Users with an active Google+ profile can add a Google+ Hangout to calendar events. Invited guests can join the hangout by clicking on “Join hangout” on the event details page. These hangouts will respect any restrictions in the administrator control panel.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Gmail: 1:1 Video chat in Gmail has been upgraded and is now powered by Google+ Hangouts. If both sides have created a Google+ profile you will get the full Hangouts experience including the ability to add up to nine other people to the conversation, screen sharing and integrated Google Docs collaboration.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on September 4th:
No new features.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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We have now launched a preview of Google+ premium features in the administrator control
panel. Admins can setup default restrictions that will allow users in the domain to freely
exchange ideas and share information while keeping company information private.

Post Restrictions: Admins can set all new posts to be restricted within the domain by
default. Unless a user deliberately chooses to remove this restriction on a post, it cannot
ever be reshared outside the domain by anyone. External users cannot be added via
comments either. Note that a restricted post will always remain restricted. A post can only
be made public when it is first created.

Restricted Hangouts: When this feature is turned on, external users will only be able to join
a Hangout to which they are explicitly invited to. Everyone in the domain will always be
able to join any Hangout as long as they have the URL. Note that this is a default. Users can
always make Hangouts public.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages

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“Default routing” is a new option on the Email settings page in the administrator control panel. This feature enables you to set up a domain-wide routing policy for inbound messages that includes one or more settings.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages

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A new security setting in the administrator control panel give the administrator the ability to enforce a secure connection with users send emails to or receive emails from specific domains and email addresses.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages

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We've graduated three labs, Refresh POP accounts, Filter import/export and Navbar drag and drop.

Refresh POP accounts: Clicking the refresh link at the top of your inbox will now not only update your inbox with your new Gmail messages, but will also fetch messages from any other POP accounts which you have set up.

Filter import/export: From the Settings > Filters page you can download a file containing some or all of your filters or upload a file to create a set of filters all in one go.  This makes it easy to share filters with friends, backup filters for later and more.

Navbar drag and drop: If you use gadgets on the left-hand side of Gmail, you can now rearrange them with drag n' drop.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages
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The License Manager API allows the administrator to programmatically assign, unassign and re-assign Google Drive storage licenses to users.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages

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Google Apps administrators can use a new feature in the administrator control panel to manage routing and basic filtering of email to on-premise systems as well as email to Google Apps users. These changes are a part of the integration of Postini and Google Apps.

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages Supported:
All languages

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The login dialog for users who have enabled Single Sign On (SSO) login to Google Apps, but not Google password login has been simplified (shows only one option for entering a password), and the authentication landing page better redirects users back to the Google Apps Sync application.

Languages Supported:
All languages

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Spreadsheets: Users now have the ability to name a range in a spreadsheet. You can then protect such a named range instead of protecting the whole sheet. You can also use the name of the range in formulas.
Spreadsheets: Users can now pick the color and style of cell borders. This features is accessible as an added option through the cell borders toolbar button.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on August 28th:
Gmail: 1:1 Video chat in Gmail has been upgraded and will be powered by Google+ Hangouts. If both sides have created a Google+ profile you will get the full Hangouts experience including the ability to add up to nine other people to the conversation, screen sharing and integrated Google Docs collaboration.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Calendar: Users have had the ability to change the colors of calendars from a default color palette. Users can now choose a custom color if the default palette does not meet their needs.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on August 21th:
Spreadsheets: Users now have the ability to name a range in a spreadsheet. You can then protect such a named range instead of protecting the whole sheet. You can also use the name of the range in formulas.
Spreadsheets: Users can now pick the color and style of cell borders. This features is accessible as an added option through the cell borders toolbar button.

Release track: 

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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On August 2nd we released additional security settings for mobile management in the Google Apps administrator control panel.

- IP whitelist for Google Sync (ActiveSync)
- Google Sync: Enforce delete as trash
- Enable/disable user remote wipe
- Only enforce available policies on older Android devices
- Enable/disable Google Now

Languages Supported:
All languages

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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1:1 Video chat in Gmail has been upgraded and is now powered by Google+ Hangouts. If both sides have created a Google+ profile you will get the full Hangouts experience including the ability to add up to nine other people to the conversation, screen sharing and integrated Google Docs collaboration.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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No new features to announce.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on August 14th:
Calendar: Users have had the ability to change the colors of calendars from a default color palette. Users can now choose a custom color if the default palette does not meet their needs.

Release track: 

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Named & Protected Ranges: Users now have the ability to name a range in a spreadsheet. You can then protect such a named range instead of protecting the whole sheet. You can also use the name of the range in formulas.

Border colors: Users can now pick the color and style of cell borders. This features is accessible as an added option through the cell borders toolbar button.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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Google Calendar users have had the ability to change the colors of specific events or calendars from a default color palette. Users can now choose a custom color if the default palette does not meet their needs.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
Click on "Choose custom color" on the bottom of the existing color picker.

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- Documents: Users will have the ability to create documents offline. You must be running the latest version of Chrome or ChromeOS and install the Google Drive Chrome app to use this feature.

The following features are intended for release to these domains on August 7th:
No new features to announce.

Release track: 

Editions included: 
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

For more information:

*Scheduled Release track: Domains with ‘Scheduled Release’ option enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more.
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