Apps customers now have the option to replace chat in Gmail and Talk on Android with a new version of Hangouts that combines text, photos and live video calls across computers and Android and iOS devices. The new Hangouts is designed to help bring all of your real-life conversations online, across any device or platform. Just as before, Apps customers can invite up to 15 colleagues to a video call.

Note: Hangouts does not support domain chat restrictions.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Getting things done in Gmail is getting easier. You'll now see new quick action buttons that let you take action on a message right from the inbox. For example, you can RSVP to a meeting, open a document, and more without even opening an email.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid release

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Google Wallet is now integrated with Gmail. In the coming months you will be able to quickly and securely send money to friends and colleagues directly within Gmail. It's free to send money if a bank account is linked to Google Wallet or using your Google Wallet Balance, and low fees apply to send money using a linked credit or debit card.

Note: This feature can be disabled by disabling Google Wallet in the Admin console.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

Release track:
Rapid Release

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Over the coming weeks, all Google Apps users get 30 GB of unified storage to use as you like between Drive and Gmail. This replaces the current replacing the current storage of 5 GB in Drive and 25 GB in Gmail. Just as before, files created in Docs, Sheets and Slides don't count against your storage quota. Storage will also be shared with photos you upload to Google+ larger than 2048px. As a result of this change, Gmail inboxes are no longer limited to 25 GB - any additional storage can be shared and used by Gmail.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Google Apps administrators can now access the Admin console by visiting and logging in. If you are already logged in, this new URL will automatically take you to the Admin console. The old URL ( will continue to work for now.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Chat in Docs and Slides has a new look similar to what you’re used to in Gmail. You can now start a group chat with just one click. Simply select the new chat button at the top right and a chat box will appear, making it easy for you to quickly message everyone who is in the file. Additionally, if collaborators or viewers have an active Google+ profile, you will see their profile picture on top instead of just their name. This feature will be available in Sheets soon.

Note: Disabling chat in the Admin panel will disable it in Docs.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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We launched a new look for Google Groups in May last year. This design offers a new and improved user interface in addition to some popular features like:

- Collaborative inbox
- Rich text formatting of messages in the Groups interface
- Ability to move posts to a different discussion, mark it as a duplicate or assign it to someone
- Customizable roles and permissions for people

We will retire the old interface soon after June 10th. After this day, people will automatically be transitioned over to the new UI and will not have the option to go back to the old one.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, Gmail’s migration tool for messages and contacts is being removed. This tool was primarily used by new Gmail account holders who wished to import mail and contacts from another email provider into their Gmail accounts. We are exploring new long-term solutions, but in the meantime users can still import mail and contacts to their Gmail accounts. Messages can be imported using Mail Fetcher and Contacts can be imported from CSV files.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Dates and times within emails are now lightly underlined. You can click them to schedule events at those dates and times without ever leaving Gmail. When you click on one of these underlined dates, you will be able to preview your schedule for the day and change the title, date or time of the event. You can then add the event to your calendar by clicking on “Add to calendar”. In addition, the calendar event will include a link back to the original email so you always have context.

Note: This is only available to people who have their preferred language set to English.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Chat in Docs and Slides has a new look similar to what you’re used to in Gmail. You can now start a group chat with just one click. Simply select the new chat button at the top right and a chat box will appear, making it easy for you to quickly message everyone who is in the file. Additionally, if collaborators or viewers have an active Google+ profile, you will see their profile picture on top instead of just their name. This feature will be available in Sheets soon.

Note: Disabling chat in the Admin panel will disable it in Docs.

Release track:
Scheduled release

Release date:
May 7, 2013

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Back in March we announced that Google Cloud Connect will be shut down on April 30th. After today, users will no longer be able to use this product and should install Google Drive on their computer. Google Drive for Windows/Mac achieves the same desktop editing and works across Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

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