What’s changing 

We’re giving admins more control over how devices running endpoint verification can access corporate data in Google Cloud. Specifically, we’ll give admins the ability to:
  • Tag endpoint devices running Chrome as approved or blocked — Admins can use the tag to configure access levels with the Access Context Manager 
  • Decide whether an additional review is needed for newly registered endpoint verification devices before they’re tagged as approved. 
This will bring similar functionality to what’s currently available for mobile device management to desktop devices using Chrome OS or Chrome browser.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

With the ability to limit G Suite access for devices that use endpoint verification, admins will now get fine-grained control over managing device access beyond just mobile devices.

Now, admins can view the inventory of devices that are access this data, and approve or block access to specific devices based any internal criteria. Examples include, lost devices, which can now be ‘blocked’ from accessing apps, or approving new users who need to access applications as their job titles shift.

How to get started

  • Admins
    •  To set a policy for whether newly registered endpoint verification devices need admin approval, go to Admin Console > Device management > Setup > Device Approvals > Device Approvals
      • Check or uncheck the box to set a policy. This will default to unchecked, meaning that admins will not have to manually approve newly registered devices.
      • Optionally, you can also add an email that approval requests will be sent to.  

    • Note that device access to corporate data can be configured at any time by using the Access Context Manager. 
      •  For desktop devices, Admins will have the option to select Approve or Block, which will tag the device accordingly in the Access Context Manager. 
    • Approve or block actions on devices will generate an audit event within the Admin Console. For more information on audit logs for devices, see here
  • End users: No action needed 

Additional details 

This launch allows you to control access for devices with endpoint verification installed. This includes Chromebooks and other desktop devices running the Google Chrome browser.

Tag newly registered endpoint verification devices as ‘Approved’ or ‘Blocked’ before setting access 

When a new device is registered via Endpoint Verification, admins can turn on access restriction in the Access Context Manager. From there, they can govern device access by selecting ‘Approve’ or ‘Block’.

See image below to see how this will look in the Admin console with the feature ON.

If this policy is OFF, devices will be approved by default and can be blocked later on, for example, if a device is lost or a device is compromised.

Turn individual device access on or off 

Admins can approve or remove access for devices in the Admin Console. A new view at Admin console > Device Management > Device Approvals will list all devices in a pending approval state. From this list, they can be tagged as Deviced/Approved — once devices are tagged, further access policies can be configured in the Access Context Manager.

Admins can also get email notifications for when a device is registered but needs admin approval. See our Help Center to learn how to configure email notifications.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions. 
On/off by default? 
  • Manual device verification will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain and OU level. 
  • Individual device access controls will be ON by default.

Quick launch summary 

To create an interface that’s clearer and easier to navigate, we’re updating the design of the Jamboard home page (jamboard.google.com). This builds on recent updates that made it easier to create and edits jams on the web. You may notice:

  • Material design updates, including updated boxes and increased white space, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for 
  • New buttons to open jams more quickly with fewer clicks 
  • New logos and design elements to increase consistency with other G Suite products and interfaces. 
The new interface will show on the Jamboard web home page at jamboard.google.com.

The new Jamboard UI 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

It’s now easier to discover accessibility features like screen reader support, braille support, and screen magnifier support in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

While these accessibility features were previously available, they required additional steps to access the accessibility menu. This change will make these settings more readily available by placing the Accessibility settings in the Tools menu.

Access the Accessibility menu by selecting Tools > Accessibility settings.

The accessibility settings dialog showing screen reader, braille, and screen magnifier support options.
If the screen reader option is selected from the accessibility settings dialog, an Accessibility menu will be displayed at the top of Docs, Sheets, and Slides for easy access.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick Launch Summary 

Inserting a table of contents into a page makes the navigation of text-focused content like FAQs, documentation, or wikis easy.

Editors can insert a table of contents into a page with a simple click — headings and subheadings will automatically update as content is added to the page. A table of contents also helps guide editors to organize their content in a structure that is easier for readers to understand. Site viewers can quickly navigate through sections of a page by clicking the desired heading and automatically jumping to that section within the same window.

As editors add or edit the content and structure of a page, the table of contents will update automatically, making maintenance easy. By default, the table of contents will indent based on the hierarchy structure of headings, however, editors have the option to change the table of contents styling and remove indents. To remove indents, simply click on your table of contents and select Flatten. To re-indent, select Indent.

To add a Table of Contents to a page, at the right, click Insert > Table of Contents


Rollout details

G Suite editions 
Available to G Suite Editions.

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Update (May 29, 2019): This feature will now be available for G Suite Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education:

Rapid release domains: Extended rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 28, 2019.
Scheduled release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on June 13, 2019.


Update (Feb 28, 2019): G Suite Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education users can continue to apply for the beta of this feature.

Quick launch summary 

Earlier this year we introduced a beta for new grammar suggestions in Google Docs. Now we’re making this feature available for G Suite Basic, Business, and Enterprise users.

The new features enhance existing spell check functions and highlight possible grammatical errors in your text. We’re also introducing a revamped interface for reviewing spelling and grammar suggestions which makes it faster and easier to spot and correct errors in your text.

Some improvements you’ll see are:

  • Grammar 
    • Possible grammar corrections will be underlined in blue. To see a suggested correction or dismiss the alert, simply right-click. 
    • You will also see possible grammar errors when running a spelling and grammar check through the Tools menu. 
  •  New language review interface
    •  You can easily review all language suggestions for your document with the updated spelling and grammar check tool. Access it through the “Tools” menu or right-click on a suggestion and select “Review more suggestions” — you’ll see each suggestion and actions to correct any errors. 
To learn more about how we’re using machine learning to recognize errors and suggest corrections to improve your writing, see here.


Rollout details 
  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on March 5, 2019. 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on March 5, 2019. 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, and G Suite Enterprise.
  • Not Available to G Suite for Education, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits.  
On/off by default? 

Quick launch summary 

You can now access the side panel while using Drive on the web. That means you can access Calendar, Keep, and Task while using Drive, Gmail, Calendar, or Editor products (Docs, Sheets, and Slides).

The side panel makes it easy to quickly complete tasks without losing focus — that means less switching between apps and increased productivity, whether you're grabbing information from Calendar, Keep, or Tasks.

To learn more about the side panel, see here. 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary 

We’re making Enterprise improvements to the Google Drive search box on desktop available to all G Suite Editions. 

Now, when you click in the search box you’ll see a range of options, including:

  • Suggested search queries: Click on a term to search for it. 
  • Your top collaborators: Click on a person to search for files that you’ve collaborated with them on. 
  • File types, edit history, priority items, and more: Click to show files that match the highlighted criteria. 
These filters will help you find and filter content more quickly and efficiently in Drive.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

As we previously announced, beginning on April 16, 2019, Mail retention rules and holds will stop protecting chat messages in classic Hangouts. Instead, Hangouts Chat retention rules and holds will protect chat messages in both classic Hangouts and Chat. To continue to preserve messages in classic Hangouts, before April 16, 2019, you must copy any existing Mail holds (that apply to messages in classic Hangouts) to Hangouts Chat in Google Vault. Today, we’re launching a new feature in Vault to help you copy your holds from Mail to Hangouts Chat, with a few clicks.

Who’s impacted

Vault Admins only

Why you’d use it

This feature helps you ensure all your messages in classic Hangouts and Hangouts Chat are preserved by the same Vault policies as your classic Hangouts messages are today.

How to get started

Admins: In Vault,
  • From the list of Vault matters, click on any matter that may contain Gmail holds. When viewing the list of holds in this matter, you can select multiple Mail holds at once.
  • Select the Mail hold(s) and click Copy holds to Hangouts Chat.

End users: No action required

Additional details

Note that Hangouts Chat doesn’t support holds based on date ranges or search terms, so they won’t be copied with the hold. You can also choose to extend these holds to cover conversations associated with these custodians in rooms.

Additionally, if you have a large number of holds in place, you can also use Vault APIs to duplicate your holds in bulk.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to G Suite Business, Enterprise, and Enterprise for Education editions, as well as G Suite users with the Vault add-on license.

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.
Stay up to date with G Suite launches

We’ve just updated the “What’s new in G Suite?” Help Center article to include recent launches. The article has a list of all the G Suite launches from the past six months. You can filter by product or search by keyword to find and learn about any launch.

Feedback? Let us know.

Quick launch summary

We're moving notification settings for classic Hangouts conversations to notification channels on O+ Android devices. With these changes, customized ring tones and chat messaging tones per conversation/contact will be removed and defaulted to the general app settings.

New settings page

To view or edit the ring and chat messaging tone settings for classic Hangouts on your Android device, open the classic Hangouts app and, in a conversation, click the more menu > “Options.”


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • All G Suite editions

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary 

We’re expanding our language offerings in Docs, Sheets, Slides, new Sites, Forms, and Drive on web to include Burmese and Welsh.

Here’s how to change your display language:

  • Open your Google Account 
  • Click Data and Personalization 
  • Scroll down to the General preferences for the web panel 
  • Click Language 
  • Select Edit 
  • Choose your language from the dropdown box and click Select


Available for Drive on February 13, 2019.
Available for Docs on February 19, 2019.

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default for users who have their Google language preference set as Burmese or Welsh.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Update (March 20, 2019): The issue has been resolved. This feature will begin a full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) for both Rapid and Scheduled domains beginning March 20, 2019.

Update (Feb 27, 2019): This launch is still delayed. We will provide further updates when they're available.

Update (Feb 12, 2019): We have encountered an unexpected issue with this launch. We expect to have it resolved in the coming days and will provide further updates as soon as they’re available.

What’s changing 

You now have the option to refresh the Salesforce data populated in Sheets using the Salesforce data connector. You can refresh this data manually or schedule the data to be refreshed.

Currently, the Salesforce data connector for Sheets gets data from reports or imports when the sidebar is opened and has been configured. In order to get updated data, users would need to go through the same configuration steps in the sidebar.

Who’s impacted 

End Users

Why you’d use it 

If you use Salesforce to track important conversations with key leads, you can make sure this data is consistently fresh by scheduling a refresh rather than reimporting the Salesforce data.

If your Sales team uses the add-on to import details of their accounts from Salesforce into Sheets, they can schedule this data to refresh daily or even multiple times a day to stay on top of the current data.

How to get started 

Admins: No action needed.
End users: Here’s how to refresh your Salesforce Data in Sheets:

  1. Open the Data connector from Salesforce Add-On and select Refresh
  2. Select Manual Refresh to refresh the current data on your sheet or Auto Refresh to schedule a refresh every 4, 8, or 24 hours. 
  3. Review your selections and select Create. 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be ON by default.
Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

We’re adding more options to the right-click context menu in Gmail.
New menu options in Gmail with conversation mode on

New menu options in Gmail with conversation mode off

Who’s impacted

All end users

Why you’d use it

With these new options, you can take even more actions, directly from a message, in your inbox such as:

  • Reply to, or forward, an email in one click from the main page
  • Search for all emails from a sender
  • Search for all emails with the same subject (if conversation view is turned off)
  • Open multiple emails in multiple new windows at the same time
  • Easily add a label or move an email 

How to get started

  • Admins: No action necessary.
  • End users: The context menu can be opened by:
    • Right-click
    • Ctrl+click on Mac keyboards
    • The menu key on Windows keyboards.


Rollout details

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What's changing

With the new Docs API, there are more ways to build services that better support your business and improve your workflows. For documents that require consistency, collaboration, and accuracy — like invoices, proposals, contracts, and reports — the API will help automate common word processing tasks with the real-time editing and collaboration of Docs.

Who’s impacted 


Why you’d use it 

Some ways you could use this API are: 
  • Create documents automatically 
    •  Use the Docs API to automate document creation, like creating all of the blank invoices you need for a particular quarter with a single click. Documents that require a template, like legal documents or contracts, can be automated based on user input and monitored with the API as well. 
  • Manage workflows 
    • Use the Docs API to add user or system-provided data to a document at various stages of a process. Programmatic edits to the same document over time, or to multiple documents at once, can simplify your workflows. 
  • Sync with your content management systems 
    •  From internal wikis to blog content, you can import and export document details seamlessly between Google Docs your employees are editing and your content management systems. For example, publishing platforms can now allow their customers to compose and collaborate in Docs to drive content to their sites. 

How to get started 

For more information and how to get started, see the Docs API developer site

Additional details 

The Docs API will round out a complete set of APIs across all G Suite editor applications along with the Sheets API and the Slides API

Helpful links 


G Suite editions 
Available immediately to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 
The API is available and accessible by default to all G Suite users.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What's changing

Recently we launched the BigQuery data connector to allow users to easily import data from larger datasets into Sheets. Now, you can use tools like Apps Script and the macro recorder to schedule automatic updates within Sheets to the connected BigQuery data.

Who’s impacted 

End Users

Why you’d use it 

Stay on top of the latest and greatest data critical to your business by automatically refreshing the BigQuery data in your sheet.

For example, you can set sales data to automatically refresh so that it’s ready for analysis at the beginning of each day. You can also auto-update data in preparation for key meetings or presentations that occur on a weekly or monthly basis. Or you could set a trigger to auto-update your data each time you open the spreadsheet.

How to get started 

  • Admins: No action required. 
  • End users: Here’s how to schedule a refresh on the data pulled in by the BigQuery data connector: 
    1. Record a macro to refresh your data 
      •  On your computer, open a spreadsheet that contains data connected to BigQuery in Google Sheets
      • Record a macro from a different tab then the one you want to refresh. 
      • After you start recording, switch to the tab you want to refresh. 
      • At the bottom left, click Refresh. 
      • Click Save.
    2. Schedule your macro 
      •  At the top, click Tools > Script editor
      • At the top, click Edit > Current project’s triggers
      • At the bottom right, click Add trigger and select your options. 
      • Click Save

Additional details 

For key permissions for the BigQuery data connector see here.
As always, use sharing permissions to control who can view, edit or share your data.

Helpful links 


  • Rapid Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on February 5, 2019. 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Full Rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on February 19, 2019. 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite for Education, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Drive Enterprise. 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic and G Suite for Nonprofits 

On/off by default? 
  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

We’ve expanded our font offerings for Thai users in Docs, Sheets, and Slides by adding several fonts that are part of the Thai “National Fonts” collection. This collection of fonts has been distributed and used by the Government of Thailand as public and official fonts since 2007. We updated the collection so that it could be part of Google Fonts in 2019.

The complete list of new fonts is below:
  • Bai Jamjuree 
  • Chakra Petch 
  • Charm 
  • Charmonman 
  • Fah Kwang 
  • K2D 
  • KoHo 
  • Kodchasan 
  • Krub 
  • Mali 
  • Niramit 
  • Sarabun 
  • Srisakdi 
These updated fonts are now available in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides with modern OpenType technology, expanded weights and more harmonious designs between Latin and Thai scripts.

These fonts will be made default in the drop down menu for users who have their Google language preference set as Thai.

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite Editions.
    Stay up to date with G Suite launches

    What’s changing 

    To give end users more granular control over what account data they choose to share with each app, we’re changing how users give apps permissions to access their information. See our Google Developers blog post for more details on what’s changing. These changes may impact how well an app functions should a user choose not to provide certain permissions.

    As a result, we recommend that G Suite admins whitelist apps they trust and want their users to be able to use.

    Who’s impacted 

    Admins only

    Why you’d whitelist apps 

    Whitelisting an app means admins assign permissions at the domain level, and that end users don’t have to make choices on permissions for those apps. By whitelisting apps admins can ensure apps have the permissions they need to work properly.

    How to get started 

    Helpful links 

    Help Center: Whitelisting connected apps 


    Rollout details 
    Different apps will implement updated app permission controls at various times over the next several months. Some apps will make this change immediately, but the most commonly used apps will implement them after April 2019. To minimize disruption, we recommend admins whitelist trusted apps before April.
    G Suite editions 
    Available to all G Suite editions.
    On/off by default? 
    Whitelisting apps is OFF by default. Apps can be enabled at the domain level.
    Stay up to date with G Suite launches

    What’s changing

    You can now input addresses, instead of latitude and longitude coordinates, to enter the locations of your office buildings in the Admin console. This is a more efficient and reliable ways for you, as a G Suite admin, to manage international office locations.

    Who’s impacted

    Admins only

    Why you’d use it

    Adding address information immediately unlocks automatic correction of room and resource time zones based on building address. This ensures that you have correct data in the room insights dashboard. Additionally, with this change we’ll now automatically set the correct time zones for all resources in these buildings, and help ensure you see accurate usage by time of day in the room insights dashboard.

    In the future, this information will also power other intelligent features such as:
    • Automatic time zone adjustment when you’re working from other buildings
    • Accurate directions from Calendar
    • Room suggestions in nearby buildings

    How to get started

    Admins: There are three ways to input this information:
    1. Directly from the Admin console user interface: In the Admin console under Manage Resources > Manage Buildings, you can enter addresses directly and be shown a Google map to confirm their location. This is recommended for entering a small number of buildings at a time. 
    2. Bulk upload via CSV file: This is also in the Admin console under Manage Resources > Manage Buildings. The bulk upload spreadsheet supports a general address format, so you can verify your locations in many countries and regions. 
    3. Upload via the Building Resources API
    End users: No end user impact.

      Additional details

      Check out the Help Center for complete instructions on adding locations for all three of these methods and read the documentation on how to add building addresses via the API.

      Helpful links

      Help Center: Set up buildings, features, and other resources


      Rollout details

      • Rapid Release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on February 6, 2019
      • Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on February 6, 2019
      G Suite editions
      Available to all G Suite editions
      On/off by default?
      This feature will be ON by default

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing 

      In May 2019, we’ll make some changes to the settings in Google Groups. In response to your ongoing feedback, we are updating Groups’ settings to make it easier for you and your users to manage and configure groups. Specifically, we will remove settings and features that are rarely used, and combine settings that cover similar functionality. These changes will affect the groups.google.com interface and also the APIs used to manage groups.

      Your existing groups may be affected by the upcoming settings changes. When the changes take effect, we’ll update the settings for existing groups. These updates may change how groups can be accessed and used.

      Use this Help Center article to see details of these changes and see how you can prepare for the update.

      The changes will start to roll out on May 6, and may take up to 15 days to reach all domains.

      Who’s impacted 

      Admins and end users

      Why you’d take action 

      Some users who are not group owners or group managers but who currently have access to specific group management features may lose that access. We recommend you audit groups in your organization and adjust the settings before May 6 to make sure these users don’t lose access.

      When the new settings take effect:
      • Existing group settings will be updated to conform to the new controls available. 
      • Group owners will still be able to change the settings that apply to their group at any point. 
      • New groups will be subject to the same default controls that they are today. 

      How to get started 

      Additional details 

      In the next few days, users will see an in-product message about the upcoming changes when they use Groups. The message will direct them to the Help Center for an overview of the changes and change timeline.

      Most groups will be affected in some way by these changes. You can use the Groups API to get a list of all groups and get a list of group owners in your organization, which might help you prepare for the changes.

      Helpful links 


      Rollout details 
      • Rapid Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 6, 2019 
      • Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 6, 2019 G Suite editions Available to all G Suite editions On/off by default? This feature will be ON by default. 

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing 

      You can now manage Android apps for your users when using basic mobile management. Previously, you could only do this if you used advanced mobile management.

      Who’s impacted 

      Admins only

      Why you’d use it 

      With basic mobile management you can now:
      • Organize apps in the managed Google Play store 
      • Automatically install apps on users' devices 
      • Create web apps 
      • Create private apps 

      See below for more info.

      How to get started 

      • Admins: Go to Admin console > Device management > App Management > Manage apps for Android devices, to start to whitelist and manage Android apps
      • End users: No action needed. Users in basic mobile management domains will now see a “Work apps” section in the managed Google Play store. The section contains the default G Suite apps and other apps that are whitelisted from the Admin console

      Additional details 

      Organize apps in the managed Google Play store: 
      To help your users find the apps they need, you can organize apps into collections. These collections appear on devices in the “Work apps” section in the managed Google Play store.

      Automatically install apps: 
      With basic mobile management you can now automatically install apps on your users’ devices. Use our Help Center to find out how to manage app preferences. Note that preventing users from uninstalling apps, and some other advanced features, require advanced mobile management.

      Create web apps 
      You can now create and manage web apps in the Admin console. Web apps look like native apps and can make web pages easier to find and simpler to use on mobile devices. You can also distribute web apps the same way you distribute native apps–by adding them to collections in a managed Google Play store or automatically installing them on users’ devices.

      Create private apps 
      You can now create private Android apps directly from the Admin console. Simply upload the APK and give the app a title. The app will appear in the managed Google Play store within minutes. You can also install the app directly on your users’ devices (see above). Previously, it took several hours to create and publish an app, and you had to create a Play Console account, provide a credit card, and fill in many other fields before the app would be available to your users.

      The ‘Work Apps’ tab in the managed Google Play store has the G Suite apps and other apps whitelisted by admins. 

      Helpful links 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions:
      Available to all G Suite editions.

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be OFF by default until app management is set up, and can be enabled at the domain, OU, or group level.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches
    • Get G Suite product update alerts by email
    • See the G Suite launch release calendar
    • Subscribe to the RSS feed of these updates
    • What’s changing 

      We’re adding auto-provisioning support for three new applications:
      • Boomi 
      • Keeper 
      • SpaceIQ 

      Who’s impacted 

      Admins only

      Why you’d use it 

      When auto-provisioning is enabled for a supported third-party application, any users created, modified, or deleted in G Suite are automatically added, edited, or deleted in the third-party application as well. This feature is highly popular with admins, as it removes the overhead of managing users across multiple third-party SaaS applications.

      How to get started 

      • Admins: For more information on how to set up auto-provisioning, check out the Help Center.
      • End users: No action needed.

      Helpful links 

      Help Center: Automated user provisioning 
      Help Center: Using SAML to set up federated SSO 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 
      • G Suite Education, Business, and Enterprise customers can enable auto-provisioning for all supported applications 
      • G Suite Basic, Government, and Nonprofit customers can enable auto-provisioning for up to three applications 

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU level.
      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from January 2019.

      Archive and translated versions (coming soon for January issue)

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches