Quick launch summary

Support for live captions on Hangouts Meet was announced for the web and Android earlier this year. We’re now bringing that same captions support to the Meet iOS app.

Please note, when you turn on captions, they will only be visible on that particular device. In order for other participants in the meeting to see captions, they’ll have to turn it on for their devices as well.

Currently, live captions are only available in English. Additionally, captions will not appear in a recording of a meeting. Check out the Help Center to learn more about how to use captions in a video meeting.


Rollout details
G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions
On/off by default?
  • This feature will be available by default.
Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

Cloud Search is getting a new look and feel. Users will notice some visual improvements, including:
  • Interface typography that uses Google’s custom-designed and highly-legible typefaces
  • Controls (like buttons, dialogs, and sidebars) that are updated and consistent
  • Iconography that is legible and crisp, with a fresh feel

Material Design for Cloud Search

Material Design for Cloud Search


Rollout details
G Suite editions
  • Available to G Suite Business and Enterprise editions who have Cloud Search enabled.

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

With this launch, all desktop devices that log in to G Suite will get fundamental device management by default. This means that when a user logs in to G Suite through any browser on a Windows, Mac, Chrome, or Linux device, the device will be registered with endpoint management. This will happen automatically upon login and does not require any other user actions or software to be installed on the device.

When a device is registered with fundamental device management, admins can see the device type, operating system, first sync time, and last sync time in the Admin console. They can also sign the user out from that device.

This provides the basic benefits of device management without additional costs or requiring installation of agents or profiles. We’re also making enhancements to the filters available in the device list that will strengthen our endpoint verification and Context-Aware Access functionality. See more information below.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

Fundamental device management provides a base level of security to every desktop device that accesses G Suite data. The device data collected can help admins make more informed security and policy decisions about how to manage the devices in their organization. More specifically, the feature will help admins to:
  • Get a clearer picture of all the devices that are accessing corporate data. 
  • Use more comprehensive data to analyze device access in the organization through reports and the security center. For example, you could use it to identify devices that require OS updates. 
  • Take remedial action to remotely sign out a user when a device is lost, stolen, or compromised.
  • Improve Context-Aware Access controls. The device inventory will be more comprehensive, and admins can use a new “Exclude Endpoint Verification” filter, which will enable admins to see which devices would not be able to access G Suite when context-aware access is deployed. 

How to get started 

Additional details 

Fundamental desktop management provides device information without apps or agents 

When fundamental device management is enabled, the admin will get information about a limited set of device properties: device type, device model, OS version, first sync, and last sync.

This will be visible in two places in the Admin console:

  • The devices list found at Admin console > Device management > Devices > Endpoints
  • The audit section found at Admin console > Reporting > Audit > Devices

Information about devices with fundamental device management will be listed alongside devices that use other agents to provide admins with details about devices accessing corporate data. Admins can filter the endpoint list by “Management Type” to see devices with a specific device management type, such as fundamental, endpoint verification, or Drive File Stream.

You can filter for “Fundamental” managed devices at Admin console > Device management > Devices 

A device page with information provided through fundamental device management 

Limitations of fundamental device management and other endpoint verification options 
Fundamental device management is designed to be an agentless, lightweight information collection tool. Its goal is to provide a basic data set, which can help admins make some decisions and add some controls to devices accessing their data.

Google provides other services, which offer more detailed data and enable more comprehensive controls to admins, including endpoint verification, Chrome device management, Drive File Stream, and Google Mobile Management.

New Endpoint Verification filter helps deploy Endpoint Verification and Context-Aware Access

We’re also adding the ability to filter for devices without endpoint verification in the device list at Admin console > Device management > Devices. This can help admins to identify devices which are accessing corporate data without endpoint verification, and see if they’d like to install endpoint verification on any of them. This can also improve the deployment of Context-Aware Access, which relies on Endpoint Verification. By seeing users and devices without Endpoint Verification installed, admins can identify and avoid potential user disruption before turning on Context-Aware Access. 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

  • Rapid and Scheduled Release domains
    • Extended rollout (longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 29, 2019. 
    • Rollout may not reach all domains until the end of 2020. 
    • When it reaches your domain, you’ll see the banner pictures below, and there will be a new “Management Type > Fundamental” filter option available in the endpoint devices list. 

When the rollout reaches your domain, you’ll see this banner when you go to Admin console > Device management > Devices 

When the rollout reaches your domain, you’ll see the “Fundamental” management type filter option at Admin Console > Device Management > Devices. 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be enabled by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

Context-aware access for G Suite is now generally available for G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education domains. It was previously available in beta.

With context-aware access, you can set up different access levels based on a user’s identity and the context of the request (location, device security status, IP address). This can help you provide granular access controls without the need for a VPN, and give users access to G Suite resources based on organizational policies. For example, you could use it to:

  • Let only certain employees access Gmail outside of the corporate WiFi network. 
  • Allow access to Drive only if a user’s desktop device storage is encrypted. 
  • Permit users from a certain Organizational Unit (e.g. executives) to access apps on any network, but restrict access to apps for other OUs from outside the corporate network. 

Visit our Help Center for more information on how to use context-aware access. For more details on context-aware access and a number of other G Suite security announcements, please read our Cloud Blog post.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it

See this video for some ideas about how you could use context-aware access:

How to get started 

  • Admins: Use our Help Center to learn how to start using context-aware access. 
  • End users: No action needed 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Context-Aware Access overview 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions

  • Available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Cloud Identity Premium 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, G Suite for Nonprofits, and Cloud Identity Free 

On/off by default?
This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU level.

What’s changing 

We’re adding a new rule type to the security center that will help G Suite admins and analysts automate security management tasks and improve their organization's security posture. Specifically, with these updates you can now: 

  • Create Activity Rules, which are automated rules based on log events within the security center investigation tool. 
  • Configure Activity Rules to create alerts or perform remediation actions. 
  • See specific log entries showing when Activity Rules got triggered, what actions were taken, what entities were affected, and more. 
  • Put Activity Rules in monitor mode to test setup and effectiveness before implementation. 
  • See Activity Rules in the rules list at Admin console > Security > Security rules. 
  • Get informed of and investigate rule triggers through alert center alerts. 

Read below for more information.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

The security center is a powerful tool to help admins and analysts identify, investigate, and remediate security issues. However, we’ve also heard that it is important to be able to automate detection and remediation in order to decrease the time it takes to address issues after they occur.

This launch will make it easier to set up alerts, automate remediation actions, and understand the function and impact of rules, all while reducing the manual effort needed from admins.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Create and configure rules within the security center investigation tool. 
We’ve added the ability to create and configure Activity Rules within the security center investigation tool. Activity Rules can be based on any log event query in the investigation tool, and can run and perform remediation actions automatically. This will function in a similar way to how you may create rules today to perform data loss prevention (DLP) for Gmail and Drive. We’ve also added the ability to turn rules on or off when searching for a rule or the audit logs from a rule in the investigation tool.

See specific log entries with details on rule trigger events. 
After an Activity Rule is created, we’ll record and show more specific log entries. The entries will include when the rule got triggered, what actions were taken when the rule was triggered, what entities were affected, and the result of those actions. For example, when a rule marks an email as spam, we will record an audit event that shows you exactly what happened and which condition within the rule was triggered. These logs will improve investigation capabilities, help admins to create effective rules, and make it easier to identify outdated rules.

Test Activity Rules with monitor mode before real implementation. 
You can also put Activity Rules in monitor mode. While in monitor mode, triggered actions will not be actually executed, and alerts won't be sent to the alert center. Logs, however, will still be recorded about what the rule would have done if it were in active mode. This can help you assess rule effectiveness without worrying about potential negative impacts. When you’re ready, you can simply switch the rule to active mode.

See and manage rules in the rules list. 
Rules set up in the security center will also show alongside other rules in the Admin console security rules list at Admin console > Security > Security Rules.

See rule triggers in the alert center. 
You’ll be able to see and investigate these rule-based alerts in the alert center.

See specific log entries with details on rule trigger events 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

  • The security center is available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Cloud Identity Premium 
  • The security center is not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits 
On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

Quick launch summary

You can quickly create new files directly from your browser with “.new” domains for several Google products. For example, you can type “Cal.new” into your browser to create a new Google Calendar event.

The current “.new” domains are:


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be available by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What you should know

To ensure that copies of all sent or received messages in your domain are stored in the associated users' Gmail mailboxes, you should set up comprehensive mail storage in the Admin console. This is not a new setting, but we’ve learned that some G Suite admins don’t realize it’s disabled by default.

Who’s impacted

Admins only

Why you’d use it

Storing these emails in Gmail mailboxes means that your Vault retention policies and holds, as well as searches and exports for Gmail, will include these emails. Examples of emails sent or received in your domain include mail sent from Calendar and Drive and other G Suite services.

How to get started

Additional details

One example of email captured by comprehensive mail storage is email written in Calendar. For instance, it’s sometimes useful to email all or a subset of the people in a meeting invite. If you click the "Email Guests" icon, it will send an email from your email address. You have the option to email all guests, target people based on RSVP status, and/or send a copy to yourself. There are no CC, BCC, or attachment options, but the details of the calendar event will be included in the email.

If you uncheck “Send copy to me” and the comprehensive mail storage option is disabled in your domain, a copy of the sent message will not be stored in any Gmail mailbox. If comprehensive mail storage is enabled in your domain, a copy of the sent message will be stored in your Sent mailbox.

Helpful links

Help Center: Set up comprehensive mail storage


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Comprehensive mail storage is available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite for Education, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits.
  • Vault is available to G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and any G Suite users with add-on Vault licenses.

On/off by default?

  • Comprehensive mail storage is OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU level.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

G Suite Enterprise domains can now host meetings with up to 250 participants. We are also increasing the participant limits for all other G Suite editions.

New maximum participant limits:

  • Enterprise: 250
  • Business: 150
  • Basic: 100

Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

Meeting with teammates, clients, or customers around the globe is critical to getting your job done. For those times when you need to meet with a larger group, Hangouts Meet now allows G Suite Enterprise users to organize meetings with up to 250 participants, G Suite Business users to host up to 150 participants, and G Suite Basic users to host up to 100 participants.

How to get started

  • Admins: No action required.
  • End users: No action required. These new participant limits will occur automatically for all Hangouts Meet meetings hosted by your domain.

Additional details

This new extended participant limit supports people joining from any mixture of video and dial-in entry points so you can can bring together even more people from all over the world.

If you need to host an even larger meeting, you can enable live streaming, allowing up to 100,000 viewers to watch at once.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • 250-person meetings available to G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education editions only
  • 150-person meetings available to G Suite Business edition only
  • 100-person meetings available to G Suite Basic and G Suite for Education editions only

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

Meet will be getting a new look and feel on the web. While there are no functionality changes, users will notice some visual improvements, including:

  • Updated fonts that uses Google’s custom-designed and highly-legible typefaces
  • Controls (like buttons, dialogs, and sidebars) that are updated and consistent
  • Iconography and color changes that are more legible


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

  • These changes will take place by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

We’re making some changes to the Directory Settings section of the Admin console. You can use Directory settings to control which parts of the company user directory end users can change for themselves, and what directory information is visible to which users.

Now you’ll see a new card-based interface with three sections when you go to Admin console > Directory > Directory settings:

  • Sharing settings: Set defaults for what contact information is shown to users within your domain and with external apps and APIs. 
  • Profile editing: Select what personal info (name, photo, etc.) and work info (job title, working location etc) users can change. 
  • Visibility settings: Choose what directory information is visible to different users. 

When you click on to the sharing settings and visibility settings sections, you may also notice similar user interface updates that you see on the directory settings landing page - a card-based interface with more visible information about the settings.

See more details and images below.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

The new design has an updated card-based interface, which will make it easier to see where to go to change specific settings, and quicker to confirm that the settings are configured correctly. We hope this will save you time and reduce your clicks.

How to get started 

The new “Directory settings” section in the Admin console 

The old “Directory settings” section in the Admin console 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Manage your company profile


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
These settings will be the same as your current settings for the features in the Admin console, but will be updated to show in the new interface. Settings can be controlled at the OU level.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We're making it easy for admins to enable single sign-on for thousands of additional apps that don’t support modern authentication standards like SAML and OIDC. The combination of standards based and password-vaulted app support will deliver one of the largest SSO app catalogs in the industry. 

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

Google supports single sign-on for apps in the G Suite Marketplace, apps that support SAML or OIDC as an authentication mechanism, and apps that leverage LDAP for sign-on. While this existing solution works for many apps, some of our customers rely on apps that don’t support these standards. others don’t support federated single sign-on. This release provides seamless one-click access for users and a single point of management, visibility, and control for admins.

With password vaulting, admins can:

  • Manage credentials in a single space,
  • Securely enable access to shared credentials,
  • Manage access to app credentials based on group membership, and
  • Log and access reports on usage of the credentials within their organization.

End users can view and login to their apps with a single click within a new user dashboard.

How to get started


Rollout details
G Suite editions
  • Available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Cloud Identity Premium
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, or G Suite for Nonprofits

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be available by default.  

  Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

In October 2017, we announced the rollout of international Hangouts Meet dial-in phone numbers for G Suite Enterprise domains. We’re now extending this functionality to new meetings organized by G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise for Education and G Suite Basic domains.

See the list of the supported dial-in countries in the Help Center. Please note, Cyprus (CY) and Turkey (TR) are not supported for G Suite Business and G Suite Basic.


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to G Suite Basic and G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise and, G Suite Enterprise for Education in supported languages.
  • Not available to G Suite for Education

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

We’re combining the Gmail photo with the Google account profile photo for G Suite users. Now, when you go to change this setting in Gmail, you’ll be directed to the “About me” section of your Google profile settings to set your profile picture.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

Currently, profile pictures set in Gmail are only displayed in Gmail. This means your profile picture in Gmail may be different than your Google account profile photo, which can make it difficult to know which picture will be displayed where. This change simplifies things by allowing you to set a single profile picture in one place and then displaying that single photo across all Google apps.

How to get started

  • If your Gmail and profile photos are currently different, and you have permission to edit your photo, you’ll  see a pop-up when you visit your About me settings which will prompt you to select one of the images or choose an entirely new photo.

Additional details

This setting gives Admins who have disabled photo editability in their domain greater control, as users can no longer change their Gmail picture independently of their Google profile picture. 

Note that users who do not visit their "About me" settings will not be prompted to select a single profile picture and will continue to have different profile pictures. 

Helpful links


Rollout details
  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 21, 2019
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 21, 2019
G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

We’ve just updated the “What’s new in G Suite?” Help Center article to include recent launches. The article has a list of all the G Suite launches from the past six months. You can filter by product or search by keyword to find and learn about any launch.

Feedback? Let us know

What’s changing 

We’re moving the management of custom reporting alerts to the Security rules section of the Admin console, found at Admin console > Security > Security rules. Here, they will be listed with the “Reporting” rule type (see image below). Previously, you could manage custom rules at Admin Console > Reporting > Alerts.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

With the addition of custom roles, the Security rules section will provide a more consolidated view of rules and alerts available within your domain. This will make it easier to manage your rules and alerts from a single location.

How to get started 

  • Admins: To access Security rules, click the three-line menu icon in the top left corner of the Admin console and select Security > Security rules from the menu that appears. Multiple rule types are viewable including Activity rules, Reporting rules, and System defined rules. Use our Help Center to learn more about security rules
  • End users: No action needed. 

Additional details 

In April, we moved predefined admin alerts from the Reporting section of the Admin console to the Security rules section, listed with the “System defined” rule type label. This brings custom admin alerts to that same location.

“System defined” and custom “Reporting” rules are now in the Security Rules list 

Helpful links 

Help Center: View and manage security rules 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default?
This change will take place by default for all domains.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary 

We’re expanding the 2-Step Verification (2SV) options available for Google Accounts by offering a new USB-C Titan Security Key in the United States.

Titan Security Keys are phishing-resistant two-factor authentication (2FA) devices that support FIDO standards. FIDO security keys are the strongest form of 2SV available, and using them can significantly reduce the risk of account hijacking. Providing a USB-C option alongside the other available 2SV methods will help make it easier for more users to protect their accounts.

These new Titan Security Keys can also be used in Google’s Advanced Protection Program for enterprise, which is designed to protect users most at risk of targeted attacks. These can include IT administrators, business executives, and employees in security-sensitive industries such as finance and healthcare.

USB-C Titan Security Keys are compatible with Android, Chrome OS, macOS, and Windows devices. For more information, see our post about USB-C Titan Security Keys on the Google Security Blog.

USB-C Titan Security Key is now available 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite and Cloud Identity editions.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We’re adding new features that give users more options to easily customize their charts in Google Sheets. Now you can click directly on data labels, chart titles or legends and drag to reposition them. Or you can easily delete these elements using the delete or backspace keys.

Deleting chart elements in Google Sheets

Repositioning chart elements in Google Sheets.

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

These features give you more ways to control the look and feel of your charts. For example, you can now easily reposition data labels that overlap to avoid clutter and ensure that key data points stand out. Or you can reposition the legend inside the chart area in order to maximize chart space.

How to get started 

Additional details 

When clicking on a group of items (like a set of data labels), the entire group will be selected first. If you want to drill down further (for example, to select an individual data label), simply click again on the specific element.

Note that most chart elements can be repositioned and deleted, except those that derive their position from data. So, you can reposition elements like chart titles or legends, but data points will remain fixed.

Also included in this launch is the ability to navigate through chart elements using your keyboard.

  • Tab: move between elements 
  • Enter: select an individual element from a group 
  • Escape: go back from an individual element to a group 
  • Arrow keys: reposition the selected elements 

For those who use a screen reader, chart elements will be verbalized as you navigate through them.

Helpful links 


Rollout details

G Suite editions 

  • Available to all G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

  • These features will be available by default. 

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

You can now personalize caption text size and position while presenting in Google Slides. These features can help make captions easier to read, like ensuring all audience members can view captions in a large room. Or, you could make your text smaller to maximize the number of words on screen at once.

While presenting, select the dropdown menu next to the Captions button on the toolbar. From there, you can then set the text size and position.

See our Help Center to learn more about presenting Slides with captions.


Rollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be available by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

Admins can now view Cloud Search usage information via charts in the Admin console and using the Stats API.

Who’s impacted

Admins only

Why it’s important

Previously, admins only had limited visibility into the usage of Cloud Search within their domains. Now, they have greater insight into things like how often applications are being used and whether all the content they need indexed is accessible.

How to get started

Additional details

Specifically, you’ll be able to view Cloud Search data around active users, query volume, and number of searches. Note: these stats will be available immediately through the Stats API. Rollout details for the Admin console can be found below in the Availability section.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education, as well as standalone Cloud Search Platform customers
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Update (October 14, 2019): We previously stated that the Goal Seek add-on would impact the API request quota for your domain — this was incorrect. There will be no impact on API request quotas from using the Goal Seek add-on and we've updated the blog to reflect this correction.

What’s changing

The Goal Seek add-on for Google Sheets can now be downloaded and installed from the G Suite Marketplace.

Populating and triggering the solve functionality for the Goal Seek add-on.

The Goal Seek add-on running and successfully finding a solution.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it

You can use the Goal Seek add-on to calculate the required value of a cell to achieve a desired value in another cell. This is particularly useful when conducting break-even analysis or sensitivity calculations, like determining how changing one value affects other correlated values in your sheet.

How to get started

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We’re making some updates to the alert center for G Suite. Admins with alert center privileges can now:

  • Leave comments on alerts. This can make it easier to collaborate during investigations and keep a record of investigation and resolution actions for an alert. 
  • Use saved filters. This can help you quickly return to specific views without applying several individual filters each session. 

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

These new features and other recent alert center updates make it easier to find important alerts and work with colleagues to mitigate risk. By leaving comments you and your colleagues can more easily collaborate on investigations. The comments can also serve as a record of actions taken on alerts, making it easy to remember what happened.Additionally, saved filters will help personalize your experience so you can more quickly focus on alerts specific to your job function. For example, if you’re focused specifically on phishing and malware, you can save a filter to only see Gmail-related alerts.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Leave comments to collaborate better 
You can now leave comments on alerts. When you leave a comment, it will appear in the ‘Alert history’ section when you look at an alert, and can be viewed by any other admin with access to the alert. This can help you keep track of any actions taken on the alert, and can make it easier for team members to collaborate to investigate and remediate alerts. Note that comments can be deleted, but only by the user that left the comment.

You can leave comments in the Alert history section of an alert 

Use saved filters to personalize the alert center 
If you have filters that you use regularly (for example, you may regularly filter for “High severity” alerts which have an “In Progress” status), you can now save these filters so you can get back to them quickly. Filters saved will be individual to each user, but you can share the URL once the filter is applied so colleagues can see the same view.

Saved filters help you quickly access common filter views in the alert center 

Helpful links 

Help Center: About the alert center 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

Earlier this year, we announced that Gmail would be enforcing the MTA-STS security standard in beta. We’re now adding a diagnostics page for all admins to validate their MTA-STS configurations.

Who’s impacted

Admins only

Why you’d use it

On this page you can validate your MTA-STS and TLS reporting configuration. If any of your domains are not configured correctly, you’ll see what the suggested configuration is, making it easier to configure new MTA-STS settings.

How to get started

  • Admins: In the Admin console, navigate to Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings. Here, you’ll be able to validate your MTA-STS configuration.
  • End users: No action needed.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary 

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides now have a new look and feel on Android devices. While there are no functionality changes, users will notice visual improvements, including a restyled document list, highly-legible typefaces, consistent controls, and updated iconography.

This redesign is already reflected in the latest versions of the Google Docs and Slides Android Apps. It will begin rolling out to Sheets on Android today.

Screenshots of Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets with the Material redesign.

This Material redesign is part of a larger effort to bring consistency to the look and feel of our G Suite apps, with ease-of-use in mind. See here for more information on the Google Drive Material redesign on iOS and Android and here for the Docs, Sheets, and Slides redesign on the web


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 
  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches