Google Apps administrators now have the ability to enforce SSL connections on the Contacts APIs through a setting in the control panel. This setting provides added security against session hijacking and user impersonation. It affects these APIs:

- Contacts API
- Domain Shared Contacts API
- Google Apps Profiles API

Note that this setting will be OFF by default because some widely used legacy contacts applications do not support SSL. Early next year, we will set the Enforce SSL option to ON for all new domains and all existing domains where we do not detect a contacts API request from one of these legacy applications within the previous week.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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Starting today, Google Apps for Business users can download QuickOffice for the iPad for free from the App Store. This exclusive version of QuickOffice automatically syncs with Google Drive and supports two factor authentication.

With the app, users can open and edit any Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint file stored in Google Drive right from their iPad. iPhone and Android versions of this app for Google Apps for Business customers will be available in the future.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business

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No new features launched this week.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on December 25th:
No new features to announce

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Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education
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Gmail: Users using the new compose experience in Gmail now have the ability to insert files up to 10GB from Drive directly into an email . Gmail will automatically check that recipients have access to any files being sent.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on December 18th:
No new features to announce

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Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Google Apps administrators now have the ability to programmatically migrate emails into Google Groups using the new Groups Migration API. This API allows developers the ability to build tools that can move shared emails from any data source (typically shared mailboxes, public folders and discussion databases) to their domain’s Google Groups discussion archives.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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Version 3.0 of Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange (GAMME) is now available for download. It has the following improvements:

- Calendar migration for resources
Migrate calendar resources like meeting rooms from Exchange to Google Apps.

- Public folder migration
Migrate public folders in Exchange to Google Groups using the command line.

- New in-product help
Click on a question mark in the product to get helpful tips on using the tool

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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A limited version of Fusion Tables is now available for administrators to enable in the administrator control panel under Additional Services. When this service is turned on, users will be able to use all features of Fusion Tables except the ability to create a Google Map.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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No new features to announce.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on December 11th:
Gmail: Users now have the ability to insert files up to 10GB from Drive directly into an email without leaving Gmail. Gmail will automatically check that recipients have access to any files being sent.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Google Apps super admins now have the ability to designate users as admins for specific organizational units. Users in a domain can be arranged in organizational units to better control the services and features they have access to.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Starting today, we are no longer accepting new signups for the free version of Google Apps. The option to switch to this version will no longer be available in 30 days.

This change has no impact on customers who are already using the free version. They can continue to use Google Apps for free.

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Google Apps domains can now distribute internal Android apps to users at their organization through the Google Play Private Channel. This private channel is restricted to users in the domain and can be used to host internal corporate Android apps like a mobile company directory app.

Versions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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Lock Screen Widgets let you scan recent Gmail messages, Calendar entries, and other app content without unlocking an Android 4.2+ device screen. This update allows domain admins to enable/disable lock screen widgets through the control panel. The Lock Screen Widgets security setting requires that users update to the latest version of Google Apps Device Policy (version 4.13 or higher) from the Play Store.

NOTE: Lock screen widgets are disabled by default. If users have already added widgets, they will disappear in compliance with the setting in the control panel.

Languages Supported:
All languages

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government, and Education

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