality, the Conflict Accounts Management tool is a scaled solution for larger customers, helping reduce time spent migrating to business accounts and accelerating adoption of Google Workspace and Google Cloud.

Getting started

  • Admins: 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about using the Conflict Accounts Management tool and unmanaged accounts.

  • End users: Depending on your admin configuration:
    • You’ll be invited to transfer your account — if accepted, your admin will have the ability to manage your account.
    • If you do not accept the request, your admin may replace your unmanaged account with a managed one. In that case, you’ll receive a new @gmail.com address and retain your content in this unmanaged, personal Google account.

Rollout pace


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers
