The admin quarantine feature provides greater email security and control by allowing admins to moderate when messages satisfying certain conditions are encountered in their domain’s mail traffic.

When a message is flagged by a policy for quarantine (e.g. subject contains the word ‘confidential’), it will not be delivered to the intended recipient. Instead, this message will show up in the admin’s quarantine review UI. Admins can then review the message, choose to allow delivery to the intended recipient, deny delivery with or without rejection notice or do nothing. If no action is taken, messages expire and are removed from quarantine after 30 days.

To make quarantine management easier, up to 20 named quarantines may be set up with unique quarantine criteria. Admins may choose to put messages in different quarantines based on several classification criteria by setting mail flow policies (content compliance, objectionable content, etc.).
See the Help Center for more information on optimizing this feature for your needs.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Based on admin feedback―and in an effort to reduce overall notification volume―we have stopped including suspicious login alerts in the Admin console notification inbox. These alerts will continue to be sent via email.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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To help people use the Google Docs editors when signed in to multiple accounts in an upcoming release, we are changing the structure of Docs editor URLs to no longer use the format /a/DOMAIN for Google Apps customers and to instead use a format containing /u/. 

All current URLs will continue to work after this change. If you click on an old URL, you will be redirected to the new structure that removes /a/DOMAIN without having to do any additional work. Note that users may still see /a/DOMAIN included in Docs editor URLs for an approximately one week-long transition period after this launch. 

Why are we making this change?
Currently, when people are signed-in to multiple Google accounts and open a Docs editor file, they may be asked to select which account to use to open the file. After this change, the Docs editors will be able to select which account to use automatically by examining all logged in account sessions and choosing the first one with view access (prioritizing accounts in the same domain as the document owner) without people needing to specify. 

In the future, the change will also enable us to lift the one account per domain restriction currently imposed while using the Docs editors.

We vetted this change with trusted Apps customers and partners and do not anticipate any disruptions as a result. However, to mitigate any unforeseen impact on Apps customer and partner systems and processes, we are announcing this change six weeks in advance to allow for any necessary adjustments.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release coming in 6 weeks

More information:
Help Center

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People using Gmail now have the option to view the Gmail UI in Burmese, the 74th different language offered. Language settings can be changed from the “display language” drop-down in Settings. One’s display language doesn't affect the language in which messages are sent and received.

Note that the ornate Burmese script requires some specific fonts to make sure it displays correctly.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Help Center
Gmail Blog post

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Today we announced the Android for Work program. With a group of partners, we're helping businesses bring more devices to work by securing, managing and innovating on the Android platform.

Check out the Google for Work blog post for details on how the program provides businesses and workers with the choice and flexibility they need to get things done at work.

Google Apps supports Android device management today and will fully support these Android for Work features when available. Stay tuned for more information.

For more information:
Google for Work blog post
Android for Work overview

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A new version of the Google Calendar app for Android is coming to Google Play over the next few days. Based on your feedback, we’ve made a number of improvements―with more on the horizon:

  • See more events at a glance with 7-day week view and pinch-to-zoom
  • Add Google Drive files to events
    • Drive will check if all event invitees can open them 
  • New Birthday calendar settings (coming to Calendar web next week)
    • Birthday calendar can be hidden
    • Control whether birthdays from Google+ are shown
  • A new option to show week numbers in settings
  • Import .ics files sent to you in Gmail and other apps

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center
Get the latest Calendar app on Google Play

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Today we announced several improvements to Google Classroom. On the web, teachers can now bring their own personal touches to Classroom by uploading their own images to use as themes. They can add their own custom images, or choose from our gallery of options, which has been updated with 18 new images and 30 pattern themes.

For the Android and iOS Classroom apps, we added the ability for students and teachers to view the class resource page, and a few other features for both Android and iOS. 

The Classroom app allows students to do their work anytime, anywhere and is designed for schools with iPads or Android tablets and students' personal devices. If you are a Google Apps for Education admin and your school is using managed Android tablets, iPads, or ChromeOS devices, please consider installing the Classroom app centrally, as students may not be able to install it themselves. To make sure students have a great experience using the Classroom app, be sure to install the Drive and Docs apps (Docs, Slides, and Sheets) to the devices at the same time. 

To learn more about our native mobile apps, please visit the Classroom Help Center.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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People using Google Docs can now use different headers and footers on the first pages of their documents, which comes in handy for:

  • Following academic formatting guidelines (e.g. MLA, CMS, APA)
  • Starting page numbering on the second page
  • Making a title page without headers or footers

After inserting a header or footer in your document you’ll see a new checkbox―just tick it and you’ll be able to set a different header and footer on the first page:
There’s also a new Insert > Page Number menu that lets you customize how and where you start your page numbers―like on the bottom of the second page, for example.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center: Headers and Footers
Help Center: Page numbers

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Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange® v4.1 is now available with the following new features:
  • Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange® Email migrations now uses the latest Email Migration API  (version 2).

  • Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange® now uses latest Admin SDK API (version 1) for user validation and group creation.

  • Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange® now uses the latest Contacts API  (version 3)

  • Administrators can choose to have message content that can not be migrated due to file size restrictions or blocked file types written to a user specific mbox file.

See what's new in this release for more details.

Note: All customers running previous versions of GAMME must upgrade to GAMME 4.1 before April 20, 2015. Older versions will stop functioning after this date.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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A new version of the Google Docs Android app is now available on Google Play. New features include:
  • Support for selecting, cutting, copying and pasting text along with images, tables, and charts in Office Compatibility Mode
  • Ability to insert links in Google documents
Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release For more information:
Download the latest Google Docs app on Google Play

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We’ll be releasing some minor UI changes to Google Groups for Business over the coming weeks, including a cleaner ‘My Groups’ page and new notification bars and dialog windows. 
There will be no functionality changes, just improvements to look and feel. We’re also implementing various performance improvements to reduce latency when using Google Groups.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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Last March, we announced that we’d be ending support for the Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server on March 5, 2015. Please note that we’re now one month away from the end of support date. On March 5, we will turn down the underlying services and the Google Apps Connector for Blackberry Enterprise Server will no longer sync messages.

Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server allows BlackBerry 7 OS and older devices to connect to Google Apps through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). However, BlackBerry no longer supports the version of BES that the Connector needs. The latest BlackBerry devices also do not require a BES. As a result, we’re ending support for the Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server on March 5, 2015.

Who does this affect?
This will affect any Google Apps user with a BlackBerry OS 7 or older device connecting to Google Apps with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 5.0.3.

What are my options?
Android and iOS
Android and iOS devices have native apps that support Google Apps.

BlackBerry 10 OS
If you update your device to BlackBerry 10 OS, you can connect to Google Apps using established sync protocols like Google Sync or IMAP / CalDAV / CardDAV.

BlackBerry 7 OS and older devices
If you'd like to continue connecting to Google Apps with BlackBerry 7 OS and older devices after March 2015, you can access and from your mobile browser.

When will this take effect?
On March 5, 2015, we will end support and turn down the underlying services used by the Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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Google Takeout allows people with Google accounts to backup and download their data. Takeout creates an archive of data from one’s Google products that can be used to migrate to another solution. Takeout is already integrated with several Google services―such as Gmail, Drive, and Calendar―and we’re now integrating Google Groups for Business.

The addition of Groups for Business to Takeout will allow group owners to download a JSON file containing a list of member email addresses for each group that they own when using the Takeout service. This includes any groups created in the Admin console as well as those created in Google Groups for Business.

For Google Apps admins, the Takeout service can be enabled or disabled in the Admin console at: Apps > Additional Google Services (Note: if Google Takeout is not listed, click on the filter icon and uncheck ‘Show top featured services’). 

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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When working in a Chrome browser, people using the Google Docs editors with offline access enabled can work on files even when not connected to the internet. Files are synced so they can be viewed and edited offline, allowing for continued productivity regardless of one’s internet connection.

Setting up offline access manually can be cumbersome, so in a couple of weeks you’ll be able to just sign into Chrome on the web and visit Drive, Docs, Sheets, or Slides―and offline will be enabled automatically. This is already the default behavior on Chrome OS, so nothing will change there.

Google Apps admins can still centrally enable or disable offline access for their domain in the Admin console (see the Help Center for instructions depending on your version of Google Apps). Existing settings for domain-level offline access will not be altered by this launch.

Note that Google Apps users should not sign into a Chrome browser on public/non-work computers with their Google Apps accounts to avoid unintended file syncing.

Release track:
Both Rapid release and Scheduled release launch coming in two weeks (gradual rollout)

Update to initial post (Feb 25): This feature launch is currently on hold. More details coming soon.

For more information:
Help Center

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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Google Apps Password Sync 1.3 is now available with the following new features:

  • GAPS now uses the Admin SDK - Directory API (version 1)
  • Improved Google Apps validation when configuring GAPS
  • Several bug fixes

Note: All customers running a previous version of GAPS must upgrade to GAPS 1.3 before April 20, 2015. Older versions will stop functioning after this date. 

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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Check out the latest "What's New in Google Apps" newsletter [pdf] for a roundup of all Apps launches from January 2015.

Newsletter Archive & Translated Versions (coming soon for January issue)

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