The following new features are now available in Google Calendar for these domains:

Optional attendees: When adding invitees to an event, you now have the ability to communicate the importance of a meeting for each attendee.

Domains whose admins have enabled the ‘enable pre-release features’ checkbox in the Control Panel
The following new features are now available in Google Calendar for these domains:

Optional attendees: When adding invitees to an event, you now have the ability to communicate the importance of a meeting for each attendee.

New event page for some domains: The recently released new event page is now also available to domains that have enabled our Google Calendar Connectors API which shows data from other services. This page was previously unavailable to these domains.

Domains with ‘enable pre-release features’ checkbox disabled
For these domains, the following features are intended for release on December 7:

- Optional attendees.
- New event page for domains that have enabled our Google Calendar Connectors API.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Calendar

How to access what's new:
Optional attendees: When editing an event with invitees, click on the “Make some attendees optional link” above the guest list and then toggle the role of each attendee by clicking the icon next to his or her name.

For more information:

Join us for a 'What's new in Google Apps' webinar.
When: 2:00 pm (PST) Wednesday December 1.
Register here

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Domains using the shared contacts functionality can have up to 50,000 entries, up from 25,000. Shared contacts are part of the organization’s global address list (GAL), and these contacts auto-complete across Google Apps.

Domains using the shared contacts functionality can have up to 50,000 entries, up from 25,000. Shared contacts are part of the organization’s global address list (GAL), and these contacts auto-complete across Google Apps.

We also made updates to the Shared Contacts API to make uploading much more quicker.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

How to access what's new:
- Information on the Shared Contacts API

For more information:

Ideas for Tasks! If you're using Tasks, you've probably thought about something you'd like us to improve or an additional feature you wish you had. We really want to hear your ideas - whether they're for Tasks in Gmail, in Google Calendar, or on your phone.

For the next few weeks, we're running a poll for Tasks feature requests. Admin feedback is very important to us, so if you have a few minutes, please visit this product ideas page and vote to help us improve Tasks functionality for you and your users.

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All Google Apps customers now have the ability to access over 60 new applications.

Existing customers can transition at their own pace over the next couple months to the new infrastructure supporting these applications from the administrative control panel. New customers will automatically have the new infrastructure. The additional services are not covered by the Google Apps SLA or telephone support, but we’ll be watching for feedback how we can make these new applications even more useful.

All Google Apps customers now have the ability to access over 60 new applications.

Existing customers can transition at their own pace over the next couple months to the new infrastructure supporting these applications from the administrative control panel. New customers will automatically have the new infrastructure. The additional services are not covered by the Google Apps SLA or telephone support, but we’ll be watching for feedback how we can make these new applications even more useful.

In tandem with this big improvement, we’re also simplifying the names of the versions of Google Apps. Here’s how we now refer to our line-up:
- Google Apps is our free service geared towards families, entrepreneurs and other groups up to 50 users.
- Google Apps for Business offers 25GB of email storage per user, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, data migration capabilities, advanced management tools, telephone support, added security features and more, all for $50 per user per year.
- Google Apps for Government is FISMA certified and designed with local, state and federal agencies in mind.
- Google Apps for Education offers many benefits of Google Apps for Business, but at no cost to schools, universities and qualifying non-profits.

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Apps

How to access what's new:
- Administrators can log into the administrator Control Panel and on the ‘Google Apps is changing’ section, click ‘Get Started’ to begin the transition to the new infrastructure.
- Once the transition is complete, in the ‘Organization & users’ tab, click ‘Services’ to view and control which applications are available to users at the domain.

For more information:
Help Center: New infrastructure for Google Apps accounts

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The following new features are now available in Google Docs:

Mobile editing: Log in to your Google Docs on a browser on a supported device, and select the document you want to edit. Then, when you’re viewing it, press the ‘Edit’ button to switch to the mobile editor. If you use an Android device with voice input, you can also use this to add text to your document.

The following new features are now available in Google Docs:

Mobile editing: Log in to your Google Docs on a browser on a supported device, and select the document you want to edit. Then, when you’re viewing it, press the ‘Edit’ button to switch to the mobile editor. If you use an Android device with voice input, you can also use this to add text to your document.

Text replacements: We have added the ability to substitute text automatically and being able to manage the replacements.

LaTeX shortcuts in equations: LaTeX is a document markup language that’s often used by academics to quickly type out complex formulas. In Google Docs, when you’re inside an equation you can type '\sqrt' followed by a space or a parenthesis to automatically convert the text into a square root sign √. Other examples of useful shortcuts are '\frac' for a fraction and shorthands like '\epsilon' for Greek symbols. Full list of equation shortcuts here.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
Mobile editing: US English
Others: All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
Mobile editing: Over the next few days, we’re rolling this out to English-language users around the world on Android with Froyo (version 2.2) and on iOS devices (version 3.0+) including the iPad. We’ll be adding support for other languages soon.

Text replacements: You can right click on a misspelled word, go down to the ‘AutoCorrect’ option, and choose a way of automatically fixing this spelling mistake in the future.

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Today we launched 8 new apps from 3rd party developers, available in the Google Apps Marketplace. Many of these apps are free or have free trials and include project management, data backup, resource management, and communication tools. You can add these integrated applications to your Google Apps subscription with just a few clicks.

Today we launched 8 new apps from 3rd party developers, available in the Google Apps Marketplace. Many of these apps are free or have free trials and include project management, data backup, resource management, and communication tools. You can add these integrated applications to your Google Apps subscription with just a few clicks.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
US English

How to access what's new:
- Go to
- Choose an app from the productivity, accounting and finance, or CRM categories, among others.
- Click the blue ‘Add it now’ button to add the app for your users.

For more information:

If you’ve #gonegoogle, and tried the #appsmarketplace, let others know what you recommend - via Twitter, Google Buzz or submit your suggestions for additional apps to us.

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Five new themes have now been been added to Gmail:
Basic Black
Basic White
Tree Tops

Five new themes have now been been added to Gmail:
Basic Black
Basic White
Tree Tops

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
All languages supported by Gmail

How to access what's new:
In Gmail settings, select the ‘Themes’ tab to view and select the new themes.

Note: Themes are only available in Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+ or Safari 3.0+, and Google Chrome. You won't see a 'Themes' tab in your Settings if you're not using the newer version of Gmail on the browsers listed above. Please note that Themes are not available if you're using Internet Explorer 6.0

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New service activity graphs have been added to the Administrator control panel. The activity graphs display information about the number of active users in your organization as measured by login activity. We display trend lines showing user activity for the prior 1-, 7- and 30-day periods for Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Sites.

New service activity graphs have been added to the Administrator control panel. The activity graphs display information about the number of active users in your organization as measured by login activity. We display trend lines showing user activity for the prior 1-, 7- and 30-day periods for Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Sites.

Editions included:
Premier, Education Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
US English

How to access what's new:
In the administrator control panel, select ‘Advanced tools’, and in the Reporting section, select ‘View Usage and Reports’.

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The simplified sharing experience in Google Docs has now been extended to Google Sites. As with Google Docs, Google Sites can now be set to various visibility options such as: private, anyone at your domain with the link, anyone at your domain can find and access, anyone with the link (no sign-in required) or public on the web.

The simplified sharing experience in Google Docs has now been extended to Google Sites. As with Google Docs, Google Sites can now be set to various visibility options such as: private, anyone at your domain with the link, anyone at your domain can find and access, anyone with the link (no sign-in required) or public on the web.

The domain administrator can set the level of sharing for the domain, so not all sharing options may be allowed. The new visibility option is always available at the top of each site.

With this update, the new “Anyone with the link” setting makes your site available to anyone that knows the unique URL, but blocks search engines from indexing the site. And for those times that someone sends you a link to a site but you don’t have access, you can now request access to that site from the access denied page.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Sites

How to access what's new:
When editing a site, select ‘More actions’ and then ‘Share site’ to see the new interface. You can also bring up the sharing dialog by clicking on the sharing visibility icon at the top of the site.

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Using “Upload any file”, users already have the ability to upload, store, and share any file up to 1 GB in size. Now you can upload new versions of the same file to your document list. Previously, each time you updated a file, you would have to upload the new version as a new file with a new URL, re-share it, and put in the correct folders again.

Using “Upload any file”, users already have the ability to upload, store, and share any file up to 1 GB in size. Now you can upload new versions of the same file to your document list. Previously, each time you updated a file, you would have to upload the new version as a new file with a new URL, re-share it, and put in the correct folders again.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
Select the “Add or manage versions” option on any file, you can then upload new versions of a file, download previous versions, and delete older versions.

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Release 1.6.20 of Google Apps Directory Sync includes new fields for user profiles and shared contacts, plus separate display names for groups.

Additional Profile and Shared Contacts Attributes:
- New fields are available when synchronizing user profiles and shared contacts. Specify these new attributes in the directory sync utility in Release 1.6.20 using the Configuration Manager, in the LDAP User Profiles Attributes and LDAP Shared Contacts Attributes screen.

Release 1.6.20 of Google Apps Directory Sync includes new fields for user profiles and shared contacts, plus separate display names for groups.

Additional Profile and Shared Contacts Attributes:
- New fields are available when synchronizing user profiles and shared contacts. Specify these new attributes in the directory sync utility in Release 1.6.20 using the Configuration Manager, in the LDAP User Profiles Attributes and LDAP Shared Contacts Attributes screen.

New attributes include:
- Assistant’s DN: An LDAP attribute containing the LDAP Distinguished Name of the user’s or contact’s assistant.
- Manager’s DN: An LDAP attribute containing the LDAP Distinguished Name of the user’s or contact’s direct manager.
- Assistant’s Phone Number: An LDAP attribute containing the phone number of the user’s or contact’s assistant.
- Work Address: A set of LDAP attributes containing structured elements of the user’s or contact’s primary work address. All these attributes are combined to form the primary work address.
- Notes: An LDAP attribute containing the notes associated with the User or Contact.

Additional Group Attribute:
- Groups Display Name Attribute
When setting up group synchronization rules, you can now specify an LDAP attribute that contains the display name of the group, which can be distinct from the group email address.
Specify a group display name in the directory sync utility in Release 1.6.20 using the Configuration Manager, in the Group Search Rules edit screen.

Editions included:
Premier, Education, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
US English

How to access what's new:
Download Page

For more information:
Release Notes

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A new version of the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes tool is now available for download, with the following new functionality:
- Use of OAuth for mail/calendar and personal contacts migration. User passwords are no longer required.

A new version of the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes tool is now available for download, with the following new functionality:
- Use of OAuth for mail/calendar and personal contacts migration. User passwords are no longer required.
- User provisioning can be run separately from migrations. The new version allows users to be provisioned in bulk prior to migration.
- Users provisioned by the tool are now forced to change that password when they first log in to Google Apps.
- Enhanced logging mechanism. All migration events for individual users are now stored on the user's Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes profile.
- Migration exceptions for users are now directly accessible from an embedded view on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes user profile.
- Some interface changes have been made to views to enhance navigation.
- Domino Directory group migration now supports Group owners.

Editions included:
Premier, Education Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
US English

How to access what's new:

For more information:
Admin Guide (PDF)

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