We’re making Google Forms look and work better when they’re embedded in websites created with Google Sites. These improvements will also mean Forms will work better embedded in websites not managed in Google Sites as well.

Our users embed forms in sites for all sorts of reasons, from collecting customer feedback to capturing new project ideas to gathering and sharing survey data and much more. User feedback told us how important it was that these embedded forms look and work great, especially when embedded in Google Sites.

So we’re making a range of improvements to make embedded forms more useful, including:

  • Improved looks, including a background that blends into the rest of the website 
  • Better suggested height and width when embedding a form on Google Sites 
  • More intelligent use of space in embedded forms 
  • More adaptive viewing on different devices (e.g. mobile vs. desktop) 
  • Easier to view & enter information into the embedded form 

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: Send your form to people 

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Last year, we introduced a new resource for admins: What’s new in G Suite? Don’t forget to visit the page regularly for a list of the most recent launches across G Suite.

Feedback? Let us know.

We’re making it easy to add buttons to the new Google Sites. These are clickable graphics which link to other content within your site or at an external URL. Users often click on buttons more frequently than they click on in-line hyperlinks, so they are a good way to guide people to important content. For example you could add a “Contact Us” button to encourage users to get in touch with you.

Example of adding a “Contact Us” button to a site 

Buttons will automatically match the color scheme and theme of your site, and can be resized easily through the interface. This will help you:

  • Make your site easier to navigate 
  • Increase the visibility of important links 
  • Keep your site looking consistent and attractive 

Now that you can add buttons with just a few clicks, we hope you’ll be able to more easily create attractive sites which guide users to relevant content. Visit our Help Center to learn more about how to add, edit, or delete buttons.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Add or edit text or images
New Google Sites: sites.google.com/new

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A malicious attack or misconfiguration can contribute to an unusually high rate of incoming email. To protect your users, Gmail monitors this incoming email rate and, when it reaches certain email receiving limits, automatically rejects messages to impacted accounts.

We want to provide G Suite admins increased visibility into this rate-limiting process. Going forward, if Gmail rejects 25 or more messages to a single recipient within one hour, we’ll send you a list of impacted users and and the number of their rejected messages. To receive this notification, you need to enable the rate-limiting email alert.

We hope this list, along with the Email Log Search feature, will help you identify why messages are being rate-limited and the appropriate actions to take.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Email alerts

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You can now use emoji reactions to respond to any Hangouts Chat message. Reactions allow you to quickly and creatively react to any message to show support, humor or empathy. For example, you can use them to celebrate good news, acknowledge a request, take a quick poll, and more.

Communication styles at work are evolving, and expressive communication modes are oftentimes preferred over simple text. Emojis, in particular, are a fun and effective way of accurately representing thoughts and feelings to help you build stronger personal connections with your team.

To access reactions in Chat on the web, mouse over any message and click on the “Add reaction” icon. On mobile, long press on the desired message to see the “Add reaction” icon.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Get started with Hangouts Chat

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We’re adding a quick-access side panel to the Docs editors and Google Calendar to help you quickly access other G Suite products without leaving what you’re working on. A similar side panel has been a popular feature of the new Gmail, and we hope that this integration will help you work more efficiently within and across G Suite.

You’ll be able to access three G Suite products from Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings:

  • Google Calendar: Quickly reference, create or edit invites. 
  • Google Keep: Easily take notes, create lists, and see your other content. 
  • Google Tasks: Manage your tasks and to-dos. 
You’ll also see the side panel in Google Calendar, where you’ll be able to use Keep and Tasks.

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming in two weeks 

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: Use Google products side-by-side 
The Keyword: With new security and intelligent features, the new Gmail means business

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We’re adding the ability to directly add users and Google Groups as members of Google+ Communities. When a moderator adds a group, group members are automatically added to the community. Subsequent updates to the group membership are automatically reflected in the community membership.

This feature is off by default. As a G Suite admin, you can turn it on for certain users, turn it on for certain organizational units (OUs), or turn it on for everyone in your domain.

To enable this setting for select users, open the Admin console and go to Admin Roles. After selecting the appropriate user role, click “Privileges” and scroll to "Google+,” where you can then configure the “Batch-add user groups to communities" privilege for that role.

If you’d like to enable this setting for an OU or everyone in your domain, in the Admin console go to Apps > G Suite > Google+ > Advanced Settings. Here, check the "Adding users directly" checkbox.

Please note: This feature will only be supported on domain-restricted communities. Additionally, users, groups, and group members that aren't part of the same domain as the community and users that have been banned from the community won't be added.

Check out the Help Center for more information on adding Google Groups to Google+ Communities.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins and all end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Allow owners or moderators to add users directly
Help Center: Moderate a Community

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We’re making the Activity dashboard feature available to all G Suite users. Previously this feature was not fully available to G Suite Basic customers.

Extending Activity dashboard to G Suite Basic edition 

All G Suite admins and users will now have full access to Activity dashboards and associated controls. Previously admins and users in Basic domains could choose whether their viewing data appeared in dashboards, but they could not see dashboards for their own files. Now that these users can view dashboards for their files, there are new options and controls:

  • New admin controls available now: Admins in G Suite Basic domains can decide whether their users can use Activity dashboard. This new Admin console setting will be available for two weeks before the feature becomes available for users. By default this will be turned on, meaning that users will be able to view Activity dashboards for files that belong to their domain and that they have “Edit” access to. 
  • Existing admin and user controls will not change: Any existing privacy controls will remain the same when the change is enabled. For example, if an admin or user in a Basic domain has previously chosen to prevent their viewing data from appearing in Activity dashboards, this setting will not change. 
  • User features roll out starting September 4th: Depending on the admin action taken, this change will begin to roll out to users in Rapid Release G Suite Basic domains on September 4th and Scheduled Release G Suite Basic domains on September 18th. 

G Suite Enterprise, Enterprise for Education, Business, Education, and Nonprofit domains already have access to the feature. Nothing is changing for admins or users in these domains.

To learn more about how to change these settings for your organization, see our original launch announcement for Activity dashboard and our Activity dashboard Help Center article for admins

Activity dashboard enables efficient and effective communication 

Activity dashboard gives users useful metrics about how people are interacting with their Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files. They can use this to collaborate more efficiently and effectively. Since the initial launch of the Activity dashboard, we’ve made the feature more useful and more actionable. Users can now:

  • Email collaborators through Activity dashboard. Use knowledge about view histories to pick recipients and send custom follow-up emails. 
  • See viewers over time. Keep track of how many viewers have visited your file over time, adjusting the data range and focusing in on specific data points for more details. 
Activity dashboard gives users useful metrics about their files

Launch Details 
Release track
Admin console settings are available today to Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains.
- User-facing feature will begin to roll out to Rapid Release domains on September 4th and Scheduled Release domains on September 18th.

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
- Admin settings: Available now.
- User-facing feature: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) 

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center (admins): Let users see who viewed files 
Help Center (users): See who has viewed Google Docs, Sheets & Slides

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Last year, we introduced a new resource for admins: What’s new in G Suite? Don’t forget to visit the page regularly for a list of the most recent launches across G Suite.

Feedback? Let us know.

We’re adding section layouts to the new Google Sites. You can use these layouts to quickly design pages or sections of pages on your site. This makes it even easier and quicker to create professional-looking websites using the new Sites.

Six pre-built layouts for your site 

At launch there are six pre-built section layout options. You’ll find them in Sites’ right-hand Insert menu. To use them, just click or drag the layout onto the page. A new section will be added to your site and auto-populated with placeholder content matching the layout. You can then add your own content and customize the layout to make it your own.

The six layouts which will be available at launch 

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to Rapid Release, with Scheduled Release coming in two weeks

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Add or edit text or images
New Google Sites - sites.google.com/new

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To better protect the G Suite data stored on your employees’ personal iOS devices, you can now specify that certain iOS apps be “managed” if your domain has advanced mobile device management enabled.

If an app is managed, you can:
  • Prevent the app’s data from being backed up to iCloud.
  • Block unmanaged apps from opening managed app files.

Note that these actions will impact both personal and corporate data on managed apps. Visit the Help Center for more information on how to manage apps on iOS devices.

Designate an app as managed
When you whitelist a new app for iOS devices, you can now choose to “Make this a managed app.” Once you make the app managed, you can also select to have it automatically removed from a device if that device’s MDM profile is removed.

When you whitelist a new app for iOS devices, you can now make it “managed.”

If you previously whitelisted an app, you can make it managed by changing that app’s settings in the Admin console.
You can make an app you’ve already whitelisted managed by editing the app’s configuration in the Admin console.

User notifications and required actions
If you designate an app as managed, any users with that app downloaded will be prompted to update it in their Google Device Policy app.

Users will be prompted to update apps that are marked as managed by their admins. 

Users need to accept management of their apps or they’ll lose access to all corporate data on their phone.

If a user doesn’t take action within 12 hours of receiving the notification, they’ll receive another notification prompting them to make the required apps managed.

If a user doesn’t take action within 24 hours of receiving the notification, they’ll no longer be able to access corporate data anywhere on their device.

Note that if you make a previously managed app “unmanaged,” users will need to remove the Google Apps Device Policy Payload Profile before the app becomes unmanaged.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Recommend and manage iOS apps

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Over the past year, we’ve announced that Jamboard, our cloud-based, collaborative whiteboard, is available for purchase in an ever-growing list of countries such as the United States, Canada, UK, select parts of Europe, and Australia. We’re now expanding that list further, bringing Jamboard to Japan.

G Suite customers in Japan can now purchase Jamboard for 640,000 JPY, which includes two styluses, an eraser, and a wall mount. See the table below for pricing.

Keep in mind that a G Suite license is required to use Jamboard so that you can access files from Drive, use them in your brainstorms, and come back to your work later.

G Suite customers based in Japan can contact their Google Cloud sales rep, our distributor, BenQ, or visit our website to learn more about how to start jamming with colleagues today.

Additional information about Jamboard
In addition to the Jamboard device, the Jamboard app is available on Android and iOS for all G Suite customers. When used on a tablet, the Jamboard app allows users to experience similar features as they would on the Jamboard device. On a smartphone, the app functions as a companion for the Jamboard device.

Usage of the Jamboard app and web viewer are controlled by a service on/off switch in the Admin console. This service switch is on by default.

Check out the Help Center for more information, including an FAQ section.

Launch Details
Release track:
Jamboard devices now available for purchase in Japan

G Suite Basic, Business, Enterprise, Enterprise for Education, and Education editions only

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

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To create a more consistent, streamlined Google Contacts experience, we’re removing the embedded contacts feature in Gmail, which gives users access to their contacts from the top left corner of the UI. This feature doesn’t appear in the new version of Gmail that recently launched, and it will soon be removed from the old UI as well.

We’re removing the embedded contacts feature in Gmail. 

Going forward, G Suite users can access Contacts via their web browser at contacts.google.com or the app launcher. This will direct them to the new Contacts (a.k.a. Contacts preview) or the classic Contacts Manager, depending on which is enabled for their domain.

You can access Contacts at contacts.google.com or via the app launcher (pictured).

Unfortunately, many customers are unaware that they previously disabled access to the classic Contacts Manager, because their users can still access the contacts feature embedded in the old Gmail UI (as it isn’t controlled by the Contacts on / off switch). In response to feedback from these customers, and so that their users can continue to access their contacts, we’ve now enabled access to the classic Contacts Manager for all G Suite domains.

Note that this change doesn’t impact domains with Contacts preview enabled; users in such domains will continue to see the Contacts preview UI when they navigate to contacts.google.com or select Contacts from the app launcher.

Since launching Contacts preview in 2016, we’ve made steady improvements to the product. We’re continuing to work toward feature parity with the classic Contacts Manager, with delegation functionality planned for later this year. We highly recommend that all G Suite customers migrate their users to the Contacts preview, provided it meets their needs.

If Contacts preview doesn’t yet meet your needs and you’re required to disable access to the classic Contacts Manager, please fill out this form and we’ll do our best to accommodate this need. Please note that this means your users will lose access to Contacts via their browser.

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In Gmail, replies to emails are grouped together as “conversations,” to make them easier to digest and follow. Some users, however, prefer to see each of their emails listed individually in their inbox. This is possible on the web by toggling “Conversation View” off in the Settings menu.

We’re now bringing this same feature to the Gmail Android and iOS apps. If you currently have Conversation view turned off on the web, it will be turned off on your mobile app as well.

Visit the Help Center for more information on how to disable Conversation View in your Gmail mobile app.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Group emails into conversations

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We’re adding new tools to help admins identify suspicious activity and see the impact of security policy changes. G Suite admins have an important role in protecting their users’ accounts and ensuring their organization’s security. To succeed, they need visibility into user account actions. That’s why we’re adding reports in the G Suite Admin console that surface more information on user account activity.

Monitor suspicious account behavior 

G Suite admins can use the reports to audit and set alerts for critical user actions including:

  • Password changes 
  • Two-step verification enabling or disabling 
  • Account recovery info changes (phone number, security questions, and recovery email) 

Filter actions taken by a specific user account 

Visibility into these actions will help admins identify suspicious account behavior and detect when user accounts may have been compromised. For example, an admin might see that a user has recently changed both their password and their password recovery info. This can be a sign of a hijacker taking over the account. Using these reports an admin could track time and IP address of the changes to see if it seems suspicious. Depending on their investigation, they could then take appropriate action (eg: password reset, disable 2-step verification) to restore the user account.

Visit the Help Center to find out how to monitor user account activity and set alerts for suspicious actions.

See the impact of security policy changes 

The new reports can also be used to provide visibility into an organization's security initiatives. For example, an admin could monitor the progress of a domain-wide initiative to increase the adoption of two-step verification.

To see this report, go to the Admin console > Reports > Audit > Users Accounts.

Filter actions by date and type 

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace: 
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Help Center: User Accounts audit log

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In October 2017, we announced the rollout of international Hangouts Meet dial-in phone numbers for G Suite Enterprise domains. This option helps your team to stay connected, wherever they are. We’ve added this functionality for eight additional countries (with more to come!):

  • Argentina (AR)
  • Bulgaria (BG)
  • El Salvador (SV)
  • Georgia (GE)
  • Iceland (IS)
  • Malta (MT)
  • Slovenia (SI)
  • Thailand (TH)
For a complete list of currently supported countries, visit this Help Center article.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to G Suite Enterprise and Enterprise for Education editions only

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Dial in from a phone
Help Center: Join a video meeting

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We launched the Google Vault API in 2017 so that customers could integrate Vault with the other tools and processes critical to their business. We’re now improving the API by making it possible to programmatically create and manage exports, in addition to legal matters and holds.

With this launch, you can use the Google Vault API to:
  • create an export—send a request to export messages and files that match your criteria.
  • list exports—retrieve the status of all exports associated with a matter.
  • get an export—retrieve the status of an export anytime, and if the export is completed, download that export using the standard Cloud Storage API.
  • delete an export—remove an export from a matter when it’s no longer needed.
For more information, check out the Google Vault API Developers Guide.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to G Suite Business, Education, Enterprise, and Enterprise for Education editions, as well as any G Suite users with the Vault add-on license

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Google Vault API Developers Guide

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You can already control the Apps Script projects that run in your organization using the G Suite API permissions settings located in the Admin console (at Security > API Permissions). Using these settings, you can block applications that request access to certain APIs—unless you’ve specifically whitelisted them. App Maker apps, add-ons, and scripts that request certain OAuth scopes (like Gmail, Calendar, Drive, etc.) are just some of the Apps Scripts projects that these settings control.

Now you can also control access to projects that request the following scopes:
  • Apps Script Runtime - Control access to projects that request certain high-risk scopes specific to Apps Script projects (e.g. UrlFetch, Container UI).
  • Apps Script API - Control access to any project (e.g. Apps Script, GCP, AWS, etc.) that requests scopes for Apps Script API (e.g. Manage Projects, Manage Deployments).

New G Suite API permissions in Admin console: Apps Script Runtime and Apps Script API

See the Help Center for instructions on whitelisting connected apps.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Help Center: Whitelisting connected apps

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We want to help organizations make the best use of their space. To do that, we’re consolidating all features related to managing buildings and resources in a single dedicated place in the Admin console. We’re also introducing two new tools, room release and room insights, to help you understand your organization’s resource utilization and optimize occupancy.

A single destination for building and resource management
All features related to managing buildings and rooms are now united in a new and more prominent entry point in the Admin console called “Buildings and resources.” You can access this directly from the home screen or via Directory > Buildings and Resources in the navigation menu.

Room release based on event declines
According to an internal study, up to 40% of rooms are booked but go unused. To help your users reclaim those unused rooms, we’ll now automatically free up meeting rooms when all but one of the guests has declined the Google Calendar invitation. When the room is released, the event organizer will receive an email informing them of the change and suggesting that they reschedule or delete the meeting.

You can enable this feature for structured rooms in the Admin console by navigating to your resources and selecting the rooms you wish to enable for room releases. You then need to click "EDIT" and turn Calendar-based room releases on for your selection.

Please note, room release is only available for G Suite Business, Enterprise, Enterprise for Education, and Education editions and can only be enabled for structured rooms that are categorized as “CONFERENCE_ROOM.”

Room insights dashboard
We’re also adding a new dashboard in the Admin console for room insights. Here, you can see data such as:

  • The most and least frequently booked rooms
  • The usage and bookage rates of rooms across time zones and various room sizes
  • How many rooms could be freed up automatically with Calendar’s room release feature
You can filter this data by building, floor, room, room capacity, room features, or time period for more granularity.

With these reports, you can make better decisions about improvements to your workspace. They provide signals on where to investigate further. Some examples of insights include:

  • What are your most popular rooms?
  • Are your rooms under-utilized or over-utilized?
  • Which room sizes are most popular?
  • Which equipments drive room usage? Which A/V equipment should you invest more into?
  • When are the best times to schedule repairs and maintenance work?
  • At which times are rooms most booked, and can you educate members of your organization to shift the times when they schedule meetings?
You can access this dashboard in the Admin console in the “Buildings & resources” section.

With this launch, we’re also adding a new admin privilege, “room insights,” to grant other admins or your dedicated facilities managers the right to only view this dashboard and other resources.

Please note, this data is only available for structured resources.

Launch Details
Release track:
Both features launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release


  • Room insights: available to all G Suite editions
  • Room release: available to G Suite Business, Enterprise, Enterprise for Education, and Education editions only
Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

Admins and end users

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information
Structuring resources

Room release

Room insights

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We’re adding a feature in the Admin console that can alert admins if we believe a user’s account has been targeted by a government-backed attack. If an admin chooses to turn the feature on, an email alert (to admins) is triggered when we believe a government-backed attacker has likely attempted to access a user’s account or computer through phishing, malware, or another method. It does not necessarily mean that the account has been compromised or that there was a widespread attack on an organization.

Admins can turn the feature on and off, choose to share information about the alert with others, and help secure the user’s account. Specifically admins can:

  • Turn alerts on or off. 
    • By default, no alerts will be sent. Admins can choose to turn these on in the Admin Console > Reports > Manage Alerts > Government backed attack
  • Set up default notifications for these alerts. 
    •  Admins can decide who gets notified when attacks are suspected. When the feature is first turned on, the default setting is for alerts to be sent by email to super admins of the G Suite domain. To change this, go to the Admin console > Reports > Manage Alerts > Government backed attack
  • Choose actions to take on individual alerts. 
    • Secure the account: Admins may want to take actions to secure the account
    • Alert the user: Admins may want to let the user know about the alert and any actions they have taken.      

Admin console settings for Government-backed attack warnings

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release

Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action suggested/FYI

More Information 
Google Security blog: Reassuring our users about government-backed attack warnings
Help Center: Fix or stop government-backed attack alerts
Help Center: Administrator email alerts

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Last year, we introduced a new resource for admins: What’s new in G Suite? Don’t forget to visit the page regularly for a list of the most recent launches across G Suite.

Feedback? Let us know.