It’s now easier to manage your mobile and Chrome device settings in the Google Admin console. Google Apps and Chrome for Business administrators will see a new Device management icon on their dashboard. This device management page allows you to manage your domain’s mobile devices and Chrome devices by clicking Mobile management and Chrome management, respectively.

The Mobile management page can still be reached through the old navigation path by clicking Google Apps > Mobile.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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You can now give a name to Hangouts video calls in Google Calendar events. This name makes it easier for you and other guests to join the video call. Note that this feature is only available to domains that have enabled Google+ Premium Features.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Users who create events for meetings in public places like cafes and restaurants can now easily and accurately populate the name, street and city of their venue. The “Where” field on the create events screen in Google Calendar will now autocomplete suggestion from Google Maps. The “Map” link in the event will open Google Maps showing the location of the venue.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release

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You can now export your emails and calendar events in addition to the other supported products using Google Takeout. Access to Google Takeout can be controlled through the Admin console.

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Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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You can now view Gmail attachments and save files directly to Google Drive without ever leaving Gmail. The next time you open an email with attachments, you’ll see new previews of the files at the bottom of the email. When you click on one of those previews, a full-screen view of the image or document will appear. You can now also save your attachments directly to Drive simply by clicking the Drive button that appears when you hover over the preview.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today when Google Calendar invitations are sent to members of a Google Group, the attendee list will automatically update as people join or leave the group. When you join a Google Group, you will be added to all of its meetings. And if you leave a group, those meetings will be removed from your calendar. Note that groups stop dynamically changing when the total number of guests in the event crosses 200.

Release track: 
Scheduled Release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Early next year, the sign-in page for all Google Apps customers will be updated to be consistent across all Google Apps services. In other words, the sign-in page for Gmail will now be identical to the sign-in page for Google Calendar, Google Drive, or any other Google Apps service. This change will improve security and make it easier for users to switch between accounts. This means a few things for your organization:

  • The Google Apps sign-in page can no longer be personalized with colors and custom logos. It will now look the same across all Google sign-in pages.
  • Users will have to log in with their full email address (example:
  • For SSO domains with a network mask, users will be presented with the new Google sign-in page when they log in from outside the SSO network mask. This change does not affect SSO domains without a network mask.  

We will be providing more details in the next few months so you can properly communicate this change to your end users. Stay tuned.

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Admins now have the ability to customize which Hangouts features are available to which employees. They choose to limit Hangouts chat messages to being internal-only, set chat history to off by default and decide whether users within the domain can contact each other without sending or accepting formal invitations first. Video and audio chat can also be turned off across the organization.

Hangouts also supports auto-complete through the global address list. You can start by typing the name of anybody in your organization and auto-complete will help you find who you’re looking for.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Google Apps users who use their Google+ identity in YouTube will now have the option to post videos that are viewable only by others at their domain. Domain-restricted videos can only be viewed through the web UI at this time. You’ll see a field under the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu where you can add your domain to the list of people who have access to view the video.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, administrators will be able to find, manage and deploy third-party applications directly from the Google Apps Admin console. To start, over twenty third-party applications will be available in the Admin console. These applications all offer the latest OAuth 2.0 security, single sign-on (SSO), and integration with Google services. Applications with OAuth 2.0 allow admins can deploy them to specific people or organizational units (rather than the entire company) and developers can design apps to request more narrow access to corporate information.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Over the next few days, we’ll be rolling out a feature that lets you view Gmail attachments and save files directly to Google Drive without ever leaving Gmail. The next time you open an email with attachments, you’ll see new previews of the files at the bottom of the email. When you click on one of those previews, a full-screen view of the image or document will appear. You can now also save your attachments directly to Drive simply by clicking the Drive button that appears when you hover over the preview.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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We would like to remind you of the Google Apps browser support policy, the set of guidelines for Google Apps services interoperability support. We support the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available) as well as the current and prior major release of Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version of one of these browsers is released, we begin supporting the update and stop supporting the third-oldest version.

Google’s test plans have been adjusted to now stop all testing and engineering work related to Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), as Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) was released on 17 October 2013. End users who access Gmail and other Google Apps services from an unsupported browser will be notified within the next few weeks through an in-product notification message or an interstitial pages with information about modern browsers and how to upgrade to them.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today when Google Calendar invitations are sent to members of a Google Group, the attendee list will automatically update as people join or leave the group. When you join a Google Group, you will be added to all of its meetings. And if you leave a group, those meetings will be removed from your calendar. Note that groups stop dynamically changing when the total number of guests in the event crosses 200.

Release track: 
Rapid Release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, new Google+ communities will be restricted to your domain by default if sharing is restricted in the Admin console. Posts in these communities are only viewable by people within the domain. However, you can still choose to create communities with people outside your organization so clients, agencies or business partners can join in. You can also make your community open to anyone at your domain or private, joinable by invitation only. Community owners can easily change settings, manage membership or invite other team members to join.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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We are rolling out a new version of the Google bar for Google Apps users. This is designed to be simpler and more consistent with Android and Chrome OS. It includes notifications, a Google+ share box (if Google+ is enabled), and a new App Launcher with links to other Google products.

Google Apps users will have easy access to all the Google Enterprise products they care about. Google services that are not enabled will not be shown in the App Launcher. Marketplace apps will be listed under the More section in the App Launcher.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Customers using Google Apps Vault can now activate the new Hangouts in the Admin console. An amendment has been added in the Admin console that allows you to activate the new Hangouts on acceptance of the terms. This amendment outlines the change in Vault functionality that will exist until we complete the roll out of full compatibility. You will still have eDiscovery and legal-hold capabilities for your on-the-record/history-on chats, but the retention-purge function will not be available. To agree to the amendment, please log into the Admin console, go to Apps, click on Talk/Hangouts, go to Advanced Settings, and click “Enable Hangouts”.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business and Education

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We are making it easier to share Docs, Slides and Drawings with people who don’t have a Google Account. As a result of this change, files shared outside your domain to an email address not linked to an existing Google Account can be viewed without having to sign in or create a new Google Account. If a file is shared with edit or comment permissions, the recieving user must still sign in with a Google Account in order to edit or comment on that file.

When a user directly shares with individuals who do not have Google Accounts, those recipients will be able to view the file without signing in. Because no sign in is required, anyone may view the file with this sharing link until the person who the file was explicitly shared with creates a Google Account and expends the invitation. Once the person creates a Google Account two things happen: (1) the sharing link will no longer work for new users to access the file and the sharing dialog will indicate that the invitation has been used; (2) any user who accessed the file using the sharing link while it was open and signed in using their Google Account will be added to the sharing access list for that file and will continue to have access. Users with permissions to change sharing settings can revoke this access if desired.

Google Apps admins can prevent this behavior by disabling sharing outside the domain to people who are not using a Google Account via a setting in the Admin console.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release
This change is rolling out slowly to Rapid Release users starting today, once this rollout is complete, we will begin a slow rollout to Scheduled Release domains

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We have added a few new features to the Admin SDK Reports API to let you more easily visualize Google Apps' usage and security in your domain. These new features include:

Security Reports
Login audit: View all web browser based logins with IP information for all users in your domain. You can use this data to monitor all successful, failed, and suspicious logins in your domain.
Authorized applications: View a list of third-party applications that users in your domain have shared data with. Gain visibility into how many users are accessing each application. Revoke access to specific apps using the security tab on Admin console.

Usage Reports
Storage quota: View user-level quota usage. This is available both as total usage and split by Gmail, Drive and Google+ photos for every user in the domain. Monitor which users are nearing their quota limits and acquire more storage if necessary.
Google+ usage: View 1-day, 7-day and 30-day active Google+ usage in your domain. See the number of Hangouts attended by users in your domain.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Today we're releasing three features to make it even easier to get things done with Google+:

- Domain labels in the mobile apps and on the web help you quickly identify coworkers’ profiles.
- The Google+ Android app now lets you create restricted posts, limited to your domain, as well as log in to and switch between multiple accounts.
- The new Google+ Domains API allows Apps customers and resellers to integrate Google+ into their existing tools and processes to streamline tasks such as creating posts, commenting and managing circles.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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A new version of Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) is now available for download. For details about the changes in this version please go through the release notes.

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Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Admins can now elect to receive customizable email alerts when certain events of interest occur. By subscribing to alerts, admins can stay informed and, when needed, take prompt corrective action. These alerts are also helpful when multiple admins work together and want to stay informed on these changes.

User Alerts: Generated when our systems detect suspicious or unusual login events as well as on user-level administrator actions such as additions, deletions or suspensions. Real-time alerts allow admins to review the changes and take corrective action.

Settings Alerts: These alerts are automatically generated when any change by administrators to applications, device management or service settings is detected.

These alerts are available in the Admin console under Reports > Alerts and will be OFF by default. For privacy and compliance reasons, Google Support will not be able to perform further investigation for a given alert. Admins can use the Email Audit and Admin Audit APIs to retrieve more information.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Get to the Admin console more easily with the new, simplified URL ( The admin console now supports multiple sign-in, so admins who manage multiple domains can quickly switch between accounts.

Note: The old Admin console URL ( will automatically redirect to the standard Google login page. When non-admin users from domains that use SSO try to login, they will be automatically redirected to their SSO login page.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business and Government

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A full screen option has now been enabled in the new Gmail compose experience for Rapid release domains. Scheduled release domains will have this feature on August 6th, 2013. To try it out:

1. Click Compose.
2. Click the double-arrow icon at the top right of the compose window.
3. Enjoy a larger composition mode that displays all of the formatting options by default.

If you want to make this option your default view, click into the options menu at the bottom right corner of compose and choose “Default to full-screen.” The next time you click Compose, you’ll be sent to this mode. Both types of compose can be minimized by clicking the black bar at the top.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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You now have the option to print Google Forms. When you print a form, each question is formatted in a way that makes it simple for people to fill in when printed on paper. To try it out, just create a form and press the print button.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release

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If you use Google Sites, you can now manage your settings for themes, colors and fonts from the same place. The new page is designed to make it easier to adjust the look and feel of your sites.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Google Forms: Users now have access to a new version of Google Forms. Just as with Docs, Sheets and Slides, you can now collaborate with others in real-time. Multiple users can work on the same form simultaneously. Unlike the previous version, forms are no longer tied to a specific spreadsheet. Responses are collected and stored only in the form. If owners prefer to see the data in a spreadsheet, they can specify a destination spreadsheet for the data at any time.

Features launching on June 11th, 2013

Gmail: A new GMail inbox option is now available to GAfB users to help keep different types of email organized, like messages from friends, social notifications, deals and offers, confirmations and receipts and more. You can customize your experience by simply choosing the categories you want. Rapid release users can enable the new inbox by clicking "Configure inbox" under the gear menu in Gmail. The new inbox is also available in the Gmail for Android 4.0+ and Gmail for iPhone and iPad apps.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Scheduled release

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A new Gmail inbox option is now available to Google Apps for Business users to help keep different types of emails (messages from friends, social notifications, deals and offers, confirmations, receipts, etc) organized. You can customize your experience by simply choosing the categories you want. Rapid release users can enable the new inbox by clicking "Configure inbox" under the gear menu in Gmail. The new inbox is also available in the Gmail for Android 4.0+ and Gmail for iPhone and iPad apps.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release

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Back in May we announced a new way to access the Admin console. Starting this week the existing Admin console URL ( will redirect to a login URL at  For SSO-enabled domains (without a network mask defined) only Super Admins will be permitted to log in with a Google password. Non-Super Admins will be redirected to the configured SSO login page.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Apps customers now have the option to replace chat in Gmail and Talk on Android with a new version of Hangouts that combines text, photos and live video calls across computers and Android and iOS devices. The new Hangouts is designed to help bring all of your real-life conversations online, across any device or platform. Just as before, Apps customers can invite up to 15 colleagues to a video call.

Note: Hangouts does not support domain chat restrictions.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Getting things done in Gmail is getting easier. You'll now see new quick action buttons that let you take action on a message right from the inbox. For example, you can RSVP to a meeting, open a document, and more without even opening an email.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release

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Google Wallet is now integrated with Gmail. In the coming months you will be able to quickly and securely send money to friends and colleagues directly within Gmail. It's free to send money if a bank account is linked to Google Wallet or using your Google Wallet Balance, and low fees apply to send money using a linked credit or debit card.

Note: This feature can be disabled by disabling Google Wallet in the Admin console.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid Release

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Over the coming weeks, all Google Apps users get 30 GB of unified storage to use as you like between Drive and Gmail. This replaces the current replacing the current storage of 5 GB in Drive and 25 GB in Gmail. Just as before, files created in Docs, Sheets and Slides don't count against your storage quota. Storage will also be shared with photos you upload to Google+ larger than 2048px. As a result of this change, Gmail inboxes are no longer limited to 25 GB - any additional storage can be shared and used by Gmail.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Google Apps administrators can now access the Admin console by visiting and logging in. If you are already logged in, this new URL will automatically take you to the Admin console. The old URL ( will continue to work for now.

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Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Chat in Docs and Slides has a new look similar to what you’re used to in Gmail. You can now start a group chat with just one click. Simply select the new chat button at the top right and a chat box will appear, making it easy for you to quickly message everyone who is in the file. Additionally, if collaborators or viewers have an active Google+ profile, you will see their profile picture on top instead of just their name. This feature will be available in Sheets soon.

Note: Disabling chat in the Admin panel will disable it in Docs.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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We launched a new look for Google Groups in May last year. This design offers a new and improved user interface in addition to some popular features like:

- Collaborative inbox
- Rich text formatting of messages in the Groups interface
- Ability to move posts to a different discussion, mark it as a duplicate or assign it to someone
- Customizable roles and permissions for people

We will retire the old interface soon after June 10th. After this day, people will automatically be transitioned over to the new UI and will not have the option to go back to the old one.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, Gmail’s migration tool for messages and contacts is being removed. This tool was primarily used by new Gmail account holders who wished to import mail and contacts from another email provider into their Gmail accounts. We are exploring new long-term solutions, but in the meantime users can still import mail and contacts to their Gmail accounts. Messages can be imported using Mail Fetcher and Contacts can be imported from CSV files.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Dates and times within emails are now lightly underlined. You can click them to schedule events at those dates and times without ever leaving Gmail. When you click on one of these underlined dates, you will be able to preview your schedule for the day and change the title, date or time of the event. You can then add the event to your calendar by clicking on “Add to calendar”. In addition, the calendar event will include a link back to the original email so you always have context.

Note: This is only available to people who have their preferred language set to English.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Chat in Docs and Slides has a new look similar to what you’re used to in Gmail. You can now start a group chat with just one click. Simply select the new chat button at the top right and a chat box will appear, making it easy for you to quickly message everyone who is in the file. Additionally, if collaborators or viewers have an active Google+ profile, you will see their profile picture on top instead of just their name. This feature will be available in Sheets soon.

Note: Disabling chat in the Admin panel will disable it in Docs.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Release date:
May 7, 2013

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Back in March we announced that Google Cloud Connect will be shut down on April 30th. After today, users will no longer be able to use this product and should install Google Drive on their computer. Google Drive for Windows/Mac achieves the same desktop editing and works across Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Chat in Docs and Slides has a new look similar to what you’re used to in Gmail. You can now start a group chat with just one click. Simply select the new chat button at the top right and a chat box will appear, making it easy for you to quickly message everyone who is in the file. Additionally, if collaborators or viewers have an active Google+ profile, you will see their profile picture on top instead of just their name. This feature will be available in Sheets soon.

Note: Disabling chat in the Admin panel will disable it in Docs.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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When companies use browsers that are two or more versions old, employees and developers are unable to benefit from the incredible web innovations of the past four, or even ten years. With Legacy Browser Support, users on Chrome are automatically switched to a legacy browser when they begin using an older app. Admins can simply define which sites should launch from Chrome into an alternate browser, and then set this Chrome policy for all employees.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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Admins now have the ability to customize 100+ Chrome policies for users right from the Google Admin panel. That means employees will be able to access pre-loaded applications, custom themes, or a private app web store from any computer -- whether it’s the company desktop or personal laptop -- when they sign-in to Chrome with their Google Apps account.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business and Education

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We are introducing a redesigned compose experience in Gmail that saves you time, uses less screen space, and is simple to use. The new compose experience opens a window at the bottom of your inbox. You can compose multiple messages at once, search through your inbox and even reply to other messages all while keeping your new draft open.

NOTE: All users will be able to temporarily opt-out of this new experience.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Release Date:
April 16th, 2013

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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We are introducing a redesigned compose experience in Gmail that saves you time, uses less screen space, and is simple to use. The new compose experience opens a window at the bottom of your inbox. You can compose multiple messages at once, search through your inbox and even reply to other messages all while keeping your new draft open.

NOTE: Users will be able to opt-out of this new experience for two weeks.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Two years ago, we introduced Google Cloud Connect as a free plug-in to help people work in the cloud by automatically saving Microsoft Office files from Windows PCs to Google Drive. But installing Google Drive on your desktop achieves the same thing more effectively—and Drive works not only on Windows, but also on Mac, Android and iOS devices. Existing users will no longer be able to use Cloud Connect as of April 30.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Introducing Google Keep, a new Android app to save ideas and organize to-dos the moment they happen. With Google Keep you can create notes, lists, photos and voice recordings right from your phone. You can also access, edit, and create new notes on the web at In the coming weeks, you'll also be able to do the same directly from your Google Drive. Download Google Keep from Google Play on devices running Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich or higher).

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business and Education

This is not available for Google Apps for Government users. They can download the app but will not be able to sync their data to the cloud.

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The Alerts & Notifications box in the admin control panel has now been replaced with a new Notifications Inbox. This new feature can be accessed by clicking on the bell icon on the top right. Admins now have the ability to see the number of available notifications. They can also dismiss notifications that aren’t important.

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Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education
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Users can now preview more than 30 file types in Google Drive. They can flip through files to find the one they want as well as share, download, print or edit them with one click.

Editions included
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Videos stored in Google Drive are now available in HTML5. Videos will be served in HTML5 if Flash support is not available in the browser. This change allows users to play videos on their mobile phones without Flash support.

Editions included
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Drive: The “Create” menu in Google Drive has a new look. This change allows for easier access to Drive apps and third party apps. To create a new file from a template, open the appropriate editor (Docs, Sheets or Slides) and click on File > New > From template. This functionality has been removed from the new “Create” menu.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on February 26th:
No new features are launching next week.

Release track:

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The “Create” menu in Google Drive has a new look. This change allows for easier access to Drive apps and third party apps.

Note: To create a new file from a template, open the appropriate editor (Docs, Sheets or Slides) and click on File > New > From template. This functionality has been removed from the new “Create” menu.

Editions included
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Release track
Rapid release
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Slides: Users now have the ability to create, view and edit presentations without an internet connection with Google Slides offline. This is automatically enabled for users who have already enabled offline editing of Docs and Sheets. Offline access to presentations is only available in Chrome and on Chrome OS devices.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on February 13th:
No new features are launching next week.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Users now have access to a new version of Google Forms. Just as with Docs, Sheets and Slides, you can now collaborate with others in real-time. Multiple users can work on the same form simultaneously.

Note: Unlike the previous version, forms are no longer tied to a specific spreadsheet. Responses are collected and stored only in the form. If owners prefer to see the data in a spreadsheet, they can specify a destination spreadsheet for the data at any time.

Editions included
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Release track
Rapid release

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No new features launched this week.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on February 5th:
Users now have the ability to create, view and edit presentations without an internet connection with Google Slides offline. This is automatically enabled for users who have already enabled offline editing of Docs and Sheets. Offline access to presentations is only available in Chrome and on Chrome OS devices.

Release track:

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Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Users now have the ability to create, view and edit presentations without an internet connection with Google Slides offline. This is automatically enabled for users who have already enabled offline editing of Docs and Sheets. Offline access to presentations is only available in Chrome and on Chrome OS devices.

Editions included
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Rapid release

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To make it easier for you to find coworkers, add them to Circles, and share things with them on Google+, we’re adding new domain labels.  When you hover over someone’s name or photo, a window will show with more information.  If that person is part of your organization, you’ll see a label below their name with your organization’s name. You’ll see this same label when you +mention a colleague in a post or comment.

Note: This feature is only visible for people in your company so you can make sure you’re connecting with the right person.

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Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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In September, we added the ability to export Google documents to the newer Microsoft Office formats that rely on open standards (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx). To continue adding new features and innovations to Google Drive and Docs, we’ll be focusing our resources on exporting to these newer open formats rather than the older, proprietary Office formats (.doc, .xls, .ppt) that were used in Office 97-2003.

As we announced in October, after January 31, 2013, users will not be able to export files to the older Office 97-2003 formats. For users who still use Office 97-2003, we recommend installing the free compatibility plugin from Microsoft, which will allow them to open the modern Office file types.

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Scheduled release

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Google Apps administrators now have the ability to define retention rules for specific organizational units. This new feature will give administrators more granular control over retention rules, which control how long certain email messages are preserved before they are deleted permanently.

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Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Earlier this week we launched a new look for Google Apps Vault.  No product functionality has been changed. For more information about carrying out tasks in the new interface please read the Help Center documentation at

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The Docs audit log allows administrators to see when users viewed or edited a document. These logs are available in the control panel under the Reports tab. Logging is disabled by default. It must be enabled in the Drive and Docs settings.

Note that changes made by APIs or views/edits to publicly accessible documents (which do not require authentication) are not logged.

Editions included
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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No new features launched this week.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on January 15th:
No new features to announce

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Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education
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