Google Classroom now supports exporting missing and excused grades to select Student Information Systems (SIS)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
What’s changing
Last year, we introduced the ability for teachers to mark an assignment for a particular student as “excused” instead of giving it a 0-100 score. We also added the ability to manually mark an assignment as “missing” or “complete” and automatically add a default draft score.
These updates give teachers even more flexibility when it comes to grading for assignments and classwork, and today we’re excited to announce that teachers can include missing and excused grades when exporting grades to their Student Information Systems (SIS).
Getting started
- Admins: Once an admin establishes a connection between their SIS and Google Classroom, teachers can include missing and excused grades when they export grades from Classroom to their SIS. Visit the Help Center to learn more about connecting your Classroom to your SIS.
- End users: If your admin has connected to your SIS, you can export missing or excused grades by going to > select the class > “Grades” > “SIS export.” Visit the Help Center to learn more about using Classroom with your SIS, exporting grades to your Student Information System (SIS) gradebook.
Rollout pace
- Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility) starting on October 29, 2024
Available for Google Workspace:
- Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade
- Google Help: Connect Classroom to your Student Information System (SIS)
- Google Help: Export grades to your Student Information System (SIS) gradebook
- Google Help: FAQ for Student Information System (SIS) integration for teachers
- Google Help: FAQ for Student Information System (SIS) integration for admins
- Google Help: Get started with Student Information System (SIS) roster import