We recently completed the cross-platform rollout of a feature allowing Google Apps customers to share links to Hangouts video calls so that external meeting guests may request to join if not explicitly invited. 

Previously, video calls shared with the link required someone in the Apps domain of the Hangout video call to accept those requesting access on the web. With today’s launch, we’ve enabled this accept or reject functionality in the latest version of the Hangouts iOS app.

To accept or reject a request to join a video call on your mobile device, tap the ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ button in the pop-up screen that appears when a guest is requesting to join.
This functionality is coming soon to the Hangouts Android app.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center
Get the latest Hangouts app in the App Store

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In Google Sheets on the web, if a person wants to make a spreadsheet available for a large audience to see, they can publish the file as a web page. Once that file is published, the person receives a URL that can be sent to whomever they choose or embedded into a website. Today’s launch allows people to publish spreadsheets in five additional formats—as comma-separated values (.csv), tab-separated values (.tsv), a PDF document (.pdf), a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet (.xlsx), or an OpenDocument spreadsheet (.ods). The URL generated, when opened in a browser, will automatically download the spreadsheet in the chosen format (spreadsheets in these additional formats cannot be embedded).
More Publishing Formats.png
Try out this new feature in Google Sheets on the web today.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

More information:

Help Center

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Last year, Google worked with the FIDO Alliance standards organization to launch the Security Key — an actual physical key used to simplify 2-Step Verification with Google Accounts. The key adds a layer of protection as it sends an encrypted signature rather than a code, ensuring that login information cannot be phished.

Recently, we announced that we’ve been working on new controls for Google Apps admins to easily deploy, monitor and manage Security Keys for their domains via the Admin console, with no additional software to install. Today, we’re excited to announce that these controls are ready and available in the Admin console for Google Apps Unlimited and Google Apps for Education customers. We also have worked on a new special offer for Google Apps customers that allows them to purchase Security Keys at a 50% discounted rate from Yubico, Security Key manufacturer.

Once Security Keys have been activated by individuals within a domain, Google Apps admins will now be able to do the following with today’s release:
  • See where and when people last used their keys with usage tracking and reports (Admin console > Reports > Audit > Admin)
  • Easily revoke access to lost Security Keys and provide backup codes so people can still sign-in and get work done (Admin console > Users > Open details for person in question > Security Keys)

We are using Security Keys at Google because it makes our lives easier and increases security. With these new controls, Google Apps admins can offer the same benefits to people in their domain.  

Check out the links below for more information.

Note: the new admin controls are available for Google Apps Unlimited and Google Apps for Education customers only. Customers using other Google Apps editions can use Security Keys, but people in their domain must revoke their own keys using My Account.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

More information:
Special purchase offer for Google Apps customers
Help Center: Setting up 2-Step Verification
Help Center: Using Security Key for 2-Step Verification
Help Center: Reports
Help Center: Security settings and access control

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To help analyze and monitor the use of Google Drive content in their organizations, Drive for Work and Google Apps for Education admins are able to access audit logs in the ‘Audit’ section of the Admin console Reports area and via the Reports API. The current Drive audit logs include events such as create, view, and delete, among others. With today’s launch, we’re adding download event support to the Drive audit logs.

Download events will cover file downloads for Google and non-Google file formats. Admins will be able to filter on download events and combine that with other filtering criteria like document name, user name and timestamp. Admins will also be able to set download alerts on certain files based on filenames, owners, etc.

Check out the Help Center for more information and notes on download event support. We’ll be adding additional sources such as Sync Client downloads and exports of documents through the Google Docs editors in the future. 

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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A new version of the Google Drive app for Android is coming to Google Play over the next week. New features include:

  • Ability to download multiple files in the background at the same time
  • Ability to use the "Send File" feature on more than one file at a time


  • New and improved sharing UI when adding people to a file and reviewing who has access


  • View file thumbnails in the details pane for folders
  • Ability to report abuse cases in Settings

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

For more information:
Help Center
Download the latest Google Drive app on Google Play

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As previously announced, Google Apps for Work admins can easily migrate their employees’ emails to Google Apps using the cloud-based data migration service available in the Admin console—no additional tools are needed. Today we’re launching that same capability for contacts. Admins can migrate their employees’ contacts from Microsoft Exchange (2007 and above) and Microsoft Office 365 to Google Apps directly from the Admin console, without needing to install and configure any client tools. 
With straightforward set-up flows and the auto-discovery of mail server connections, our data migration service greatly simplifies the contacts migration process for Apps admins. Check out the Help Center for more information on getting started.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

More information:
Help Center

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In January, we added Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides to the first screen of the App Launcher. Based on your feedback, we will be adding an extra row of apps to that first screen. This fourth row of icons will launch to Google Apps customers on July 6th. The exact combination of apps featured will vary depending on product availability in a person’s country. 

In the coming weeks, we’ll also make it possible for Google Apps customers to customize the App Launcher by moving icons between rows and screens. This will allow for easier access to frequently used apps. Stay tuned for more details.

Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release domains on July 6th

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Google Apps allows for the use of inbound mail gateway servers which admins can leverage to process their inbound mail in different ways―such as archiving it or filtering out spam―before passing it onto the Google Apps mail server for delivery.

Today’s launch adds more flexibility for Apps admins when using inbound mail gateway servers:
  • Multiple upstream server systems - to accommodate more complex network architectures, customers can now have multiple server systems upstream from Gmail.

  • Message tagging - an upstream system can now tag messages as spam in the header, which Gmail will honor, allowing for full delegation of spam filtering to a third party solution if desired.

Check out the Help Center for more information on these new features.

Note: previously configured inbound gateway settings will be retained after this launch.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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In March we announced the Google Calendar app for iPhone, and today we’re adding lots of improvements based on your feedback―with more on the horizon:
  • See more events at a glance with 7-day week view
  • Add Google Drive files to events (for domains with Drive enabled)
    • Drive will check if all event invitees have access to the files and if not, ask you if you'd like to add them

  • Directly email guests or open a map from an event notification
  • Option to show week numbers in Settings

You’ll also notice that access to all available views (Schedule, Day, 3 Day, Week) has been moved from the overflow menu into the navigation drawer. 

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center
Get the Google Calendar app for iPhone in the App Store

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Event attachments allow people using Google Calendar to attach meeting notes, presentations, or any other relevant files from Google Drive to events and make them available for all event attendees. 
Previously a Calendar Labs feature, event attachments are now fully launching in Google Calendar web by default with today’s rollout. The ‘Add attachment’ link will appear in all Google Calendar events moving forward, except for those domains whose admins have disabled Google Drive.

Drive will also start checking if all event invitees have access to attached files―and if not, ask if you'd like to grant them access―saving the hassle of sharing each attached document with every attendee.

In addition, developers can now add Drive files to Google Calendar events created through the Calendar API.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Help Center

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Previously a popular feature in Gmail Labs, and recently added to Inbox by Gmail, today we’re adding 'Undo Send' as a formal setting in Gmail on the web. 

'Undo Send' allows people using Gmail to cancel a sent mail if they have second thoughts immediately after sending. The feature is turned off by default for those not currently using the Labs version, and can be enabled from the General tab in Gmail settings.
People currently using the Labs version of 'Undo Send' will have the setting turned on by default at launch.

Release track:
Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in two weeks

For more information:
Help Center

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Converting a file to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides allows a person to edit, collaborate on, and share the file online. When converting Microsoft® Office files, the following common image types remain readable: JPEG, PNG, EMF, and WMF. Starting today, larger images, images in less common formats (like TIFF), and images with non-RGB color profiles (like CMYK), can also be imported to and exported from the Google Docs editors on the web successfully. Check out the Help Center for more information on converting files in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

More information:
Help Center

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As previously communicated, and per the release calendar, the new Google Drive UI will be fully launching to Apps customers on the Rapid release track next week. The ability to revert to the old Drive UI will be removed with this launch.

The full launch to Scheduled release customers will follow on July 7.

Please note that the new Drive UI does not work with older unsupported browsers prior to and including Chrome 23, Firefox 23, IE9 and Safari 6, so it’s important to upgrade to a supported browser to ensure continued access to Drive. 

Release track:
Rapid release launch coming on June 23, with Scheduled release to follow on July 7

For more information:
Help Center

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Google Apps Password Sync 1.4 is now available. The release fixed an issue where, after failing to retrieve the email address attribute for an account from Active Directory, GAPS silently crashes.

Note: This issue has only been observed on Windows Server 2003, but we recommend upgrading regardless of your Windows Server version.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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We’re making it easier for your employees to work on the go—and without Internet access—in Google Sheets on the web. With this launch, people can now insert images into Sheets even when they’re not online, provided they’re working in Chrome and have turned on offline access. Those images will be synced once the person gets back online. Try it out in Google Sheets today.

Release track:
Scheduled release and Rapid release

More information:
Access your files offline

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

When working with spreadsheets, it’s important to take raw figures and turn them into a story. Today’s update to Google Sheets on the web allows people to do just that, offering even more ways to visualize and analyze data.

Customized charts, made easier
Charts can make even the largest data sets digestible, so we’ve made a few improvements to help people highlight what’s most important. With this launch, people can now:
  • Use data labels to display the exact values of bars and points in charts.
  • Choose different shapes and symbols for data points in both line and scatter charts.
  • Move and resize charts more easily.
Data, displayed right
Today’s launch also includes new tools for analyzing spreadsheet data. For example, people can:
  • Preview the results of a formula, including any formula errors, instantly as they type.
  • Filter rows and columns by conditions, including “less than,” “greater than,” “text contains,” “date after,” and more.
  • Add calculated fields to pivot tables in order to apply formulas to pivot table data.
  • Use the GETPIVOTDATA function to retrieve data from a pivot table.
Collaborate, confidently
Collaborating in Sheets can greatly improve the end product, but it’s important to avoid making accidental edits. Currently, people can restrict who can edit an entire worksheet or range of cells using the protected sheets and ranges feature. To reduce the number of unintended changes (e.g. typos) made by people who do have permission to edit, today’s launch includes the ability to warn individuals who attempt to edit certain cells. This will facilitate increased collaboration, as owners won’t need to set complicated permissions in order to allow others to work on the document.
Try these updated Google Sheets features on the web today, and start telling better stories with data.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release:
  • Calculated fields in pivot tables
  • GETPIVOTDATA functionality
  • Protected cell warnings
Live on Rapid release, with Scheduled release to follow on June 29th:
  • Data labels in charts
  • Custom data point shapes in charts
  • Moving and resizing charts
  • Formula previews
  • Filter by condition

More information:
Create and edit charts in Sheets
Functions and formulas in Sheets
Work with data in Sheets
Filter your data in Sheets
Overview of pivot table reports
Protect a range or sheet from being edited

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For a richer experience when presenting screen-shared content, today we’re launching full-view screen sharing for Google Hangouts. 

Moving forward, when people using Hangouts present to meeting participants in ‘Present to everyone’ mode─or another participant pins someone who is screen-sharing─Hangouts participants will see two changes to the user interface:

  • The screen shared content will use as much visible area of the screen as possible. The thumbnail photos of meeting attendees will overlay the content at the bottom of the screen by default.
  • A new button will be added to the control bar at the top to allow participants to hide the thumbnail photos of meeting attendees as desired.

Check out the Help Center for more information.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center

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Today’s update to the Google Slides app makes it even easier to share presentations on big screens. With just your phone or tablet and the Google Slides app, you can present easily to any screen with Chromecast or AirPlay. 


When you’re presenting on the big screen, you can use your smaller screen to advance slides, view speaker notes and stay on track with a timer. This way you can focus more on telling your story and engaging your audience, instead of on logistics.

Check out the Help Center for more information.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center
Launch Video
Get the latest Slides apps on
Google Play and the App Store

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We’re always working to make the Gmail app experience safer, including when people use non-Gmail email addresses. As part of that effort, today we’re launching Oauth support for all Yahoo and Microsoft accounts in the Gmail app for Android. By authenticating these non-Gmail accounts directly with Yahoo and Microsoft, the Gmail app for Android will allow individuals with Yahoo and Microsoft accounts to take advantage of security features like two-step verification and account recovery. Check it out now—download the latest version of the Gmail app for Android on Google Play.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

More information:
Get the latest Gmail app for Android on Google Play.

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This week, we’re introducing iOS Account Wipe (i.e. Selective Wipe), which allows Google Apps admins to safely delete an employee’s corporate account and data from their iPhone or iPad without impacting that employee’s personal space (e.g. their personal photos). The existing Remote Wipe functionality, which allows admins to wipe an employee’s entire device, will remain unchanged.

In addition, as part of an ongoing effort to make Android even more valuable to our customers, this week we are launching enhanced functionality for Android Mobile Application Management (MAM), a core capability that we introduced with our initial support of Android for Work. These new features can help admins get their employees up and running on Android for Work faster (with auto-install into an employee’s Work Profile) and stay productive (by preventing employees from uninstalling certain apps)—while at the same time keeping data protected (with widget control).
The Google Apps Device Policy app for Android is concurrently updated to display additional information about the device when the employee is using a Work Profile (e.g. the unknown sources status, developer options status, and domain names of other accounts added to the Work Profile).

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

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Many modern companies have employees, customers, and business partners across the globe, working in a multitude of languages. Many of those languages, including Hindi and Mandarin, are written in non-Latin scripts. Previously, when a document was created in Google Docs and included non-Latin text, it could not be exported to Microsoft Word properly—the non-Latin content would show up illegible. With today’s launch, documents written in the following non-Latin scripts will remain readable when exported from Google Docs on desktop to Microsoft Word:
  • Armenian
  • Bengali
  • Devanagari
  • Ethiopic
  • Gujarati
  • Gurmukhi
  • Kannada
  • Khmer
  • Malayalam
  • Oriya
  • Sinhala
  • Syriac
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Thaana
  • Tibetan
The 16 scripts above serve as the writing systems for more than 25 languages, so working with your international counterparts will now be easier and more efficient. 
Font Deduction.png
In addition to these new scripts, we will now support several new unicode blocks, including Arrows, Bopomofo, various Hangul jamos and other CJK symbols and radicals, mathematical operators, and more.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

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A new version of the Google Drive app for iOS is now available in the App Store. New features include:

  • New material design

  • Faster syncing with Google Drive web
  • Improvements to image viewing and scrolling (people no longer need to tap “Load more”)
  • Swipe gesture to go back

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center
Download the latest Google Drive app in the App Store

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Check out the latest "What's New in Google Apps" newsletter [pdf] for a roundup of all Apps launches from May 2015.

Newsletter Archive & Translated Versions (coming soon for May issue)

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We recognize that people today are constantly connected, making control over their digital privacy and security even more important. We want to help them better use tools and settings to safeguard their data, protect their privacy, and decide what information is used to make Google services work better for them. With this in mind, we recently launched a single hub where people can manage their Google account data. My Account, which replaces the previous Google Account settings page, features sections dedicated to managing one’s sign-in and security settings, personal info and privacy settings, and account preferences. Below are just some of the things a person can do with My Account:
  • Take the Privacy Checkup and Security Checkup, two simple, step-by-step guides for reviewing and editing one’s personal privacy and security settings.
  • Manage the information that can be used from Search, Maps, YouTube, and other products to enhance one’s experience on Google.
  • Control which apps and sites are connected to one’s account.

In addition, starting on June 15th, Google for Work account owners will receive an email when we’re unable to determine if they’ve previously used a particular browser or device with their account. This could happen when someone signs in to a Google for Work account for the first time on a new computer, phone, or browser, when someone uses their browser’s incognito or private browsing mode or clears their cookies, or when someone besides that account owner accesses their account. Individuals will also be able to view a list of recently used devices and recent new sign-ins on their Sign-in & security page and, if something looks suspicious, take action quickly. Check out My Account at myaccount.google.com.

Along with My Account, we’ve rolled out a new site at privacy.google.com, where we answer common questions about privacy and security on Google (e.g. “What data does Google collect?” and “What does Google do with the data it collects?”). We also explain how encryption and spam filtering help keep individuals’ data safe and how personal information helps customize an individual’s experience on Google. Explore the new site at privacy.google.com.

Release track:
New My Account pages and Privacy and Security Checkups available now for both Rapid release and Scheduled release; Sign-in Alerts coming June 15th for both Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

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