Google Docs editors are now more consistent across each product. The links, title area, menus, menu terminology, and toolbar are now nearly uniform across documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
Google Docs editors are now more consistent across each product. The links, title area, menus, menu terminology, and toolbar are now nearly uniform across documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

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We've added some new features to the Docs list:

- New export features which allow you to select multiple documents, convert them into your chosen format and download them as a zip file.
We've added some new features to the Docs list:

- New export features which allow you to select multiple documents, convert them into your chosen format and download them as a zip file.
- Indicators to show if a document has been viewed already or not.
- A 'New!' indicator that shows you when a new document has been shared with you.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
-Select one or more files and then click on "Export" from the "More Actions" menu. Next, pick the format (e.g. PDF, Microsoft Word, etc) you want for your exported files. Finally, click "Continue" and it will create a zip file to download that has all your content. You can "export" up to 500 MB of content in a single zip file. It can sometimes take a few minutes to download so you also have an "email when ready" option to notify you when the zip file is ready.

- "Unviewed" files are in bold, while "viewed" files are not. You can toggle this setting by selecting the item and clicking on "mark as (Un)Viewed" in the "More Actions" menu.

- When an item is first shared to you, it will be bold ("Unviewed") and marked as "New!". Once you view this item, it's listed normally. If the item is updated by someone else, then it will be marked as "Unviewed" again.

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Administrators now have more control over how their users use Chat and can:
- Enable/disable their user's ability to chat outside the domain.
- Enable a setting to automatically accept chat invitations between users in their domain.
Administrators now have more control over how their users use Chat and can:
- Enable/disable their user's ability to chat outside the domain.
- Enable a setting to automatically accept chat invitations between users in their domain.

Editions included:
Premier and Education Editions

Languages included:
US English

How to access what's new:
Go to Chat settings in the control panel, and enable/disable the checkbox 'Users can chat with other users outside this domain'. This will also affect the ability to chat within the Google Network.

To set automatic acceptance of invitations to chat, enable/disable the checkbox 'Automatically accept chat invitations between users in this domain'. Please note that your users will be able to override this setting and it's a default setting only.

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Some enhancements to Google Calendar have been released:
- Snooze alerts: Ability to be reminded again after a pop-up notification.
- Hide calendar from the list: Ability to hide unwanted calendars from your list of calendars.
Some enhancements to Google Calendar have been released:
- Snooze alerts: Ability to be reminded again after a pop-up notification.
- Hide calendar from the list: Ability to hide unwanted calendars from your list of calendars.
- Your primary calendar timezone is now synced to your display timezone.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Calendar

How to access what's new:
- When alerted to an event via a pop-up notification and dismissing it, the calendar interface will show you an option to remind you again shortly. Click on that link if you want to be reminded of the event again.
- If you want to hide a particular calendar from your list of calendars, click on the drop down arrow to the right of the calendar name, then select 'Hide this calendar from the list'.
- You can adjust your display timezone in 'calendar settings' then in the 'general' section.

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The following enhancements have been made to Google Docs:

- Shared folders: You now have the ability to share entire folders with other collaborators.
- Upload multiple files: You can now upload multiple files to Docs simultaneously instead of uploading individually.
The following enhancements have been made to Google Docs:

- Shared folders: You now have the ability to share entire folders with other collaborators.
- Upload multiple files: You can now upload multiple files to Docs simultaneously instead of uploading individually.
- Return of 'Items not in folders' section.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
Shared folders: Select the folder in your docs list, then select 'share this folder' beside the folder name. The sharing dialog is just like sharing an individual document.

Upload multiple files: Click on 'Upload', then click on 'Select files to upload' and use 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' to pick multiple files. Then press 'Start upload' to upload and convert the files to Google Docs all in one go.

Items not in folders: In the navigation on the left of the Docs list, Click 'More searches' and then 'Items not in folders'.

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The following updates have been made in Google Sites:
- Page Templates: Lets you define default content as well as settings, like layout, that other collaborators can use when they create a new page.
The following updates have been made in Google Sites:
- Page Templates: Lets you define default content as well as settings, like layout, that other collaborators can use when they create a new page.
- Ability to subscribe to an RSS feed from an 'announcements' page.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Sites

How to access what's new:
- To create a page template, create a new page with your template design and content, then from the 'More Actions' menu, select 'save as a page template'. This page template will now be an option when you create a new page or can change the page template type.
- To subscribe to an RSS feed from an announcements page, click on the 'subscribe to posts' link on that page.

For more information:
Read about these changes here

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You now have additional drawing features in Google Docs

Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions
You now have additional drawing features in Google Docs

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
In any document, spreadsheet or presentation, choose 'Insert Drawing' to see the drawing tools. The new features are:

  • Custom shapes and lines: Use the new 'Polyline' tool to create custom shapes, close shapes, fill them and reposition points.
  • Snap to Guides: Helps you align shapes with the canvas and other shapes when dragging and resizing.
  • Draw multiple lines: Start drawing a new line immediately after finishing a line, without having to re-select the line type.
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You can now use functions in spreadsheets that can automatically detect and translate languages.
You can now use functions in spreadsheets that can automatically detect and translate languages.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Spreadsheets

How to access what's new:
To detect and translate languages on a spreadsheet, use the new functions:

  • =GoogleTranslate("field one","field two","field three")
  • =DetectLanguage("field one")

For the translate function, the fields should contain a combination of the text you want to translate, the two letter language code of the text and the language code you want the text to be translated into.

For the detection function, simply enter the text in the field and it will output the two letter language code of the text.

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