What’s changing

Now, when you have an Out of office (OOO) entry on your calendar, a notice of that OOO status will appear in Gmail and Hangouts Chat when people try to contact you.

In Gmail, we’ll show a banner about the recipient being out of office and when they’ll be back in the email compose window.

In Hangouts Chat, you’ll also see a small notification in the chat compose window alerting you that the person you’re trying to message is out of office.

Who’s impacted

End users

Why you’d use it

With this launch, before people even hit “send,” your time out of office is visible in more places across G Suite, meaning you get more uninterrupted time away. As a sender, you’ll also have more confidence that you’re messaging people at an appropriate time.

How to get started

  • Admins: No action required. 
  • End users: No action required. These notices will automatically start showing up when anyone whose calendar you have access to has an out of office event scheduled.

Additional details

If you’d like to disable sharing of availability information to other G Suite apps, you can do so in Calendar under Calendar settings > Access permissions. Just deselect “Show calendar info in other Google apps, limited by access permissions.”

Helpful links


Rollout details
Notification in Gmail and setting in Calendar

Notification in Hangouts Chat

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default and can be disabled in your Calendar settings.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

In the coming weeks, we’ll move all Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms add-ons and Google Drive apps from the Chrome Web Store to the G Suite Marketplace. See our Cloud Blog for more details on this change. If an add-on’s developer hasn’t taken action to migrate their listing, new users won’t be able to install it. We’re calling these add-ons “unmigrated add-ons.”

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users

Why it matters

Existing users of unmigrated add-ons will continue to be able to use them. However, if they uninstall Editors add-ons or Drive apps, they won’t be able to reinstall them. Moreover, if an existing user creates a template with one of these add-ons, any users who don’t already have the add-on installed won’t be able to use the add-on within the template.

How to get started

  • Admins and end users: No action is required. To check whether an add-on has been migrated, search for it in the G Suite Marketplace
  • Developers: Drive apps and Editor Add-ons must have a G Suite Marketplace listing prior to September 9, 2019. For more information on how to migrate your add-ons, see here for Drive developers and here for Editors developers.

Helpful links


Rollout details

  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on August 28, 2019
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on August 28, 2019

G Suite editions

  • All G Suite editions

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Update (September 12, 2019): The looping and auto advance time features have resumed rollout for Rapid domains. For Scheduled domains, a full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) will begin on September 30, 2019.


Update (August 28, 2019): We have encountered an unexpected issue with the looping and auto advance time features. We’ve paused rollout for those specific features and will advise on updated rollout details for Rapid and Scheduled domains as soon as they’re available.

Quick launch summary 

We’re adding two new features in Slides Present mode to help you better control and customize your presentations:

Keyboard shortcuts to switch to a blank screen 
Using new keyboard shortcuts, you’ll now be able to change to an all white or black screen while presenting. This can be helpful when you want to pause a presentation to answer a question or further a discussion without any material on screen.

While presenting, press “B” to turn your screen black or “W” to turn your screen white. You can resume presenting by using any other keyboard or mouse action. To see more keyboard shortcuts for Google Slides, see this article in our Help Center.

Looping and auto advance time options for presentations 
New options allow you to set auto advance time in present mode and presentation looping. You can access these options by clicking Settings (gear icon) in the presentation navigation bar. Your settings will be applied once you hit play and begin your presentation.

With these settings, you can easily set your presentation to loop, which is useful when presenting at a conference or for displaying information on a kiosk. To learn more about presenting in Slides, see our Help Center.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 
  • These features will be ON by default. 

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We’re making some updates to the alert center for G Suite. The new features will make it easier to find, collaborate, and take action on potential issues within your domain. Specifically you can now:

  • Assign alerts to other team members or yourself 
  • Manage and track alert workflow status 
  • Prioritize alert triage and investigations by severity 
  • See related alerts for the same user 
  • Add new search attributes 
  • See alert change history 
  • Find and manage alerts more easily 

Some of the updates were previously available in beta and are now generally available. Read more about these changes below.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

The alert center already provides a single place to see notifications about potential issues within your domain and take action to resolve the issues. We hope these enhancements will make it easier to use the alert center, make it easier to find important and actionable alerts, and improve collaboration between admins and related teams.

How to get started 

Additional details 

  • Set status, assignee, and severity of alerts: Add key information to help your team take ownership of, assess, and collaborate as you work through security investigations. 
  • Use a more powerful search: Find alerts more easily by searching for alerts that contain a specific email address when researching an incident. 
  • See related alerts: The alert detail view will show other alerts related to the same actor or user to help discover possible related security incidents. 
  • See alert change history: See the history of metadata or content updates to that alert. This includes when status, assignee, or severities have changed. 
  • Find and manage alerts more easily: Bookmark specific alert URLs, bulk delete alerts, and sort alerts by factors such as last updated time. 

Search, filter, and sort to find alerts more easily 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We recently updated the Vault API to reflect the renaming of “Team Drives” to “shared drives.” You can see more details on the name change here.

The new fields in the API are detailed below. Currently, both the old and updated fields are available. However, we will stop supporting the old fields in the API on June 1, 2020. You will need to migrate any app(s) that use the affected fields before June 1, 2020, to make sure they continue to work.

The specific changes to the API are:

Who’s impacted 

Admins and developers only

Why you’d use it 

Google Vault is the eDiscovery and compliance solution for G Suite, allowing customers to retain, hold, search, and export their data. The API means you can programmatically manage your organization's eDiscovery operations. If you’ve developed apps that use the API, you may need to make minor updates to make sure they keep working as intended.

How to get started 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
  • New “shared drives” fields are available today.
  • We will stop supporting the old “Team Drives” related API fields on June 1, 2020.

G Suite editions
  • Google Vault is available to G Suite Business, Enterprise, Education, and Enterprise for Education editions, as well as other G Suite customers with the Vault add-on license.

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Quick launch summary

We recently introduced the Professional Collaboration Engineer certification, which assesses an individual’s ability to deploy, configure, support, manage, and monitor G Suite administrative operations, and demonstrates their ability to increase operational efficiency by implementing solutions across the platform. Visit the Cloud blog to learn more.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What's Changing

We’re making it easier to assess and manage threats and improve your organization’s security posture using the G Suite security center. With these changes, superadmins or delegated admins with appropriate permissions can:

  • View Gmail content directly in the investigation tool when email content is needed to understand the potential security risk to a user or the domain during an investigation. 
  • Choose whether to include deleted Gmail content in search results and restore emails that have been recently deleted by users when required as part of the security investigation. 
  • Use “Group-by” to group search results around specific attributes when querying logs in the investigation tool.  
  • Save and share investigations with other security admins. 
  • See new charts and use new data sources related to user login logs. 

Note that to see Gmail content, admins must have superadmin status or have the “View detailed content” permission. Additionally, those admins will be required to add justification for accessing email content, which is then stored with the log recording their access. See more details below.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

The G Suite security center already helps you protect your organization with security analytics and best practice recommendations from Google. It provides a unified security dashboard, a tool to investigate and remediate threats, and more. These new features will make it easier to assess and manage threats in the tool directly, and help you collaborate with colleagues to improve your security posture.

How to get started 

Additional details 

Investigate, remediate, search and restore Gmail Content within the investigation tool. 
Malicious emails can be a critical source of data for an admin investigating attempted attacks within their domain or identifying other potential security risks. Now, superadmins or admins with “View detailed content” permission who enter justification for the access request can choose to view the content of email messages that match their risk criteria directly in the investigation tool. They can also choose whether to include deleted emails as part of the investigation. Use our Help Center to learn more about Gmail message content in the investigation tool.

This makes it easier to understand the full context of risks associated with emails and can make it quicker to identify, triage, and take action on security and privacy issues in your domain.

See Gmail content directly in the investigation tool 

“Group-by” option around specific search attributes when querying logs in the investigation tool 
When customizing a search in the investigation tool, you can group items by a particular search attribute to quickly understand the breadth of an issue. For example, when conducting a search based on device log events, you can group the search criteria based on the device model. Use our Help Center to find out how to add a group-by option when customizing a search.

Save and share investigations in the investigation tool
We want to make sure admins are able to work together to assess their organization’s exposure to security issues. Admins can now save their investigations in the security investigation tool and share them with other admins to improve collaboration. Use our Help Center to learn how to save, share, and change ownership of investigations.

User logs in the security center 
There are new charts in the Security Dashboards and new data sources in the investigation tool related to user login logs and the state of users in the organization. Use our Help Center to see more about how to search and investigate user log events.

Helpful links 

Help Center: About the security center 
Help Center: About the security investigation tool 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

  • Available to G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Cloud Identity Premium
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits

On/off by default? 
These features will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Quick launch summary

You can now fill out structured PDF forms within the Google Drive app on Android and iOS devices. You’ll be able to complete text fields, select options from a dropdown menu, and select checkboxes or radio buttons. After filling out the form, you can save your edits as a new revision of the document, or save a copy.

This feature makes it quicker and easier to complete business invoices, event registrations, tax forms and other types of simple forms. This eliminates the need to print, fill-in by hand, and re-upload the document, saving you time.

To begin filling out a form, tap the pencil button in the PDF preview or tap the form field directly. When you’re done, save edits or save a copy of the form.

Note that this feature is not available on XFA forms, and does not support e-signature.


Rollout details

  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on August 22, 2019
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on August 22, 2019

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?

  • This feature will be ON by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing

Earlier this year, we announced that we will be transitioning classic Hangouts users in G Suite domains to Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet. At that time, we provided a timeline of changes and said that in October 2019 we would start retiring classic Hangouts for G Suite customers.

Since then, we’ve heard feedback from many of you that you’d like more time to migrate your organizations from classic Hangouts to Hangouts Chat.

As a result, we’re officially postponing the final transition date (i.e. phase 4 in this timeline) to no sooner than June 2020.

In the interim, we’ll continue to improve the transition experience of classic Hangouts group conversations, as well as add new Chat features like Read receipts. We’ll also provide advance notice once we have a more definitive date, so please monitor the G Suite Updates blog for updates. We’ll also have a detailed breakdown of the transition timeline in the Help Center.

Migrate sooner with the Accelerated Transition Program
Admins who prefer to fully migrate to Chat sooner can still request an invitation to the Accelerated Transition Program, which disables classic Hangouts and migrates all users to Hangouts Chat, while providing early access to new Chat features.

This program is great for domains that:

  • Want to simplify communications and get all users on the same chat experience
  • Are new G Suite customers or haven’t used classic Hangouts before

Migration by organizational unit is not available at this time, and classic Hangouts group conversations will need to be recreated in Chat. Please review the Deployment Guide and Known Limitations to determine if this migration experience is right for you.

For admins who have already signed up for early access through the Accelerated Transition Program, we are adding domains to this program on a rolling basis.

How to get started

Helpful links


  • G Suite editions All G Suite editions can apply.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s changing 

We’re adding auto-provisioning support for five new applications:
  • Adobe 
  • Comeet
  • Foodee
  • Spoke

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

When auto-provisioning is enabled for a supported third-party application, any users created, modified, or deleted in G Suite are automatically added, edited, or deleted in the third-party application as well. This feature is highly popular with admins, as it removes the overhead of managing users across multiple third-party SaaS applications.

How to get started 

  • Admins: For more information on how to set up auto-provisioning, check out the Help Center.
  • End users: No action needed.

Helpful links 

Help Center: Automated user provisioning 
Help Center: Using SAML to set up federated SSO 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • G Suite Education, Business, and Enterprise customers can enable auto-provisioning for all supported applications 
  • G Suite Basic, Government, and Nonprofit customers can enable auto-provisioning for up to three applications 

On/off by default? 
This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU level.

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Quick launch summary 

It’s now easier for users of assistive technologies, like screen readers and Braille displays, to keep track of real-time updates made by collaborators in a document. With live edits, you can view a periodically updated summary of collaborator changes in a convenient sidebar. In Google Docs we believe that collaboration works best when it works for everyone.

New edits made by collaborators appear in the live edits sidebar.

To see live edits, open the Accessibility settings by going to Tools > Accessibility settings and check “Turn on screen reader support.” Then, select “Show live edits” from the Accessibility menu. To learn more, see this article in our Help Center.

Helpful links


Rollout details

G Suite editions
  • Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
  • This feature will be available by default and can be enabled in the settings of Google Docs.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

Update (October 1, 2019) - We've updated this post to reflect some changes in the rollout to Scheduled Release domains. This rollout will now begin on October 14, 2019 and will be a gradual rollout. Thank you for your patience. 

    Update (August 23, 2019) - We've updated this article to clarify that the grammar suggestion feature is only available to G Suite users, not personal Gmail accounts. The as-you-type autocorrection feature is available to all users, including G Suite and personal Gmail accounts. 

      What’s changing

      We're introducing new spelling and grammar correction capabilities for Gmail to help you compose emails quickly with confidence.

      As you type your message, Gmail will use artificial intelligence to make smarter spell-check suggestions while also detecting potential grammar issues. For some common spelling mistakes, we've also added as-you-type autocorrection for improved accuracy. Read more here about how grammar suggestions work.
      Autocorrection of common spelling errors

      Detecting spelling and grammar mistakes as you type

      Who’s impacted

      End users

      Why you’d use it

      If you're working against deadlines to write a lot of emails daily, correct spelling and grammar probably isn’t top of mind. These capabilities can also help you write and edit with more confidence if you’re a non-native speaker. With our AI-first approach, you can communicate smarter and faster, without sweating the small stuff.

      How to get started

      • Admins: No action required.
      • End users: No action required. All suggestions and corrections take place automatically as you type. If you’d like to disable this feature, follow the steps in this Help Center article.

      Additional details

      You’ll now see inline spelling and contextual grammar suggestions in your draft emails as you type. If you’ve made a grammar mistake, a squiggly blue line will appear under the phrase as you write it. You can choose to accept the suggestion by clicking it.

      When an auto-correction takes place, we’ll temporarily underline the corrected change so you can easily identify and undo the correction if you’d like. For now, autocorrect is currently only available in English.

      Helpful links


      Rollout details

      G Suite editions
      • As-you-type autocorrection is available to all G Suite users and personal Gmail accounts
      • Grammar suggestion is only available to G Suite users, not personal Gmail accounts

      On/off by default?

      • This feature will be ON by default and can be disabled by the end user in Gmail settings.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      Update (October 16, 2019): This beta is now closed and will no longer be accepting new applicants.

      What’s changing 

      We’re launching a new beta that allows you to create shortcuts in Drive, making it easy to reference and organize files and folders outside of a given shared drive.

      We’ll begin accepting domains into this program in the coming weeks.

      Who’s impacted 

      Admins and end users

      Why you’d use it 

      Shortcuts are pointers to files that are stored in another folder or in another drive—like a shared drive or another user’s drive—that make it easy to surface content without creating copies of files.

      For example, if Paul in marketing shares a document from his team’s shared drive with the entire sales team, Greta in sales can create a shortcut to that document in her own team’s shared drive. Previously, because documents can’t be owned by two shared drives, Greta would need to create a copy of the document for her team’s shared drive, which could then quickly become out of date. 

      Additionally, the existing “Add to My Drive” option will be replaced with “Add shortcut to Drive”. Note that files currently living in two locations in My Drive will continue to do so at this time (e.g. those that you’ve added to your My Drive previously).

      How to get started 

      • Admins: We’ll begin accepting domains into the program in the coming weeks. 
      • End users: Once this feature is enabled for your domain, to create a shortcut: 
        • In Docs, Sheets, and Slides files, you’ll see a new “Add shortcut to Drive” button next to the “Star” button at the top. 
        • From there, you can select where in your Drive you want the shortcut to appear. From Google Drive, you can right click on a file and select “Add shortcut to Drive” or drag and drop an item into a folder in My Drive. 

      Additional details 

      You can create a shortcut for the following content types:
      • Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets files 
      • JPGs, PDFs, and Microsoft Office files 
      • Folders 

      Shortcuts are visible to everyone who has access to the folder or drive containing the shortcut. Note that creating a shortcut does not mean sharing access to a file or folder.


      G Suite editions 
      • Available to all G Suite editions

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing 

      G Suite admins can now view and edit their users’ recovery information, such as backup email addresses and linked phone numbers. We also use this information to verify login requests and increase account security. By making sure your users have accurate and up-to-date information you can help make their accounts more secure.

      Who’s impacted 

      Admins only.

      Why you’d use it 

      This feature was developed based on customer feedback. Security and recovery information is important for many account verification processes, such as login challenge. To learn more about how adding recovery information can significantly increase the security of your account, see this blog post.

      Giving admins the ability to view and edit this information will mean they ensure more accounts have up-to-date recovery information, and increase the accuracy of the recovery information attached to G Suite accounts. This will help:

      • Make it easier for users to access their account if locked out. 
      • Increase challenges and identification of suspicious login attempts to help to keep malicious actors out. 
      • Enable admins to provide direct support to users who are locked out of their account. 

      You can still add employee ID as a login challenge for extra security as well.

      How to get started 

      • Admins: There are three ways admins can currently manage recovery information: 
        • Individual user accounts: Go to Admin Console > Users > Individual User > Security > Recovery information > Edit. You’ll be able to edit individual user recovery information directly. 
        • Bulk user upload tool (CSV): Use the bulk upload tool at Admin Console > Users to update in bulk. See the edit accounts with a spreadsheet section of this Help Center article for details. 
        • API: Use the Admin SDK Directory API
      • End users: No action needed, but can add recovery information by going to myaccount.google.com

      Helpful links 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 
      Available to all G Suite editions.

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be ON by default.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing

      We’re announcing Google Assignments, which will be initially available in beta. Assignments is a relaunch of Course Kit and includes new features that improve assignment and grading workflows for instructors, like originality reports and rubrics. Overall, it delivers an improved, expanded, and more user-end focused experience.

      End users can now use Assignments as a standalone companion that does not require an admin to turn on. Or, it can be used as an LTI tool within an LMS, which requires admin action. See more details below.

      Who’s impacted

      Admins and end users

      Why you’d use it

      Assignments lets you quickly and securely create, analyze, and grade coursework, while empowering students to learn more effectively using the collaborative tools of G Suite for Education.

      If you currently use Classroom, you already have access to the features and capabilities of Assignments, including our new originality reports. For all other users, Assignments gives you access to these features as a complement to your school’s LMS.

      How to get started

      There are two ways to access Assignments: as a standalone companion to your LMS, with minimal set up required; or, as an LTI tool integrated with your LMS.
      • Admins:
        • G Suite for Education admins can express interest in the Assignments Beta here.
        • Assignments is available as an LTI tool which can be used within your LMS.
        • Assignments is an improved and expanded version of Course Kit, so if you’re already in the Course Kit Beta, you’ll automatically have access to Assignments.
      • End users:
        • End users can express interest in the Assignments Beta here, no additional setup is required. 
        • You can start using Assignments from your Google app menu or at assignments.google.com. Visit our Help Center for detailed instructions on getting started with Assignments. 

      Additional details

      Assignments is built to Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards, making it compatible with any LMS that supports LTI version 1.1 or higher. This allows for instructors to share links to student work directly from Assignments through their LMS and export grades to Google Sheets or as a CSV file for input into their LMS.

      Helpful links


      G Suite editions
      • Available to G Suite for Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education
      • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Business, and G Suite for Nonprofits
      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing

      We're opening a beta for originality reports. The feature scans a student's work for matches across billions of web pages and books, which can make it easier for instructors to evaluate the academic integrity of work and provide constructive feedback to the student. Originality reports can be used within Google Classroom and Google Assignments.

      Note that Google Assignments is an improved and expanded version of Course Kit. If you’re already part of the Course Kit beta, you’ll automatically have access to Assignments.

      Who’s impacted

      Admins and end users

      Why you’d use it

      We've heard from instructors that they frequently use Google Search to check if student work is authentic and that they spend a lot of time giving feedback about missed citations and improper paraphrasing. This  feature makes that process more efficient and effective by integrating the power of Search into our feedback and grading tools.

      Additionally, this feature gives students real-time feedback about issues before they turn in a document, giving them the opportunity to improve their work and learn from their mistakes before final submissions.

      How to get started

      • Admins: Admins can express interest in the originality reports beta for Classroom here. All Assignments beta users will automatically have originality reports. To express interest for the Assignments beta, see here.
      • End users: Once enabled in your domain, end users can turn originality reports on per assignment by checking the originality reports checkbox within the assignment creation process.

      Additional details

      Once the feature is generally available, instructors will be able to access originality reports at no charge for up to three assignments in each course they teach. Schools that would like unlimited access can upgrade their instructors to G Suite Enterprise for Education.  During the beta, all instructors can use originality reports as much as they would like, at no additional charge.

      Regardless of what G Suite for Education edition their instructor is using, students will only be able to create reports up to three times per assignment when enabled by their instructor. This applies to the beta and when the feature becomes generally available.

      If your domain has turned on the Assignments LTI tool, you can also use originality reports within Google Assignments in your LMS. Note that when new coursework is set up within Assignments, you’ll need to click the checkbox to add originality reports to the assignment.

      While this feature is in beta, originality reports will only work for Google Docs and will only be available in English.

      Helpful links


      G Suite editions
      • Available to G Suite for Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education
      • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, and G Suite for Nonprofits

      On/off by default?
      • Once accepted into the beta, originality reports are available to all Classroom users and can be turned on at the assignment level. 
      • This feature is available to Assignments beta users automatically and turned on at the assignment level.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      We’ve just updated the “What’s new in G Suite?” Help Center article to include recent launches. The article has a list of all the G Suite launches from the past six months. You can filter by product or search by keyword to find and learn about any launch.

      Feedback? Let us know.

      Quick launch summary

      The Google Fonts team has teamed up with Thomas Jockin to create a series of fonts that are aimed at improving reading speed. To learn more about the research behind this initiative, see here for more details.

      These fonts take into account typographical factors, such as size and spacing, that the font developers hope will improve reading speed. This can be particularly helpful for educators who want to leverage new tools that can improve reading among their students, especially those who are sensitive to visual crowding.

      We now offer eight different Lexend font families that have varied widths and spacing, so users can choose the font style that’s best for their reading speed.

      To access these fonts in Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides:
      • From the Font menu in the toolbar, select “More fonts”.
      • Then, search for Lexend and select the fonts to add them to your saved fonts. These will now appear in the “My fonts” list and in the Font menu in the toolbar. 

      Rollout details
      • These fonts are already available to both Rapid and Scheduled domains.

      G Suite editions
      • Available to all G Suite editions

      On/off by default?
      • These fonts will be available by default.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing 

      We’re making some updates to Jamboard to make it easier to jam on all your devices. Specifically you may notice:

      • An improved editing experience on Jamboard devices, including a redesigned toolbar and framebar, a new quick-access menu, and new gestures to select objects. 
      • Simpler ways to open jams from your computer or on Jamboard devices. 

      See below for more details, or see our Help Center for the full list of changes. You can also use this guide to learn how to use Jamboard, including the new features outlined in this post.

      Who’s impacted 

      End users

      Why you’d use it 

      These updates will make it easier for all users to visualize their ideas and collaborate through jams. This should help unlock your team’s creative potential by bringing more ideas together on a range of platforms, and making it easier to continue jamming in later meetings, brainstorms, and working sessions.

      How to get started 

      Additional details 

      Use this guide to get more details and learn how to use the toolbar, framebar, and other new features outlined in this post.

      An improved editing experience on Jamboard devices 

      • An updated toolbar on Jamboard devices features new and rearranged options, which make it easier to find and use popular editing controls including undo/redo, text colors, and more. 
      • The framebar has been redesigned. Tap the frame icon at the top of the Jamboard, and an expanded view of the frames in your jam will make it easy to move between frames. 
      • You can quick-select an object by tapping it with two fingers, rather than long-pressing as you would have before. This was changed in response to strong user feedback that it was too easy to accidentally lift objects while writing on them. 
      • A new overflow menu will make it easier to find more editing functions when you have an object selected. 

      Updated toolbar and framebar on Jamboard devices 

      Simpler ways to open jams from your computer or on Jamboard devices 

      • You can now use your computer to easily open a jam on a Jamboard using the Jamboard name. Simply open the jam on your computer, click “Open on a Jamboard,” then search by Jamboard name. To make this easier, we added the name of the Jamboard to the screensaver on Jamboard devices so it’s quick to open jams when you’re in sight of a Jamboard. See below for more details on how this works. 
      • You can no longer share a Jam by creating a share-code from your computer. Instead, you can share a jam using the standard G Suite Share button, and you can open Jams on Jamboard using the search by Jamboard name feature described above. 
      • We’ve updated the ‘open a jam’ instructions in the main menu on Jamboard devices. The new instructions make it easier to use the search, nearby, and code options to open a jam. See our Help Center for more information on how to open an existing jam on Jamboard.

      Helpful links 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 
      Available to all G Suite editions

      On/off by default? 
      This feature will be ON by default.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing

      Last year, we introduced a new version of Classroom that provides additional features, including a Classwork page to help teachers better organize assignments. Newly created classes automatically include this Classwork page, with the option for instructors to revert classes back to the version of Classroom without Classwork.

      The previous version of Classroom (without the Classwork page) is deprecated and will be discontinued on September 4, 2019. This means that new classes will be created using the version of Classroom that includes the Classwork page—instructors will no longer have the option to revert to the version without Classwork. In addition, all classes still using the previous version will be automatically converted to the version of Classroom that includes the Classwork page on September 4.

      Why it’s important

      Any class materials that exist in the Class Settings page will not be carried over, however instructors can create the same experience in the new Classroom by adding the same materials to the Classwork page. Note that you’ll still be able to access these materials, excluding links to YouTube content, via Google Drive.

       How to get started

      • Admins: Instructors will be notified of this change via in-product notifications starting in August, but we recommend you also prepare them for the update.
      • End users: Instructors should add any materials that previously existed on the Class Settings page in the original version of Classroom to the Classwork page in the new version of Classroom.  

      Additional details

      For more information and resources on Google Classroom for your instructors, check out our Help Center and Teacher Center. Your instructors can also view this video on how to create resources in the Classwork page using topics.

      Helpful links

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      Quick launch summary 

      Earlier this year we launched a new Priority page in Drive, which makes accessing and organizing your most important files easier. This feature is now available for all G Suite editions.

      On the Priority page, you’ll see your most relevant documents and are able to take action in line, like replying to a comment or reviewing recent edits, without opening the doc. In Workspaces, you’ll see related content grouped together for easy access, or you can create your own personalized workspaces. To learn more about the Priority page in Drive, see here

      Priority page in Google Drive. 


      Rollout details 

      G Suite editions 

      • Available to all G Suite Editions

      On/off by default? 

      • This feature will be ON by default. 

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from July 2019.

      Archive and translated versions (coming soon for July issue)

      Also, thank you to all of you who filled out the survey last month to give us feedback on this newsletter. We'll use the results to improve the newsletter in future editions.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches

      What’s changing

      We’re adding three new tools to help you generate more compelling reports and better display data in Google Sheets:

      • Slicers
      • Scorecard Charts
      • Themes

      Earlier this year we announced several new features for objects in Sheets. Together, these new features make for a more impactful reporting experience in Sheets.

      Using Slicers, Scorecard Charts, and Themes together to enhance reporting.

      Who’s impacted

      End users

      Why you’d use them

      You can use these tools to filter, display key data, and customize the look and feel of your spreadsheets, making it easier and faster to generate more engaging and informative reports.

      How to get started

      • Admins: No action required.
      • End users: See below for how to use each new tool in Sheets.

      Additional details

      Slicers are a new way of filtering for reports or dashboards by condition and by values. To learn more about using Slicers in Sheets, see our Help Center.

      Scorecard charts:
      Scorecard charts is a new way to call out key metrics, such as KPIs or a key stat, within your sheet. You’ll have the option to show your stat in comparison to another number, for instance illustrating percentage increase or decrease over time. See our Help Center for more information on how to insert a Scorecard chart in Sheets.

      You can now quickly alter the look and feel of an entire spreadsheet—including charts, pivot tables, and cells—to ensure a consistent look and feel for your spreadsheets. To apply a preset theme, select Format > Theme and choose an option, or to create a custom theme, select Customize in the top right.

      Helpful links


      Rollout details

      G Suite editions

      • Available to all G Suite editions.

      On/off by default?

      • These features will be ON by default.

      Stay up to date with G Suite launches