The Manage Exports and Manage Searches privileges in Google Vault can now be granted to a user for an entire organization, or only for specific organizational units (OUs). For example, you can assign a Vault administrator the Manage Searches privilege for your whole organization and the Manage Exports privilege for one OU. Privileges are still assigned in the Admin console by your Google Apps administrator.

Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release
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Starting this week, we are making it easier for businesses to migrate email into Google Apps using our cloud-based data migration service. The data migration service can be configured via the Admin console to connect to your mail server and migrate email over to Google’s Gmail servers. You no longer need to download tools like Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange and install them on local servers. In addition, you can also monitor and track your migration from anywhere by logging into your Admin console.
The data migration service currently works for email. Support for contacts and calendar migration is currently being developed.
The email migration feature will be rolled out to all domains by mid-August [Note: date updated from original post].
Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release For more information:
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A date picker has been added to the advanced search function in Gmail, making it easy for users to select a date by which to refine their search.

Release Track:
Rapid release, with scheduled release coming in June

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The Google+ app for Android has been updated to provide several new features to enhance content viewing and sharing.

Highlights include the new navigation menu, which makes it easy to switch between your circles and communities. Tapping the new pencil icon in the bottom right allows for easy sharing, including a live camera feed in the picker for in-the-moment photo capture. Finally, the app's main menu now naturally slides out of the way, allowing posts to fill the entire screen.
Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release For more information:
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Last year, we launched a new and improved Google Apps Marketplace experience, allowing admins to be able to find, manage and deploy third-party applications directly from the Google Apps Admin Console.

Earlier this year, we launched the ability for admins to allow their users to install applications that integrate with Google Drive. If this setting was disabled, however, admins were not able to install Marketplace apps that integrate with Drive.

With today’s launch, Marketplace applications deployed by admins will be able to integrate with Google Drive for users who are provided with the app, even if this Admin Console setting is disabled. In essence, admins can now whitelist the Drive applications that their users can install.

Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

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The Device Policy mobile app for Android has been updated to provide several new features to assist organizations with meeting the challenge of both helping employees be more productive and protecting corporate data.

The new features include inactive account wipe, support for EAP-based WiFi networks, compromised device detection, and additional reporting fields to help admins better understand the devices their employees use and to troubleshoot issues.

Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

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The options for setting or modifying a retention period--the length of time your company's messages are archived in Google Vault--are now more clear, and we’ve added safeguards when setting a retention period for a specified number of days.

Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business and Education

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If you’re using Microsoft Outlook® with Google Apps you can now add, manage and join Hangout video calls with just a click. Just download the Hangout plugin for Microsoft Outlook® and you will be ready to go. Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release. Editions included:
Google Apps for Business and Education For more information:
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In the coming weeks we’re introducing a feature to keep your account safe from hijackers, even if they have your username and password. Now when we detect a suspicious login, users will be prompted to verify their identity by entering their phone number. Users who have not set up their phone number will see a place to do so in the coming weeks. Note that users can skip entering their phone number but may be asked to add their phone number again at a later date. Google will use that phone number to verify their identity upon the next suspicious login. Once a user verifies their identity the alert is dismissed. Note: the paragraph below was edited on June 12 to clarify impact to users logging in through SSO. Users with 2-Step Verification enabled will not be affected by this launch and will not see the interstitial to set up their phone number. Users logging in through SSO may see the interstitial to set up their phone number, but will not be challenged to verify their identity at this time. This feature will be slowly rolling out to Rapid and Scheduled release domains in the coming weeks. Release Track:Rapid release and Scheduled release. For more information:

Later this week customers on the Scheduled release track will have all new meetings respect the admin setting to control whether Hangout links are automatically added to Calendar events. This new setting was added to the Admin Console earlier this year.

Release Track:
Scheduled release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business and Education

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Google Hangouts chat users will start seeing an updated UI in their conversation list in Hangouts in Gmail. Status markers are shown as green bubbles and the displayed contacts are in order of most recent chats. Other features include recent conversation snippets and a new contact search button. Editions included:
Google Apps for Business and Education For more information:
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Now you can crop, mask, rotate, and add borders to images without leaving your Google Doc or Slide. Just select an image and edit from the toolbar, Format menu, or context menu.

Release Track:
Rapid release, with scheduled release coming later in May

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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Check out this month's "What's New in Google Apps" newsletter for a roundup of all Apps launches from April 2014.
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Vault users can now search for data within a specific organizational unit (OU), in addition to searching the entire domain or searching by user account. Searching within an OU reduces the number of irrelevant search results that a domain-wide search can produce, and eliminates the need to specify individual accounts. When performing a search within a matter, select Organization then select the OU you want to search. Accounts cannot be included in an OU-based search, but you can still optionally specify a date range and search terms.

Release Track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education and Government

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